FFA SF4 Challenge!

aye on some real shit it was fun playing everyone who came through to FFA tonight. i hope u guys learned some shit from the zangief match up.

if u kno people that play in the valley, get them to make a srk handle n start posting when they are going to FFA in this thread so that way we can get some organization in the valley sf scene. i mean no one wants to go to a dead arcade [right stebalo?? lol] so post up when u guys are going again so we can all meet up for some serious sessions.

oh and btw make sure u hit up the denjin ranbats, we still got 4 more tourneys to go so show the support for valley tournaments.

  • Joe Dubbs

p.s. i got 62 wins LOL when did they change that shit? i got up like 3 times thinking it was over. fucking tired tho…

Hahahah Daaang 62 wins!?!? Were you still playing those loud doods who play on pads? lollol

Your gief is so beast btw…But got some good needed practice…I’ll keep a heads up and post often when going to FFA or Denjin ESP since It was a ghost town last I went…Except for Ranbats of course…Thanks Boss! :tup:

Yeah Joe dubbs, this is Tunde/Doomsday, the Bison player from Family, but we were talking at the Denjin Ranbat on Saturday. I need to check the forum more often, maybe multiple times a day, things happen fast. I am still interested in seeing what I can do for the 5v5 event going on, and I’m sorry I didn’t show last night man, just didn’t check the forum on time. I’ll communicate with you guys on the forum as often as I can so we know where we stand with Denjin/Family. I don’t have your number Joe, but I have Jeremy’s, so I’m gonna call him today to see what I can still do about this thing. If there’s any way I can still be in the mix it’d be good. and I think it’d be great to get a chance to play with you guys. Let me know. Do you know exactly who Red Venom is? I may recognize him, but the name doesn’t ring a bell.

Who’s down to hit up FFA today? And if ya’ll are interested I live right by FFA and have a sick setup for some casuals, 2 tvs, 2 huge couches that seat 10-12 comfortably, plus some extra chairs. I have a 1 xbox and 2 sticks if someone wanted to bring another box we can get some legit shit goin down. This offer goes for whenever too… I’m always down to get some good SF matches going. :smile:

EDIT: I’m serious about having casuals here a lot, I’d love to have a big crew of regulars here. Its seriously a 3 min drive from FFA so proximity to everyone shouldn’t be an issue.

A few notes:

  1. Its going to be completely FREE to come and play (I know some other people charge to play at their pad’s… GAY!!)

  2. PLEASE, respect my apartment, equipment, roommates (they’re cool), and neighbors (had a couple noise complaints from parties haha)

  3. I can’t stress this enough, ABSOULTELY no assholes!!! I want this to be a friendly environment. If you think you got gay’d down to lose a match, deal with it. It happens to us all, so dont run your mouth about how shitty the other guy is, or how it was “a bad play” because of whatever move is unsafe or whatever frame data dictates. If you lost take it. On the flip-side, be a gracious winner. If you beat someone, there’s no need to rub that shit in their face, or my personal favorite… turtling out a match and talking shit, I promise you, I will physically throw you out. I don’t have any problems with turtling, no matter how annoying it can be at times, play to win, just dont talk shit. We’re all just trying to level up here and have fun.

  4. FRIENDLY shit talking is highly encouraged. Makes the game more fun IMO, but please stay within in the boundaries of #3

  5. Feel free to bring some drinks/food/snacks… For those ragers, like me, let’s crush some brews!!! haha

  6. Have some class, if someone wants says gg, or wants to shake your hand after a match, please at least aknowledge them. I’ve been having some bad experiences at the arcades lately when I say gg some douche just turns his head away… It really gets under my skin.

I hope #3 doesn’t put anyone off, I’m a really nice guy and I get along really well with 99% of people, so no worries about me going ape-shit on you if your a cool cat lol

PM me or post on this board if you wanna get some casuals going… If i’m not at AI, FFA, or school i’m probably home playing (like right now). So feel free to hit me up to play

Wow this sounds like a good idea I know I don’t know you but I’m always down for some thing like this cause I’m tryin to get some good practice for this tourney without spending too much money

Its all good dude… I love having new people come over to play, plus i’m a big dude so I dont trip really about who, cause if someone’s outta line i’ll lay the smack down haha. Who’s ur main(s) anyway?

Lol yeah sounds good I main boxer what time were you thinking about doing this?

Alright Luis, the whole thing our Alpha Abel over here is suggesting is definitely a great idea. It sounds good for everyone involved, and I think its nice of you to offer up your place for all of us at Family to come by and compete in a good spirit. By the way, this is Tunde/Doomsday, the Bison player over there. Not Chris, because I know we’re both black LOL. I know you know me. Whenver you two wanna meet up for practice, my place is also open, so we’ll talk about it. I have a 32 inch Samsung HDTV and a ps3 setup in my room. We’ll stay in touch.

Oh good shit man, I definitely know you. I’ve got the same tv here. Chris comes over to play a lot along with arman the gief player Red Army FTW lol. I’m playing right now if anyone wants to head over.

destruct1ve… where do you live?? im over here in encino and i am definitely down to get some games going. i dont have my own stick but if you can get more people to go who DO have sticks. just let me know cuz im local and always down to get a session going.

@sakabato… i just talked to red venom and we DID have someone who was dropping out but vicious is gonna take his place. my bad homie… but there is going to be a “specialists II” tourney coming up after this one. the problem was that the valley didnt have a way of showing their presence so me and red venom (viper player) were just trying to deal with what we had. our team is still strong but other teams had qualifiers which we are going to hold in a lil bit. stay posted cuz ill let you guys know when the qualifiers for the specialists 2 is going to be.


I live right by woodley and devonshire, specifically woodley and mayall, and I have 2 sticks. My own custom and a TE and i’m playing tonight lol

I’ll come by after work, I wrestle polar bears for a living btw.

I would love to wrestle you, you scrub! lol

Destruct1ve, that’s a sick idea, I’d be down for some free sessions lol. Some nights i go crazy at ffa and spend shit load of money/quarters T_T, be down to save some money lol. I’m willing to bring my 360 if you get this going.

I might head down to FFA again to train for the team tourney later tonight if I’m not too tired after work.

Okay… I dont think people get the picture… I’m playing right now at my pad, if you want to play for free TODAY you can come over lol

PM me for phone number/ directions

I’m good for tuesdays.

Then head on over, some people have told me they’re gonna come over

heading over to family right now to meet with dae and vicious. hope to see some of you motherfuckers there. dont make me play by myself…

but first a stop at destructives so i can see the competition we got in the valley

I’mma take a rain check today (pierce n’shit), but ya’ll see me sometime this week if not next. I was there yesterday playing Joey (we won’t talk about the streak).

This sounds like the shit the valley needs. I read someone mentioned something about having a valley team or something. That would be badass seeing some of the local crew making a name for FFA.

My name is Raul, I mainly play Guile…I’ve played some, if not most of you here. I know that Vicious raped the dog shit out of me. Sick ass Rufus!