Fast Fly/Unfly combos

I also need help on that…
Anyone else?

Oh so thats how it is…
Sentinel is rated #1, yet no one comes forward to help a brotha out.:bluu:

Didn’t you read the first post on this thread?

Adjustments to Sents Fastfly

launch…as soon as possible lk, fly, small pause, lk…

To tell you the truth I also had problems with this combo as well… but to beable to land the grab 90 - 100% of the time your goin to have to change from lk, fly to lp, lk, mk, fly

this little change can make a whole lot of difference to the combo you are attempting to pull off. For 1 it adds more damage to the combo and 2 it brings them up higher giving more time to fly forward to grab. If u take a look at Sent/Doom AAA Tactics… I posted it in there under Sent mass assulte check that out if you want to either instant kill or just too make up for lost ground either way you should take a look it

I hope this helps

Here’s onw with Im-b, in corner, start in flight mode lk,rh+Im-b, Rp, unfly, cr.lp, cr. fp, RpxxHSF , Dash, launch, lp,lk, Fast fly, lk+ IM-B, fp, unfly, wait for im to stop hitting, then, cr.fp, Rpxx HSF… then repeat, But the average Character will be dead, the hardest part is the begining, you cant substitute the cr.lp with a

That doesn’t work. You can only call one assist, that hits, once per combo. To call more than one, there should be a reset (i.e. throw or cross-up of some sort) between each [hitting] assist.

Hope that helps.

  • Geronimo

P.S. Here’s one, w/ IM <B>:> XX LP RP XX HSF-> / \, fly->call IM <B>, sj.f+lk->sj.hp->un-fly, assist hits \ / / \ sj.lp->> XX DP RP.

That combo only works in the corner, I’m pretty sure. The only “long” beam from Iron Man’s Repulser Blast is like the first hit, which the opponent won’t be hitting. But yes, that combo works in the corner, and you can do more things instead of launch, you can OTG stuff too and do other weird fly combos.

does anyone know how to do the fast fly combo cuz i am having trouble with the part you do lk fly lk

It works mid-screen, I’m positive on this.

And yeah, I know you can throw in another HSF and whatever you want, but I personally jus’ like it w/ another launch.

  • Geronimo

Hmm…I dunno why it hasn’t worked for me…I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.

Ok I’ve been experimenting with Sentinel Unfly/Fast-fly combos this past month in efforts to find high hitting (mostly for show off combos) that don’t include assists and I’ve learned quite a few new combos that I can’t seem to finish.

Heres some of what I found: (*note. must be in unfly mode)

Launch, lp, lp, fst-fly, lp, un-fly, fp, fly, lk, fp…(not finished)
Launch, lp, fst-fly, lp, un-fly, lp, fly, lp, fp, unfly…(not finished)
Launch, lp, lk, fst-fly, lp, unfly, lp, fp…(not finished)
Launch, (delay super jump) lk, fst-fly, lk, lp, unfly, lp, fp…(not finished)
Launch, lk, lp, fst-fly, lp, fp, unfly, lp, fp…(not finished, I haven’t tried this one in the open, but I know it works in the corner)

During these sessions I found that Sentinel was, in a sense, falling from unfly at the same speed as the opponent. So I thought about adding an assist towards the end of the combos to some how keep the combo going on the ground and go into HSF. I failed in doing so, but I did come close.

I imputed mag-projectile assist at the end of combo 5 where the last lp is, and as I landed I tried to do c.fp xx rocket punch as the assist hit, but the timing of the c.fp is a bit too late. It seems like I need to hit them with the c. fp befor mags assist actually hits, but that would mean that i have to land way befor my opponent in some way and connect it, which is highly not likely.

The above combos were created during my attempts at finding a way to connect mags projectile assist into HSF. I’m pretty sure I could get the timing if I kept trying but I got lazy and plus my fly unfly skills with sent got good practice in the process while at the same time cramping my wrist to a point where i was unable to play for about 30 minutes.

If any of you guys wanna take a wack at finishing these combos (hopfully with mag. proj. ast.) go for it and let me know what you get. :slight_smile:

Rowtron’s combo: (corner) launch,, fly tap upforward lk, sj.fp, unfly, wid magproj assist, sj.fp, land, cr. fp, fp rocket punch, hsf.:smiley:

So then this combo has been done. I figuered it probably had already been done befor, but I don’t have access to combo/match vids and such so I wouldn’t know.

So basically it’s my Timing/Execution thats the prob. Hmm. I’ll keep trying it.

BTW, is there a way to do the same thing while not in the corner?

Geronimo, the Sent/IM combo doesnt work anywhere outside of the corner.

Try calling IM at different times in the combo. I’ve had to mess w/ the assist call timing in this combo a couple of times before finding a consistant way [for me] to do it.

I’m absolutely sure this works 'cuz my brother pulls this shit out all the time.

Hope that helps.

  • Geronimo

I don’t think that would matter. The only way for Iron Man to connect is if you hit them STRAIGHT down, sj.FP hits them down at an angle.

Random Sent/IM corner combo needing UnFly

c.LK, s.LP, fly, sj.LK+IM, sj.RH, unfly, dash back, OTG s.RH, LP Rocket Punch xx HSF, s.LK, s.LP, sj.LK, fly, sj.LK, LP Rocket Punch, sj.LK, sj.FP, unfly, sj.LK, DP Rocket Punch.

I tried the same combo midscreen, but it didn’t work. Sent’s fp pushed them too far away for me to lk when coming down. Yeah the only difficult part that I saw was sj.fp, unfly, wid mag assist. Everything else should be pretty easy.:smiley:

dude, what’s with the timing for the lk fly lk rp lk lk deal? i can only get it to connect maybe 1/10 times. I’m guessing it’s frame specific, any hints on how to time the shorts and rp to connect it 100%? thanks in advance

Wow I did’nt know My Man could be so flashy

Sentenil is like my #1 back up in most of my serious threesoms. My Sentenil is pretty good, but I have always wanted to do showoff combos wit’ the bot the way i can do with smaller quicker characters like Storm and Mag. With these combos you’ll have posted I can make my back up Sent. an even bigger threat to dill wit’. I am kinda’ new to Shoryuken :eek:, but my little time here has provin valuable.

One of my favorite teams involving Sent. is Tron/Rogue/Sent. , in that order. Anybody know any good Sent. stuff with this team??? I already know some really good stuff mostly involving Tron with this team, but I need to toughin’ up my robot.

Thanx in advance. :cool:

Wow I did’nt know My Man could be so flashy

That would be a good team if you changed the order to Rogue/Sent/Tron. Use Rogue for rush down and battery. Sentinel for … well it’s Sentinel for what ever you’d like. And Tron for her Ultra mega damaging assist.

Also, I see you’re from St Louis? (Or am I reading your locale wrong?) If so, are you coming to the tournament in Columbia, MO with the rest of the StL crew?