Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

So hey uh!

Speaking as someone who has actually played this game, and a fair bit at that, and who took it to an event at a fighting game bar in Osaka last weekend, here is what has happened with every single person who actually played it in my experience:

  1. They laughed at the still-very-much-in-progress appearance with lots of placeholder stuff
  2. New fighting game players learned the controls in a match or two, while old players “unlearned” command inputs and got used to the special move buttons
  3. Everyone really, really enjoyed playing the game. New players got to experience the meat of the genre (spacing, baiting out punishable moves, etc.) and old players really liked that it felt very SF2, with high-damage combos and quick rounds

I know the FGC really loves to fall all over itself to see who can shit on everything new the fastest (see: reactions to KOF XIV, which was at a much more complete stage before it was revealed, as well as how the overwhelming attitude toward SF4 being Not As Good As Things Used To Be got transferred immediately to SF5, and now people apparently think SF4 was a good game), but in my own experience actually playing this game and sharing it with others, it is a legitimately really fun game that also happens to still need a lot of polish, because it isn’t even in beta state yet.

You aren’t wrong but don’t act like there’s an objective definition for what a “good” game is lmao

FGC logic = every game I don’t play is a bad game.

I’m glad. I had similar experiences with Divekick. I’m really, really looking forward to this because it’ll be something I can use to play with some friends for whom FGs are a bit too hard but that wanna get their feet wet. Playing Nidhogg with the same group was a lot of fun, hopefully this gets to be just as good.

inversely, if you join a group of a certain game, they tend to praise it and ignore its faults like it is super jesus fighter: godly edition

I don’t think you can really have a good fighting game that’s not fun, as that’s kind of the point. But there are plenty of fun games that aren’t good; lord knows I get a lot of enjoyment from DFCI, but it’s definitely not a good game.

On the remixing, it’s really dumb that he’s defending this in game. It’s okayish on the cards when everyone realizes you’re basically doing knockoffs and that’s part of the fun. For the actual videogame that’s crossing the line into flatout ripoff territory because you’re actively competing with the real thing.

If this game is going to be successful he really has to make it look good. Like, really good; get your artstyle in order and make models beautiful. Because with a game this simply the majority of your costs once you’ve got it up and running are going to come from making the model; you’ve got barely any animations after all. So it shouldn’t be hard to actually have a constant stream of new characters coming out so that everyone has something they like to play. Just make it look good!

Well that and I need Gwen in game. So much fun in the card game.

It’d be really fun to start playing Yomi on here. It’s a fun game but there’s not a ton of people to play it with. I’m debating doing the Print and Play of the 4 free characters but idk yet.

Got a chance to play this for a few hours. Used Geiger. It’s not terrible, though I do wish there was a way to crouch. Not because I’m fiending for high/low, but because I sometimes wanted to be able to block without walking back. I like the damage system (or heavily pared-down equivalent), and the juggles are really screwy and a lot of fun. I once managed to somehow get an anti-air sonic scythe to juggle into another sonic scythe.

On that note, I really hope they overhaul the attacks down the road. The bootlegged animations might be handy as a shorthand, but they reek of laziness. A game this simple can use all the diversity it can, and wholly unique animations would help a lot.

EDIT: Realized that down-to-block would screw up the crossup thing they have going on. Maybe just a raw neutral crouch that reduces profile but doesn’t actually block anything could do the job, I dunno

Way back, a long long time ago, I downloaded the first set of print and play for the yomi card game, and it was just straight up street fighter. I had a guile deck and a zangief deck, and a ryu deck. Of course they just morphed to other character, but the playstyles remained even to this day, which I don’t really see what the big deal of that is

As for the game, I’m excited to play it at the PSX Experience. I think backing it monthly on patreon is a bit steep of a price, but I’m hoping that when it does come out it will be a good stepping stone for fighting games. My family knows I love street fighter, but of course nobody can really play because it gets pretty complicated fast. Divekick was a lot of fun, we had people in my family playing that I would never have thought would have been interested, like my mother in law, who was actually getting into it. This is the perfect game to bridge that gap and teach some of the concepts, without having the controller be the major limiting factor. My 6 year old son, for instance, will love playing this with me

So wherebthe updates at?

Oh yes please. I want to see Capcom’s lawyers burn this shit to the ground.

Please keep those stolen animations in the final release, I beg you.

Aren’t most of them placeholder anyway? Don’t think the game is gonna ship with SF4 animations.

Oh, they “feature” them now. Alright then.

You can’t own an animation anymore than you can copyright a dance move.

C’mon, kids.

Unless they used Capcom assets for the animation they won’t be able to take legal action against them.

I think if you’re gonna call what sirlin is doing a “ripoff”, then you might as well call films like The Godfather, The Untouchables and Brazil rip-offs of Battleship Potemkin.

I can’t believe how many people are here trying to defend blatant plagiarism. It’s astonishing.

Because if Fantasy Strike gets sued for this, then there are at least 500,000 games that would need to get sued as well.


You guys are aware that doing something similar isn’t the same as direct stealing, right?