Fighter's History Dynamite thread

Can people be grabbed out of their jump startup frames with command grabs, like in ST? I was trying to set up a T.Hawk-ish option select with Mars last time I tried playing, but it seemed like the other person could jump out.

Yeah, I thought about pointing that out, but the likely hood of a new Fighters History game is so unlikely. Does SNK really want to dig up the past and be known as “That company that makes that one Street Fighter ripoff game”? As a side note, Sagat’s new move in SFIV is Samchay’s SO CAL verbatim… I guess CAPCOM still doesn’t like Data East even after they pulled Yun!

But then again why did they even put Mizoguchi in a KOF game anyways? FHD has quite a bit of a following in Japan (considering they held a major tournament for it with a DVD). They dont just release a DVD if the game dosent have a big following.

I wouldnt hold my breath for FHD remix but it is very possible that they could.

I think if they had another “Dream Match” style game with a cross-franchise cast (ala NGBC) it would be the strongest chance to have FH characters in a new game. Maybe in the next KOF… I mean XI had Kizuna Encounter characters lol (not hating on that game, I love it).

i think clown vs jean should be better, one of jean’s godly tools is flashkick and clown can jump jab him free outta that

Unfortunately I don’t think you can, they always have time to jump out ;\ Although it should be noted that in the jump startup frames you obviously can’t block any more and are still grounded, so if you wait a little bit til they come out of blockstun you could try a crouching LP or LK into Double German to nail them if they try to jump.

Jean doesn’t really need flash kick when he can just do crouching HP instead… that move is INSANE.

You know what surprised me though? Samchay being under Mizoguchi in the matchups. But when I thought about it a lot more it makes sense because Mizo does fight the top 5 better than Samchay does.

I wish there were more vids of Jean players :shake:

Removing the flashkick does not equal a better matchup.

Indeed, but that alot of things that Jean doesn’t need in that matchup. He can pretty much hold back, do a fireball and react to what Ryoko does all match long without her being able to do anything.

I’m kinda interested in the explanation as to why Jean vs Mars would be 7/3. The way I see it, it’s so loopsided it’s not funny. Marstorius get murdered by 3 moves. No need for more.

I always saw Ray vs Jean being 5/5, i don’t get why Ray would have any advantage.

IIRC Electro tackle is an insta dizzy on Jean so that could be what does it. Other than that it’s even.

Yay, Guile Li beats the hell out of at least one character.

I got to fight a good Mars tonight with Jean.

From thinking about it and playing the matchup, I think it’s probably 8-2 Jean after all.

I also think that Zazie is maybe Jean’s worst matchup, and I also think that Jean/Ray is even after tonight to me.

I also played a lot of Samchay, Clown and Lee tonight but I will pay more attention to them in the coming days about the chart.

Jean vs Mars sounds so skewed in Jean’s favor its dumb.

hop on that ggpo son, haven’t seen you on in a while!

can someone pm me or AIM me at thuggeratchi and help me get on ggpo? like appropriate files to dl, etc etc

i REALLY want to play this game again, it is too fuckin fun

So in other news Samchay and his tiger knee can go to hell and eat a dick, because even with that shit he falls to KOREEUN THUNDA THIGHHHZZZZ. As long as I believe in myself.

Just remember you can throw him on blocked Tiger Knee.

You ever get things to work? I’ll get at you if you haven’t.

I should be on GGPO playing hard body in the afternoon.

thx coos, i got it

6/4 ray’s favor

wheel kick >>> projectiles

Wheel Kick >>> *