Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

What your asking for Capcom to take legal action against the game. Anyone who understands how law works knows they won’t have a case if they did try to pursue them legally.

@Hawkingbird what your asking is for @PSYCH0J0SH to not care about irrelevant bullshit and understand we are OK with him having an opinion. Anyone who understands how SRK works knows that people would rather hate games than play them and fight you in the forum than in an actual fighting game.

I think copy/pasting SF animations and then claiming it’s cool because remix culture is a scummy move. I’m pretty sure it’s not illegal though, since reskinning apps is a thing and is apparently okay.

I think it’s idiotic to call it irrelevant bullshit. If you really can’t see the problem with blatant plagiarism then you’re beyond hope and can’t be reasoned with.

I’m more and more in love with this game. If they only got netplay up and running soon…

In case you missed it, they updated the shading/rendering. The game looks much prettier now:

“Good artists copy, great artists steal” - Pablo Picasso

That’s not what plagerism is. If they used SF assets then it would be plagurism, recreating something else from scratch isn’t plagurism, it’s just a lack of creativity. Whether THAT is a big deal to people or not is for them to decide and debate.

It’s not that people don’t care, but that it’s not the thing you are claiming it is. Argue from the right position, not a false one.

I agree that the oversimplicity could be a solution without a problem. The Samurai Deeper Kyo game for PSX already tried oversimplified inputs with autocombos on normals and one-button special moves and it wasn’t particularly eventful. Granted, Fantasy Strike seems like a much richer game than that one was, but it still makes me wonder how much depth it can achieve.
Furthermore, there’s more than one type of fighting game player. Many are there for the mindgames and footsies, but many are there for the execution and flashy combos, too. I’d wager most are there for both. I guess we’ll see how this develops once the game is released, but I don’t see it catching the attention of enough people for a long enough time.

Yes it is. Just because they’re not breaking a law doesn’t make it any LESS plagiarism. You don’t seem to get the process of how ideas are made and formed. Taking inspiration from something means putting your own spin on it, making it into something original that hasn’t been seen before, not just copying something frame by frame and claiming it’s original because you drew a different character doing it.

When your game has more “homages” and “outside references” than it has original content, your game is built on plagiarism. Simple as that. You’re not making an original product, you’re making a pastiche of other products and ideas and reselling it as yours.

No, its really not. Stay dumb.

Says the dipshit who can’t even spell it right.

“Plagerism”. Stay in first grade.

So… It’s been like 10 years, is it out yet?

lol your butt hurt is palpable.

Pretty sure when you pull a “bitch and run” like you just did, you lost the argument. It’s like a trail of anal blood leaking out of your pants. You’re not in any position to talk about butthurt.

Except in still here bitch ass. Fucking assumptive ass moron. You’re the one who bitched out first going after a minor spelling mistake you fucking tool.

He’s hemorrhaging more anal blood doctor, get him a cork or something.

Not even being able to spell the word demonstrates my entire point. If you can’t even spell the word properly then obviously you’ve never looked it up in a dictionary and saw the actual definition of the word, or you’d see how much it proves your stupid ass wrong. Let me take your ass to google since you can’t even figure out how to use it yourself:


an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author:
It is said that he plagiarized Thoreau’s plagiarism of a line written by Montaigne.
Synonyms: appropriation, infringement, piracy, counterfeiting; theft, borrowing, cribbing, passing off.
a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation:
“These two manuscripts are clearly plagiarisms,” the editor said, tossing them angrily on the floor.

I don’t give a fuck how many autistic SG fanboys get mad at me calling a spade a spade. SG, and Fantasy Strike, are both heavily built on plagiarism, and profit off it.

God you are a fucking moron. You just proved how nothing the Fantasy Strike devs are doing falls under plagiarism. The definition you provided applies to literary works which is why author is brought up so damn much. Programmers and animators are not authors.

How are you this fucking dense, Hawkingbird? I have to believe you’re trolling. I don’t know you can breathe being this stupid.

Getting pedantic about terminlogy like the word “author” is just showing you have no argument left to make. Anyone who creates something is an author you idiot. It’s not just limited to people who write text. Anyone who creates characters, moves, or even written code, can be considered an “author”, so even by your retarded narrow definition it stumps your argument dead. Programmers refer to themselves internally as authors of code all the fucking time. Jesus christ, just stop before your head explodes.

a : one that originates or creates something : source software authors film authors the author of this crime

There it is, what now, shit for brains?

So what? If they can get away with it, then more power to them. Capcom shits all over their own IPs anyway. They aren’t exactly sacred anymore. If this is just a debate about ethics, then it’s not a very compelling one. I don’t really understand why you’re so up in arms over it. It’s like getting all worked up because some small business is using a reskinned Walmart logo. It just makes you look like a huge tool.

Yatagarasu used 3rd strike sprites in their characters so in the end i don’t think it matters, or that they care