Still doesn’t make it 6/4. especially when a whiffed wheel kick from the distance it can hit jean through a projectile = deep shit(“critical hit” and/or stun). you get faked, you’re hurt bad.
No they are right. It would be even, but Electro Tackle and Wheel Kicks ruin Jean big time in this match.
However Jean can win, but it takes more work for him than it does Ray.
Even then though I’d say Zazie is worse matchup with Ray/Mizo next. Actually I think Mizo/Jean is even now after playing the match last night big time.
Also with Zazie how do you do dash up hell fire? Is it f, hcf p~k?
Electro tackle i’ll concede, but wheel kick… i don’t know. risky. I have more problems against karnov than against mizo though(hell, karnov is my worst matchup).
To do a dash hellfire, i do it normally. ff k, qcd(quarter circle from back to down) p. Just have to be fast.
BALLOON! FIRE! We need more peps online lets go.
When do you get on GGPO? I think I saw you on Friday playing Zazie master aka 409 lolol.
I was a free a bit today and played but I’m usually on at random times. School is keeping me busy but usually play a bit as a break from school work. Just hit me if you see me afk or in the room for games.
Good set tonight Nocturnal.
I think I was way off at times but I still had fun.
By the way, after knockdowns with Clown, is card to head bounce a crossup or unblockable?
Yea ggs I had to get going cause dinner was ready and I also have to work om some school work heh. It’s a crossup trick you do kinda like Karnov’s fireball then slide glitch. I tend to time it so I’m already accross the screen so the fireball hits right when you turn around but it’s blockable. Just have to block it the right way.
come play me on 2df
… or ggpo it dont matter
Only if you don’t drop when you are about to lose like you usually do
says some random guy in argentina who i never heard of :shake:
sounds like your mad cuz im ranked 1, hating is NOT classy
u mad.
pfft, the only person who actually gives a shit about 2DF rankings is you obviously.
who’s going to be at nec???
Next time don’t quit on pablox when he beats you. Twice.
Also, lol at Karnov’s Revenge rankings.
No reason to gay up the thread guys.
Anyway I should be on again Tuesday and all so hit me up for a match or two.
im trying to go still not sure yet
You’re not doing anything for the community by hating on foreigners.
I also hear you are declining challenges from certain players… Can’t take a loss? NOT CLASSY
Come see us on GGPO. You’re all talk and anyone with half of a brain knows that those wins mean nothing. There’s a reason you never hang out in GGPO, and that reason is not lag.
lol rankings. good job beating the same shitty player 100+ times.
Hey how about that time I beat you 3-0 with Marstorius before you ragequit?
i know why yall dont play on 2df
btw im all for them doing away with the karnov rank, but i do play to win and i have the highest win % (99% to be exact)
also i dont recall playing pablox but i know hes from argentina so even if i did play him it would be unplayable so it dont matter if we did or not
i never declined a challenge from anyone in karnov
i have the largest margin of unique opponents out of everyone on 2df karnov right now
btw i got no doubt in my mind that i could beat bbh, im willing to do a money match at nec or fuck it we could just do it on paypal.
dont bother replying just pm me if your interested and dont if your not.
thats the last time i type that much text about a shitty game like karnov so dont bother replying to this and expect me to read it. im taking up what little time i have to play internet video games to write bullshit in this thread and i wont no more
peace, come lose to me on 2df, in karnov and more!