Fighter's History Dynamite thread

Okay, this seems about right:

God Tier: Ray, Karnov, Zazie
Top Tier: Lee, Marstorious,
Mid Tier: Jean, Samchay, Clown, Mizoguchi,
Low Tier: Matlok, Yungmie, Ryoko
lol garbage: Feilin

I feel like Mizoguchi, Clown and Matlok are all up for debate: Clown is fast but can’t deal HUGE damage, Mizoguchi deals big damage but is a tossup unless you get a dizzy, and Matlok seems to have C and the overhead mixups.

my AIM is the same as my username (Lord BBH), I wanna play more peeps in this. I play pretty much everyone except Feilin!

anyway seeing how everyone has a different tier list I may as well post mine. It’s pretty similar to my colleague zeppy_gorilla’s, but I’ll try to explain it:

S: Ray, Karnov, Zazie
A: Lee, Jean, Marstorius
B: Samchay, Mizoguchi, Matlok, Clown, Yungmie
C: Ryoko
Feilin: Feilin

I still think Ray is #1 in this game because I don’t think he really has any really bad matchups. Wheel Kick is just one of the most obnoxious anti-air moves I’ve ever seen in a fighting game. Karnov… well, we all know why Karnov is good. Zazie has so many options, his “DP” has almost no recovery and he can dash into it… plus the ABCD rapid punch thing.

Lee could maybe be in the top along with those 3, just on the basis of how scrubby he is to play and how much damage he gets (along with easy dizzies). I dunno. Jean is up there because he can turtle pretty effectively (a flash kick that moves him backward? why?) and his ABCD punch combo sometimes does even more damage than Zazie’s, it’s insane if you can do it right. Marstorius is odd, if he gets one grab he can use that momentum so sometimes win the round instantly, but he has a hell of a time getting in on most fireball characters. He’s very scary to play against but the low jump is just such a huge weakness.

Here’s where things get weird - I can’t really differentiate the next 5 characters (Samchay, Mizoguchi, Matlok, Clown, Yungmie) into individual tiers because they all feel about the same to me. They can all win, but they all have weaknesses. Samchay is definitely the best of the bunch, but I don’t think he should be in the next tier. Yungmie is definitely third-worst, winning with her isn’t hopeless but she doesn’t have enough good ground combos, one more bufferable move from the ground would’ve been nice.

Ryoko gets her own tier because I don’t feel she’s anywhere near as good as those 5, but she doesn’t deserve to be grouped in with Feilin. She gets raped by the top tier, but against everyone else I don’t think it’s a total blowout for her (although she may still have some pretty bad matchups). The big difference between her and Feilin is that if Ryoko gets an opening, she can actually do about 40% damage instantly.

Feilin is in Feilin Tier because she is garbage.

Does matlok have any GOOD matchups? It seems like everything for him is uphill but winnable. His fb is good but nowhere near the best, and his overhead kick is nice, but his flash kick is garbage; its priority is ass, and it doesn’t work well in combos. I think his greatest strength would be his good normals (jump D, crouch C, crouch D, stand C to a certain extent.).

I still got nothin’ on doing Thunder Dynamite, anyone got any advice on that?

^ i know i get it most when i do it off a blocked sweep
its really weird to hit it normally for me.

i would like to hear feedback on why there is fuzzy guard in this game i hope its only the emu version that me and the people i play with have but cmon too many times can u get away with blocking high jumpin then stand blocking a low right after =/


  • Fastest FB in game.
  • Wheel kick is fast and can go through/over fbs at startup. Virtually impossible to trade or beat in air.
  • Dynomite is safe and hard to counter. (only a fb or well-timed sweep will beat it)


  • Low Atk Power

  • FB has startup and recovery time (chunli a3 fb).

  • FB can’t be comboed.

  • Anti-air has mid priority

  • Slow attacks

  • Jean

  • Natural turtle game

  • Flash kick goes backwards (making it virtually safe and difficult to counter)

  • Jumps relatively high than most chars.

