Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

As, or against?


Sirlin has stated this is intentional, because otherwise you’d need a separate throw button or combination. It also lets them control how hard certain moves can be punished (e.g. grab or n.A combo for Jaina, no 2 damage and KD combo off f.A + j.B ).

Anyway I love this game and can’t stop playing. Hoping the playerbase continues to grow.

They seriously need to buff walk speed. Everyone is like cement.

That’s just how the game is.

They’re actually thinking of testing faster walk speed, possibly in the August patreon build.

Combo videos!

I’d much rather either have a separate throw button or a throw override combination, as right now there are areas where you can’t actually frametrap, and sometimes don’t have access to a single button if you think the opponent is Yoming. Deadzones like that are no good

I don’t think this is true though - you always have access to B and C (Specials) which cannot be Yomicountered.

There’s a lot of issues with adding throw buttons and overrides - many more buttons to press for one, but also (I think it was covered earlier) is that with button throws you got a weird yomi-standoff where whoever presses throw first loses, and they wanted to avoid that.

You’re not gonna be frame-trapping with a freaking special move, dude.

That’s not the part I was quoting…

Plus, yes you actually CAN with some specials in this game, depending on which character you are playing.

But, that’s too character specific. Midori, setsuki and DeGrey all have special moves to slow to do that(I’ve only played those characters ). Also, for characters like Midori you can no longer use his bwk-A at a certain distance because of how large the throw range is.

It also makes is so the first hit of his forward-A basically only works when the opponent is in hitstun because the hit range of the move is inside the throw range.

Why not just make throw fwd+ a button combination, or just decrease the gigantic throw range?

DeGrey has a dandy step and a super long startup fireball. It’s a deadzone as both are reactable.

But with a throw button you can just hit 6A instead and smack then if you think they’re Yoming

This game is struggling on fig. The free weekend didn’t really move the needle.

Pretty sure walk speed is higher than games like SF, it’s just that there is no dashing.

With regards to dead zones, you can always walk forwards & backwards, or jump. Clearly the very short range of some neutral normals (jaina, degrey first hit) is intentional.

On both of those points sirlin seems pretty flexible, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they change.

Oh, of course you can walk forward. But it feels terrible and doesn’t exactly make for encouraging gameplay.

I mean, the dead zone doesn’t exactly come up a lot. Jaina’s B is 13f compared to her 11f A or f+A, so there are very very few cases where that’s an issue. Degray has pretty good grab range and frankly a chance to set up B is always nice, so I’ve never run into an issue with him either. None of the other members of the cast have an A that is shorter than their grab range (and I’m not even sure about Jaina).

So what’s the issue?

Didn’t get a chance to play with people.

Game feels okay. Hate the shitty walkspeeds. Not to sure how I feel about not having that many normals. I like normals.

Also LOL Slayer. Its literally slayer but with a projectile. That’s silly.

Playing with people is awesome, get online if you can.

Walkspeeds stopped being an issue for me as soon as I played other people (I can only see it being an issue with rook tbh, and he’s really fun to play regardless). Apparently faster walkspeeds are going to be tested anyway.

The deadzone is really common with DeGrey and you can’t really set up B if the other character has a DP or is Rook. And whenever it happens it feels like crap; the point is that if you suspect a Yomi having a large throw range is a detriment all of a sudden. It’s a bad intersection of mechanics which should be adjusted