Don’t bother voting if you haven’t tried at least two shapes. 90% of people here have probably only used square, and it makes no sense for them to vote.
My personal favorite is octagonal. With square you can easily slide off of left/right by accident, and with circle you never know where the hell you are. Octagon lets you do full circles while having complete directional cognizance.
I liked Octagon more at first, but after while I got more comfortable with square and I’d rather not ride the gate to do the motions. The LS-56 Octo gate is fantastic though, even if it’s not my preferred choice. Gonna have to go with square gate obviously.
Have used an octa gate but being a arcade cab builder I tend to stick with square as the sanwa sticks I use have a gate that can change from 8 to 4 way and that is perfect for games like pacman and donkey kong.
I only played on square. At times I thought I would love to play on an octagon gate, but that was when I was first starting out. Thanks to my lack of bills and my laziness, I forced myself to get used to it.
I’m into round/no gate because that’s what I grew up on. After owning a few Japanese sticks though, I’m not sure if I like Octo or Square more. I seem to be able to execute easier on a square, but without being able to feel the corners, I tend to crouch and jump on accident a lot.
I’m all in for the square gates. I have tried everything else, octagonal, circular, American style “gateless” (there IS a gate though in all technicality :lol:), but nothing came close to square. It’s precise, well made for both motion and charge characters, with evenly distributed engage area for microswitches. On top of that, it’s the standard for basically every major arcade game that comes out of Japan. Fighters, SHMUPs, you name it; if it uses a joystick, it uses square! :tup:
Actually, it DOESN’T have an evenly distributed range for all directions. Not all 8, at least. The corners are farther away than the cardinals, whereas for octagon/circle they’re equidistant. That’s what I read somewhere, anyway.
But it’s really a moot point unless you ride the gate, like I do. I just can’t break the habit.
Oh no no, I’m completely aware that the corners are spaced further than the cardinal directions. Elementary geometry after all! :lol:
But I was referring to this diagram on slagcoin’s site. While yes, the square gates do have a longer throw to the corners, the engage area of the corners is equal to the engage area of everywhere else. :tup:
I like my square gate. When I first started I thought octo would be better since I could ride the gate, turns out I didn’t really like the feel. Since then I switched back to square and been using that ever since.
Square gate easily. The Japanese KNOW what they are doing, in regards to arcade stick accuracy. Sanwa, being the most popular parts maker in japan, would not have a Square gate as stock on their coveted JLF stick, if it was not the best. And you’ll never see them selling their JLF with an octo as stock because they know it would suck and only serve to neuter their stick’s ability.
An example of the benefits is SRKs! On an octo or circle gate SRKs are hit & miss. The square however, makes doing SRK motions flow like butter! It practically guides you through the motions.
Round gate, no contest. Playing in American Arcades in the 90s = riding a round gate. And I never have a problem knowing which direction I’m using. It’s perfect for 360s like SPD. How did square gate became the default by majority, since they were mostly used by Japanese Arcades? Square gate is so loose, IDK how anyone can do 360s with Zangief or Hawk. I haven’t tried octo gates, but I’ve been told they’re pretty similar to round gates. I’d take round/octo over square/gateless anyday tho.
After getting used to square gates from an Dreamcast Agetec, I found it superior for me. I bought an octogate to try it out, didn’t like it. Easier to know for sure that I am at a cardinal with a flat edge and at a diagonal when it locks in a corner. With all corners it is harder for me to tell when using it in rapid quick motions. I’m more surer with a square.
It became more apparent when I started playing Akira in Virtua Fighter, I was tapping Diagonals Down Forward more consistently with a square gate and more cleanly instead of getting Forward, then Down Forward or Down, then Down Forward with a round or octagon.
I have used circle/no gate on Happ sticks when I was younger in american arcades. I’ve also used square and octo gates on the JLF and square on the LS-32 sticks.
For the JLF I prefer the octo gate since its hard for me to get used to the square on the JLF… it just seems inaccurate to me, though I love the build quality of it.
For the LS-32 I prefer the square gate because I can actually feel the micro switches being activated as I move the stick around. I don’t ride the gate at all since I can feel the switches. The combination of being able to feel the switches and being able to feel the corners of the gate make it perfect to me.
I voted for square since I’m now using the LS-32 over the JLF.