Favorite/Most Hated Characters in Fighting Games

I hate Iori because he’s usually pretty dumb in whatever KOF game some on is playing, 98, 2000, XIII, etc.

Guile, Abel, Seth.

I hate playing as them, I hate fighting them, I hate their stories, Hate their designs. With the exception of Guile I hate their move lists and that’s only an exception because I absolutely LOVE Charlie, Remy, Ash and Later versions of Robert Garcia.

Characters I love: Balrog, Elena, Makoto, Bob, Bruce, King, Litchi, Azrael, K’, Kilik, Siegfried, Talim, Subzero, Jade, Ermac

Characters I hate: Seth, Ibuki, Blanka, Viola, Maxi, Cervantes, Alisa, Kazuya, Morrigan, Zero, Vergil

Characters I love: Most of the Guilty Gear cast but especially Zappa, Testament, Faust, & Robo Ky. Such interesting designs and their playstyles only make them more interesting. Oni because he’s got a lot of cool moves and a great look (though how he somehow forgot how to teleport and air fireball in making the change from Akuma I’ll never know), and the 3rd Strike cast. Samurai Shodown had a lot of really cool and interesting characters.

Hate: Honda. He’s a bullshit shenenigans character and most of the people who play him get wins based on that. If his damage output weren’t so huge, no one would bother with his Big Mac-eatin ass.

Morrigan, Zero, and Vergil huh? Dat UMVC3 salt.

He DIES against fireball characters though. Hes just a giant bulls eye to shoot at with Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Sagat. I like playing Akuma though against him because of the low health makes it more dangerous a game, but the air balls keep him extra locked down.

How can anyone hate these characters?

A lot of the hatred for some characters listed here is just due to them being popular pics and difficult to fight in some of the games they’re in. If Virgil, Zero, Morrigan, weren’t so good in UMVC3 they wouldn’t have anywhere near this many haters.

My question is how can anyone hate on Morrigan?

Fucking scrubs.

Vergil shot a pregnant woman. Nobody should like him.

That’s not necessarily true for every incarnation of Honda, there are other games with Honda besides Street Fighter 4, and he does a much better job dealing with fireballs in some of them as well.

He’s top tier, that’s the most likeable aspect of any fighting game character.

Bitch took screen time away from the rest of the Darkstalkers roster. We could have a lot more Talbain, Demitri, Raptor, and Donovan appearances if the devs didn’t go all “AYSS AND TITTIES OR BUST”.

Pretty much: http://youtube.com/watch?v=rlBIjSFbHEM

I hate Angry Joe, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

Kim’s top tier too… he would teach Vergil a lesson!



^Would love to see that in CvS3.

Some people said E Honda is the best character in Hyper Fighting but that seems weird to me. In alpha 3 you mean? Eh, fireballs arent as effective in it, plus people can block in the air so jumping in isnt as scary, especially when you can activate Vism on your way in when your opponent doesnt have it.

Just5moreminutes. Gotta disagree there. Morrigan simply was the character that caught people’s eye the most. This was before her appearance in MVC1. So Capcom rolled with it and made her the face of the series. And honestly I think she’s the perfect rep for Darkstalkers. Also why just go after Morrigan? Why not throw some of that salt at Felicia, Hsein-Ko and BB Hood? Male characters could’ve got in if it weren’t for them too. But ultimately it boils down to the females character being more appealing to people than the males. I think the male Darkstalkers should definitely be promoted more. But most people like the female cast.

Oh…didn’t know Vergil did all that, damn. But the hate for the others pretty much come from their effectiveness and popularity in the games they’re in. As oppose to not liking the character themselves based on design, personality, gameplay etc.

didnt know that DS creators initially were planning to make Morrigan cute and Felicia sexy, yet due to her being a succubus, they reverted their traits

Felicia, Lei-Lei and Bulleta show signs of cuteness and are funny, Qbee and Lilith as well, though to a lesser degree.
Male characters have their uniqueness as well. Victor and Rikuo show loyalty, Jedah is the ideal final boss, Sasquatch is funny too etc

But Morrigan has that scorning look and no cuteness or humor at all. The closest to Morrigan would be Zabel, but at least he has that funny sidekick and he plays guitar too.While Demitri has his own stage with vampire women. A stage of Morrigan with the men she seduced would have been cool as well and more fit to her character