As I’m sure pretty much everyone is aware of by now, Fighter’s History Dynamite is playable on damdai’s 2DFighter Client. If you ever wanted to pick this game up, now is the time! I welcome any and all competition. Holla at me on #srksnk on EFNet if I’m not on 2DF (I tend to be on in the evenings/late night), if anyone’s new to the game and wants to learn, I’d probably be willing to teach :tup:
Here are a few tidbits I have to share regarding this game’s combo system:
After a character has been dizzied, attacks to a character’s weak spot do 50% more damage than an attack to a character who doesn’t have that region of their body as their weak spot. What this means, is that if you do land a dizzy on a character, you’ll probably want to do a combo involving some moves that hit whatever region that character’s weak spot is in for that extra damage. This also means that I don’t think most characters have one universal combo against everyone that will always do the most damage. It will take some experimentation to figure out which combos do the most on which characters. I’m thinking of compiling a list for some characters, but there’s something else in the game engine that’s screws this up a little…
…and that’s that when you’re being hit by attacks, you can actually alternate whether your character is standing or crouching while you’re being comboed. For example, say someone starts hitting you with repeated crouching LK’s when you were blocking high, after the first hit connects you can hold Down or Down-Back and your character will move from a standing to a crouching state. You obviously won’t be able to block the rest of the combo if their timing is correct, it just lets you switch to standing or crouching if you weren’t in that state already. Going to crouching is obviously advantageous for ducking a few normal moves that hit high (like Samchay neutral standing HP), but there aren’t too many of these. Going into a crouching state may NOT be advantageous depending on the character though, since crouching will of course change the position of the hitbox on your weak spot! I think this could potentially hurt the characters with weak spots on/near the head (Mizoguchi, Ryoko, Zazie, Clown, Matlok, Karnov), as the vast majority of special moves in combos usually end up hitting the middle of the body. So if you know you’re going to eat big damage, it may be beneficial to leave yourself in a standing position to lessen the damage you’ll take. But then again, leaving yourself standing instead of holding down-back after the first hit could screw you over if your opponent doesn’t manage to correctly link any other crouching attacks they were going to do after the first hit… wow, mad layers of yomi right there :looney:
The other thing I’ve learned about the combo engine is that there is verrrry slight damage scaling going on. I’ve started to finally figure out how this damage scaling works.
As an example, here’s how adding a crouching LK or two to a Lee combo can vary the damage. This was tested against a standing Ray with his weak point already taken out (but as I said, attacks to the weak point still do 1.5x the damage after they’re already dizzied). As I’m using memory watchpoints in MAME to calculate damage, a full lifebar is 255 points (but I’ll approximate the damage).
c. HP, qcf + HP, f,f+ LP - 102 points (40%)
c. LK, c, HP, qcf + HP, f,f + LP - 100 points (39.2%)
c. LK, c. LK, c. HP, qcf + HP, f,f + LP - 104 points (40.8%)
c. LK, c. LK, c. LK, c. HP, qcf + HP, f,f+LP - 108 points (42.4%)
Let’s break this down individually. Here’s how much damage each move does on its own, outside of a combo:
c. LK - 6 points
c. HP - 30 points
qcf + HP - 48 points (normally 32, hits Ray for 1.5x)
f,f + A followup - 24 points (normally 16, hits Ray for 1.5x)
Looking at the first combo, it adds up correctly: 30 + 48 + 24 = 102. But then in the 2nd combo, adding one crouching LK actually results in a combo that adds up a total of 2 FEWER points, even though you’re doing one extra attack! How can this be?
Well, from what I can tell, any normal attacks that are chained or linked (i.e. after a jump attack) after the first hit will do approximately 75% damage, although if the number doesn’t divide evenly, it rounds down. So, going back to the 2nd combo, the c. HP is chained after the c. LK, and 75% of 30 is 22.5. The game rounds this down to 22 points. The damage on the special moves isn’t affected, so the first two attacks do 28 points, which is less than you would have gotten had you started the combo with c. HP on its own.
The third and fourth combos do more damage because more c. LK’s are added in to offset the reduced damage on the c. HP. 75% of the 6 points of the c. LK is 4.5, rounded down to 4. So the first c. LK hits for 6 damage, subsequent c. LK’s hits for 4.
This might not mean that much since these combos don’t do drastically much more in the way of damage (from 39.2% to 42.4%), but now you know a little more about how the damage works. Here’s another for Lee (corner only):
f, b, db, df+LP+HP (fireball blast), c. HP, qcf + HP, f,f+LP - 178 points (70% damage!!)
The fireball blast special move does 108 points on its own if all hits connect. So why does the rest of the combo only do 70 points afterwards, when it should actually be 94 (22 for the c. HP, 48 for the qcf + HP, 24 for the f,f+A followup)? Well… as it turns out, in this particular combo, the qcf+HP actually does half damage! Yes, even though special moves aren’t supposed to be reduced in damage when they’re buffered in, it’s reduced here, and by 50% instead of the 75% rule that exists for normal moves! I’m not completely sure on this one, but it seems like if a second special move is performed in a combo, damage will be halved. I haven’t completely tested this thoroughly, as I can’t think of many characters that can START a combo with a special move, and then link another special move after. The other question is why the f,f+A elbow followup does full damage after the qcf+HP was reduced in damage, and I don’t have a fucking clue on that one 
Well, I hope at least one person found all that interesting! This game isn’t very well-documented so I thought it would be nice to share some of my findings here.