Feel my Power! The Nova Video Thread

You could put Spencer on anchor duty.

Oh thatā€™s good too. In your Nova/Spencer BFF combo, whatā€™s the timing after :f::h: for Spencer Assist and launcher? Do you press them at the same time and jump cancel launcher into H Human Rocket?

Sick instructional video FlyingVe. I wish I knew how to submit your video for the front page. Its awesome! :tup:

Thereā€™s a submit a tip button on the front pageā€¦ :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve actually got some more ideas Iā€™m gonna try out tomorrow.

Looking forwards to it, thanks for the effort.

Submitted, I donā€™t know how I missed that LOL.

I am going to submit mine too. I know itā€™s low quality, but keits likes Trish and itā€™s stylish :slight_smile:

Thanks, I thinkā€¦ I never submit my own stuff. It doesnā€™t feel right somehow, like voting for yourself.

I just do it to get info out

Edit: Iā€™ll just leave this hereā€¦


Now presentin your new BnB:

hahahha had my first rage quit on me today. i went 8-1 with 2 almost perfects. loving novaā€™s mix up on incoming char.

Front page FlyingVe :wink: nice.

Iā€™m having trouble doing the old fly/unfly BnB on characters wolverine and smaller consistently. Does it work on all character sizes? Can it be a BnB if it is character specific?

Congrats on front page! Sick tech. so far guys. Havenā€™t gotten much lab time in yet, hopefully I can contribute something a little later on.

So itā€™s H pulse, javelin, cM under / ADD jL?

That gives me an idea, what with all the things being thrown on the screen. Why not H pulse, javelin, fly, call low assist (ie. Samurai Edge), unfly, j.H for an instant unblockable welcome setup.

Came up with some stuff like 2 days ago. Just uploaded it now. Anyone have any advice on whether Nova should be on point or second? Also anything else I can do after the slowdown? I know vergil canā€™t do anything except super after his otg slash. But maybe I could do something w/ his sword super instead of the other one. Guess I should test that out. And I think Nova can only do his super as well after the otg


It works on every one (not sure about Rocket), but it does get harder on midgets.

[LEFT][SIZE=4]Zade - UMVC3 Nova X-factor LV3 fun combo CAPTAIN FALCON EDITION[/LEFT][/SIZE]

Just a fun video showing a little loop he has with his Javelin in X-factor lv3. Added Captain Falcon sound effects since he was my main in SSBM :slight_smile:

My BnBs work on everyone, Iā€™ve now officially checked.

More stuff!

I got another one here for you all!


More Tech ! Resets and Guard Breaks
