Fighter's History Dynamite thread

Ray…knockdown in corner, jab dynamite,short wheel kick…

If done right, they have to block FORWARD on wake up. Works with Samchay kinda also.

yeah, using a Dynamite to cross over to the other side after corner knockdown with Ray is pretty dirty. I usually cross up and then do two crouching LK’s, standing HP, HP Dynamite… of course it’s only going to work the first time until they realize you can cross them up…

Just found out that the wheel kick shit works anywhere as long as you have the timing down. They get hit with his butt cheek in the back of the head as the standing animation finishes.

There’s a gay joke somewhere here but I’m too lazy to point it out.

I still can’t do the super tackle for the life of me though.

okay I tried that out and wow, that’s a very neat trick, good find. To block it they need to block in the direction of the corner - i.e. if they’re stuck in the corner on the right side, they have to hold right after Ray crosses them up. Only problem with this is that if they don’t know about the Dynamite crossup, they will probably be holding back towards the corner anyway, and block the crossup Wheel Kick. This makes for a very nasty mixup game in general though once they know about the Dynamite crossup though!

As for the Electric Dynamite Tackle, I still have problems with it but I think I have figured out why the motion is so picky. First of all, the charge time is twice as long as most other charge moves (i.e. any of Jean or Matlok’s charge-based moves). Secondly, you only have roughly 10 frames to finish the motion for any charge move - meaning you have 10 frames to let go of Back or Down-Back, and then tap Forward twice plus Punch. This isn’t an issue with moves where you only have to tap a direction once, but having to press it twice means you can’t dilly-dally with it.

Good lord…Dynamite Tackles goes THROUGH the opponent WHILE FULLY STANDING at full screen in the corner…

yeah…its pretty basic ray stuff u can also toss in a weak tackle wiff and throw right outside stand heavy punch range. lee has a weird crossup neutral heavy kick in the corner also but i forget how to set it up clown has some crossup vertical ball setups also…

Just do a light uppercut kick that lands ON the opponent to cross up with Lee on wake up.

hmm its something to do with getting them to land on their feet while u jump and neutral D il try and recreate it over the next couple of weeks

ok i just got this game

and im going to play ryoko, no matter how shitty she is

we’ll see how that goes

I know you wanna play Karnov.

lmao I have no idea what you’re talking about here O_o

Lee’s qcf+K after knockdown on a cornered opponent is really good though. Light version crosses up and puts you in the corner, Hard version doesn’t. So you can create a little bit of a guessing game as to whether or not you’ll cross them up. Of course, if you’re standing too close to them you’ll still lose to wakeup throw on reversal, but still…

well, the bad news is I’m having second thoughts about Feilin being the worst character in the game. Yes she doesn’t really do any big damage ever, but some of her normals are decent and she has more options than Ryoko - she has a projectile (including an air one), a “flash punch”, and a modified version of the flash punch which lets her move under projectiles. So Feilin isn’t hopeless, but obviously she needs to work her ass off to win.

This leaves Ryoko as the worst character. The good news is a lot of her matches aren’t unwinnable either - as long as she can get in, fire wheel throw does huge damage. But most of the time it’s hard as hell to get in, and some characters she loses to hella badly, especially Ray and Zazie (I’d put those matches at 8-2, at least).

One trick I like is that if you hit them air-to-air with a jumping light attack, Ryoko can walk under their body while they’re falling and set up an ambiguous guessing game. Once their body lands on the ground, do crouching LK into fire wheel throw. If they block the wrong way you get huge damage, if they guess right you’re still safe since throws don’t have whiff animations.

Agreed. She’s got close range grabs and does a lot of damage, but she has pretty much nil in the way of getting in close. Her roll is her only sort of “get in closer” move and it doesn’t go under projectiles.

EDIT: Actually, it can go under some projectiles, like Jean’s, but it’s really iffy in general.

the roll is a good anti air i still think shes not last fei lin is terrible

shit if i care what she is

i wanna play her


Seriously. Even though she does more damage, Feilin has so many more offensive options to work with. Feilin has ways to get around fb spam. Ryoko just loses so bad to chars with good fb’s. Her matches amount to landing crossups or trying to standing trip people. If you’ve played Feilin and Ryoko as much as BBH and I have, you would definately see why Ryoko makes a strong case for last place. Sure, she does damage, but what use is damage when you can never get close enough to land it?