  • FB has no startup and quick recovery.

  • CR. Strong Kick acts as an anti-air (chunli a3 cr.rh)

  • CR. Strong Punch acts as an anti-air.


  • Poor Ground Game
  • Needs to triangle jump to beat fb spammers (not a weakness, but if a player isn’t aware of it they can be pinned down into anti-airs from ray and jean)
  • Awkard motion anti-air. (has low priority)

Callin em as I see em.

Ray + whiffed wheel kick + Double German = dead Ray

the only character i had any real troble with was karnov and hid ballon shit and teleport glitches
i think samchay should be higher

That would put Samchay higher than marstorious, which he is not. Marstorious simply has the highest damage over time output

my samchay owns marstorious players
mr dbl german aint got shit on me
and i have only played this game a few times

actually u can down jab ray everytime he trys to do die no mite =/ just like u can down jab karnovs flying kick and samchays knee alog with other moves that move horrizontally.

if ray wiffed a wheel kick then hes probly doing a ddt to u

Yes, Samchay can give Marstorius a hard time, obviously… but it’s not completely impossible for Marstorius to get in, and then it’s trouble for Samchay if Mars gets in. This match can go either way, I think.

Why would Ray be whiffing wheel kicks? Not much point in doing wheel kick every time from a distance, if Marstorius is just landing from a jump and it looks like wheel kick would miss, Ray just has to do sweep into fireball as Marstorius lands to go back into pushing him away.

But ok, even if Ray whiffs a wheel kick and Marstorius does a Double German, this isn’t the end of the round for Ray. Ray actually has one of the best chances at getting out of crossup shenanigans after a Double German. Why? Wakeup wheel kick…

If you’re not being sarcastic, then you are disreagrded from here on out. Even if you are, Samchay does not have “option select” upon a move (such as Marst. with his Double German).
If Marstorious could jump fireballs better I’d say he’d be encroaching top 3 territory.

While true, it is just the fact that it would make people think twice. I know I learn my lesson. Wheel kick from afar hurts when you whiff. Also when I say dead Ray, he looks in a great deal of pain when it lands… then again everyone looks like that when dunked on there head.

samchay can do his knee and then jump up back and kick before mars can grab him
and i wasnt being sarcastic at all
i have only played the game a handful of times
i guess we will have to wait for the nec vids to come out to prove that samchay beats mars more than mars beats sam

I think I’m one of the only Clown players that uses him though I still mess around with Ray and Lee as well. Would love to get some games sometime with some of ya.

Good points :slight_smile:

Ummm. The only time the “tiger knee” is safe is if you do it from the absolute maximum distance (in which only 1 hit is blocked). If you do it too close, you WILL get Double German’ed. If the Marstorius’es you’re playing against aren’t punishing blocked knees with Double Germans, then either their timing is off or they’re not very good. Alternatively, Mars can just throw out jabs to stop the knee cold, just like shadowcharlie said (doesn’t have to be crouching jab, standing jab works too and actually has more range).

Abusing the tiger knee is not at all recommended in this match, it only should be used in instances where you know it’s going to hit (like hit confirming it after crouching weak kicks). No, the key to winning that matchup is to abuse his fireball, of course. Marstorius does of course have ways around it, but many times those ways can end up with him coming up short and getting pushed back again by Samchay.

Not gonna act like an authority on this matchup because I don’t have THAT much experience with this game, but I have played it more than a “handful of times” and at this point I think this match is honestly even. Would probably give the edge to Samchay since he can chuck fireballs like there’s no tomorrow. But he most definitely does not win for free.

i got dbl germaned everytime i did the knee to close
the players i was playing knew how to play mars pretty well
i just find its easy to beat mars with samchay
and i did throw lots of fireballs

noc id love to play on say the p2p client ala kawaks ? clown is dope as fuck but its like u missjudge one thing and the round ends

I’d rather do it on mame since I dont use kawaks at all anymore.