Favorite/Most Hated Characters in Fighting Games

not to mention how many bad match ups blanka has in ST and SFAE

That’s exactly my point… Idk about AE as I don’t play that trash, but ST? The only good matchups I got - O.Blanka (LOL), Gief, and N.Hawk… O.Hawk’s like a 6/4 in my favor, which isn’t REALLY a good matchup… Considering Gief is like a 9/1 or 8/2, and N.Hawk is a 7/3… O.Blanka should in theory be a 10/0, he’s that much better as N.Blanka. The only thing O.Blanka has is that electric has like zero recovery by comparison. Easy to get a max chip situation… But that’s it…
Fucking DJ, Dhalsim, Claw, Rog, O.Gat, Chun, O.Shotos, Cammy, Fei… all beat Blanka 8/2 and better… Guile’s a 5/5 or so, Honda fucks Blanka’s day up, but I got gimmicks for you, Dictator SHOULD beat him, but not always, as you fuck up, I get free throw loops and shit.

But people still hate on me for it… I got called out for using MACROS… on a fucking CHARGE character… Are you kidding me?

Blanka gets hate for primarily four reasons in my opinion:

  • He is a newbie killer(Most charge characters are. They are hard for newbies to control and fight.)
    -He can be really annoying since despite being in the game since SF2, only a fraction of players study how to fight him.
    -His design is based around having as many gimmicks as possible. EX Ball Cross up = Gimmick, Electricity = Gimmick, etc.
    -He is so underused that when someone is beaten by him, they go into “What the f***k was that mode”.

I like to think that from a design standpoint, some characters will usually be better than others in a given game.
Sagat and Guile are usually strong characters in an SF game too. Guile is probably really hard to balance, since his two moves can either be really good or horrible. Sagat is just a good SF design overall, good DP, two fireballs, alright footsie game but his damage makes up for it.

Worst character design:

[IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img854/3404/rmika.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]


These tits strongly disagree.

R.Mika has everything in a grappler that makes a grappler hype for me (dat body splash, dat slide, dat drop kick, tons o’ grabs) so R.Mika is awesome to me.

Personally, I think the worst design in the SF series belongs to Remy. The only redeeming thing about him is possibly the fact that he isn’t a shoto. He is an unoriginal, bargain-bin clone of Charlie that is overall worse. He looks like a parody of Blazblue and KOF. His personality is bland and stale, and has no canonical ties to anyone else in the series.


I can defend Mika, Hakan, Fuerte, and Seth, but I cannot justify Remy’s existence in a fighting game.

That said…
I really wish that you could charge partition with Charlie and Guile…

I can understand if people hate CvS2 blanka, he can wreak a lot of people. ST blanka cant do much vs Ryu, o Sagat, and Sim, I think vs Sim the match is like impossible

Sim’s possible. DJ and Boxer are the worst. Sim, you gotta bait a lot…
No way you can bait someone from leaving c.mp x infinity…

You literally have no way in on either of them spamming c.mp. None at all… no pokes, no trades, no jump ins, nothing.

Hating any 3S character that isn’t Chun or Twelve should be a bannable offense.

Only scrubs hate 3S Chun.

twelve is awesome, he turns invisible, F YOU

Twelve forces you to play against him differently in a way that doesn’t make him win.

Twelve is an overgrown Putty from Power Rangers. F YOU!

@Dander please school this fool

I’ll defend R. Mika as well. She is very fun to watch at high-level play in A-ism. Her super is so fun to watch because of the amount of options she can choose from. Start at 0:23 for an example.

Shes like a sexy Alex


Twelve is just the right size. F YOU!

So does the booty son.

And without Mika, there wouldn’t be cosplay like this

I swear, cleavage is one of the best things ever invented…
That, and apple booties… Yes… Two of the best things ever invented.