Marstorious is what ryoko should have been: Strong mixup options, with a deadly ground game that punishes even top tier characters for making the smallest of mistakes.

i disagree. i could say what s the point of dealing with fireballs if u do no damage and over half ur moves are unsafe?

I don’t understand what you’re saying about fireballs… if you’re using Ryoko and the opponent is just throwing fireballs all day, what are you going to do to get around it?

Keep in mind that the only move of Ryoko’s that does any serious damage is the fire wheel throw. If she’s out of range for that (i.e. after any combo that does more than 1 hit), she gets the sliding toss which does next to nothing. Ryoko’s damage output is only good when she’s close.

Half of Feilin’s moves are unsafe? Her light charge uppercut recovers faster than most character’s reversal moves… the sliding one is unsafe in comparison, but that’s one you only want to do in combos. Her fireball is a fireball, air fireball is a weird angle but it certainly has its uses. Her weird dive kick thing I don’t know, I never use that move since the window to do it is strange.

Another advantage Feilin has is that she’s much better at dizzying opponents compared to Ryoko. The sliding uppercut is guaranteed to land at least one hit on a character’s weak point, depending on the character (and if they’re crouching or not) she can potentially dizzy them with one combo. Damage output might be low for Feilin, but remember that after they’re dizzy any attacks to the weak point do 1.5x damage… meanwhile, Ryoko’s throws do nothing to a person’s weak point and are immune to the 1.5x bonus after dizzy.

They’re both garbage characters where you need to know exactly what you’re doing to have any shot at winning, but really the more I think about it the more I believe that Feilin has a better shot at winning a lot of matchups compared to Ryoko… well ok Ryoko probably doesn’t get destroyed by Karnov as badly since she can air throw him out of Balloon.

what im saying is whats the point of having fei lin who “can deal” with fireballs as portland said, when she can capitalize on getting in? ryoko has a hard time with fireball chars but when she is in she does very easy solid damage, what does she need a 1.5 multi on when her command throws lead to half life damage or a knockdown?
if u look at what u yourself have said about fei lin whats a safe move she has? weak upper? a couple of normals? shes on the slow end of fireball startup and recovery her air fireball is unsafe unless done at the lowest point possible and hits .
regardless this is really pretty pointless talking about whos dead last when we can be discussing chars that actually matter in the game…

By “Dealing” with fireballs I meant she had invincibility and could go through fb’s, therefore advancing on her opponent. Dealing with Fb’s in this matter is very much a way of “getting in”.

I think we already iterated how hard it is for ryoko to get in… and pretty much nobody said that Fei’s air fireball is safe. You should also keep in mind that Fei’s Low D is a good footsie, and it recovers fairly fast and has great range. Ryoko has nothing of the sort.

WHEN she gets in. And how does Ryoko get in on any character with a decent fireball/uppercut? They can pretty much turtle all day against her, their normals have more reach and can be buffered into fireball, and once Ryoko’s in the air she’s toast. Pretty much the only way Ryoko can get in is to correctly guess jump a fireball from close range (if she’s too far back you can only combo the sliding throw), somehow manage a knockdown with her df+HP, or get close enough for the sliding throw in some way without the opponent poking her back.

Also the only time the fire wheel does close to 50% is when it’s comboed off standing HP. Done after a light attack or by itself it’s more like 33%. Still good damage, but it’s all she’s got. There are only a few realistic situations in which you could land a HP into fire wheel - if they miss a really laggy DP of some sort, crossup shenanigans (hitting them air-to-air with a light jumping attack and then walking underneath them when they fall), or of course a dizzy.

Her fireball is pretty bad but it’s still a projectile, something Ryoko lacks. It gives her something to buffer into from normal moves. Saying it’s not safe… well, it’s a fireball. You can say that a lot of special moves aren’t safe when done randomly, really.

There isn’t much else discussion going on in this thread at the moment… I’m just trying to say that I was wrong in writing off Feilin as a completely hopeless character. She’s still garbage, but not unwinnable.