square gate ftw.
because you have to make a hexagon yourself.
I use both square an circle…
The games were made to play on a square gate. It’s as simple as that, really. It just feels right.
[_]… unless its MAHVEL BAYBEE!!!
Square for shmups and octo for fighters. I voted square because I prefer shmups
It’s hip to be square.
I started out on square and then when my HRAP 3 ex came in I tried it with octo for a while but it just felt weird to me. Square for me.
Square…cricle being a close second.
Octagon Gate for me.
That’s what I grew up using in the arcades. Muscle memory is key and i’m not about to change up after all these years.
I ordered a Octagon gate as well as two bat top sticks for my Madcatz Round 2 beauty.
While I’ve used square, circle and gateless sticks, square sticks are more prevalent in the arcades where I live so I have a general preference for them.
Just getting used to the stick right now (1st month playing it, coming from pad). The first couple of days i was playing with a square gate, then i modded it (madcatz SE) with some sanwa parts and an octogonal gate and i like the feeling better. It really helps being able to feel the “corners”.
I was a huge advocate of the octagon gate when I first started using an arcade stick because I couldn’t get those QCF motions right for the death of me on a square one. But then after I perfected my stick execution, I started having misgivings about the octagon gate because charge characters got harder to use when the diagonals were a little more rounded out. Eventually I switched back to the square gate and I have been using that ever since.
i’ve tried square, octagonal, and circle and my favorite is still square.
I was having trouble with jumping and crouching when I didn’t want to with the square gate, so I switched to the octagon gate. That being said, I am still learning on the stick, so I like to ride the gate. For that reason I use the Octagon Gate… Once I get good enough that I feel comfortable with the stick I will probably try and go back to the square gate and see if I can’t use it better…
So in summation I prefer the octagon gate… for now.
I originally made a Hexagon gate for my old JLF in my old TE stick that I sold. I recently got a new stick and bought a JLF for it and now I made a hybrid gate for it thats almost like an octo gate but the top part of the gate remains squared.
this is a pic i drew up in paint that shows the shape of my gate
it is like a Sanwa octo gate but without the large throw that it has. It still retains the corners just like the square gate only now you can feel when you are inputting down, right and left inputs.
you guys need to quit riding the gate seriously. the only thing good i see about the octagon gate is that you can do morrigan’s aerial soul reap in the ds1 and nightwarriors. plus it really helps out with those strange moves in Castlevania:SOTN. i be not used to doing motions that go up
Gateless all the way for me… I honestly cannot understand how you people play on a damn square gate. Of course my favorite fighter is marvel, so I guess it makes sense I have to have happs.
i like the square gate compared to circle or gateless. still would like to try a oct