Fighter's History Dynamite thread

The only reason you are running and not wanting to type text is because you are unsure of yourself.

If you’re going to start shit on a board with all this rank crap you better be ready to talk back, and you still haven’t responded to any criticisms of you rage quitting or not accepting challenges.

Man up, you aren’t shit.

People care about rankings on 2DF? :confused: besides that I haven’t been playing much on ggpo but I’ll try hitting it up more often here soon. See you guys online.

It seems to me that most of the good comp is on GGPO at least when I’ve played.

I’ve played a couple of matches on 2df and they’d quit on one game. I don’t understand that really but it’s whatever.

But yeah it just about playing and having fun really, no beef please guys.

Because people want to play the good competition with better netcode on GGPO? That’s what I thought too!

As evidenced by the fact that you don’t even want to risk using a character OTHER than Karnov, even against people you’ve played before? You care deeply about your rank and you don’t want to see it go away. Sad.

Sorry, not gonna be at NEC, too far. But PayPal? Hahahaha. No see, here’s what would happen - I would win, and then you would complain about lag and use it as an excuse not to pay up. Even though you’re probably running uTorrent or something while you play so you have the fallback excuse of lag. All you would end up doing is waste my time, again.

Yes, such little time to play games, as evidenced by the several hundred games you played within a matter of days after 2DF added rank for it. For a “shitty game” you sure do play it a lot!

The thing is, you’re not trash. You’re pretty good, even! But at the same time you’re not as good as you think you are. It’s great that you’re owning people that don’t know how to deal with Balloon spam, but it’s already been established that you don’t like playing anyone that beats you (and yes, this does happen). You can only go so far if you never play against people better than you since they’d wreck your precious rank.

Good thing you won’t be shitting up this thread any more. (haha, I’m about to be proven wrong)

^lets hope not =]

question, i’ve never played on 2df before, but why would people play on 2df over ggpo or vice versa?

2df has a lot of games that GGPO doesn’t. Some also say SF3 works better on it, I wouldn’t know I don’t like that game.

Other than that I think GGPO has better comp and less lag, at least for me.

The way I understand it, GGPO provides slightly superior netcode but runs FBA. 2DF uses nFBA, which handles CPS3 emulation more smoothly, and is a worthwhile tradeoff for the marginally less efficient connection, thus providing the better overall experience. In my personal experience, the two are pretty comparable, and I really don’t know 3S well enough to pick one over the other. I know there are less glitches on 2DF though!

I definitely prefer the feel of GGPO for ST, but I have absolutely no complaints about it on 2DF. Both systems really are top-notch.

3S has that weird problem where black lines appear as you play on GGPO after a while. Not really sure why that happens but the connections are better overall on GGPO for me. 2DF has been getting kinda shitty with games lagging for no reason when I play local peps. When I play them on GGPO the connection is smooth so I dont know why it does lag up like it does. 2DF does have more games though overall but I prefer the connections on GGPO instead. Enough with my GGPO vs 2DF talk lets get back to FHD talk.

So, when do you people play at GGPO? When I go there it’s always as full as the Samurai Shodown 2 room :frowning:

I’ll be on GGPO in about 2 hours. I haven’t had consistent access to the internet, so I can’t just hang out in there like I used to :frowning:

In other news, when would everyone be most available for a tournament? We need to sync up as many people’s schedules as possible… I’m aiming for mid December, so let me know in here?

i play on ggpo randomly but I play. FHD is crack :smiley:

I’ll be on winter break around then so I’m down.

After playing a shitload of matches today, I firmly believe that Jean is top. And possibly the best in the game. Does he have any bad matchups at all?

As BBH pointed out, Ray, Karnov, and Zazie can all beat Jean. Ray can out-projectile him,wheel kick any attempt at a jump, and electric tackle any ground advance. Zazie can uppercut right through and pound Jean in the corner. Karnov can avoid most projectiles and anti-air attempts through judicious ballooning. So when you factor in those matches against the other upper characters (although he does well against Lee), Jean is probably back to 2nd tier.

It’s pretty tough for Karnov to get in. Balloon spam doesn’t work that well against Jean for obvious reasons (Flashkick and airthrow). I think Jean has advantage if he turtles his ass out.

As for Ray, you will never want to jump against him of course, so wheel kick is not such a big factor. Jean will spend most of the time crouching, so it’s tricky to use the wheel kick in the ground too, unless Jean is throwing a sonic boom. Ray can’t get too crazy with baked potatoes either since Jean can slide him. I think it’s an even matchup; both characters have counters for their opponent’s tools.

As for Zazie, I still have to fight a good one, but on paper yeah he seems to have advantage. But I still mantain that Jean is top.

I think Jean could be #3, MAYBE #2. I will still contend that Ray is #1 because he has no bad matchups. He MIGHT have a slight disadvantage against Lee, but I haven’t made up my mind on this match yet. Ray can keep Lee out for a bit, but if Lee gets in one combo, the round is pretty much over… but Ray’s electric tackle also dizzies Lee outright, so yeah. I still think Lee is #2 because he can outright rape a lot of characters, but he loses to Jean and Marstorius. If he’s not #2 then he’s very, very close behind.

I had an idea for how to not lose as badly as Lee vs. Jean, but I haven’t really gotten to try it yet. Probably not as effective as I think it could be, but I’ll keep it under wraps for now. :angel:

I haven’t played a single thing on GGPO ever since HD Remix was released :shake: but you know I’ll be back for this soon.

Tiers keep changing~

I definitely think Jean makes a case for top 3. At the very least he’s top 5. His damage output is similar to that of Lee’s and has a lot of annoying turtle strategies that work against anyone. You can never jump in on him either.

There’s no way Jean is better than Ray though. Ray can just throw fireballs and wheel kick. Jean could never keep up with Ray’s fb speed. If Jean jumps, wheel kick. The slide makes it a little easier for Jean, but Ray can just switch up fb speeds or trip.

I’ve found a way to consistently do the dash upper with Zazie: f, f, b + K, db, d +P. It works really well for me.

To me, the only one of those three that can clearly beat Jean is Zazie. Karnov can balloon all he wants, if he doesn’t get in, he is done… and even if he gets to close the distance, jean has the tools to push him back. Ray is about even. Zazie just fucks up Jean… Nothing Jean does is safe and Zazie stuns him FAST. Can’t really keep him away and when Zazie gets close, the deal is done.