Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

Ok some good arguments now Muttonman & Hadoking. It seems like its a very character specific issue really, and they are still tweaking all this stuff.

But I think a throw button would be more detrimental to the game system, so I’d rather they fix character specific stuff with specific changes to those characters if necessary.

Making back & A not be a throw though would prevent a choice of throw direction unfortunately too, which might also feel bad.

They could require the throw button to have a direction as well - or just have back + throw change position while nThrow or fThrow throws forward

Added about $15,000 though :slight_smile:

They are already doing way better than equivalent games like Pocket Rumble or Divekick did at their crowdfunding stages (pre-cancellation in Divekick’s case ofc), but the problem is they really need some big investors to get any where near to their Fig goals … and scummy investor laws prevent people like me (in the UK) from investing via Fig, so it’s a bit of a tough one.

I think a throw override combination would work; hit A and C and you always get a normal.

Otherwise you could just do proximity normals for some characters

Man, the games they showed on WNF tonight was dope ^^

Rook spotlight coming soon I think…

Also check this out:
The responses there pretty much sum up why the “features” of the game are really important and can help the scene as a whole.

Val is broken apparently? Actually, has anyone even made a tier list ar this point?

Broken, how?

Tier list amongts patrons (who are those who plays the most outside the devs, but not necessarily the best players) had Midori and Geiger on top, the rest fairly equal with some claims that Grave was also A+ or that Rook was bottom tier. In the latest build Midori and Geiger got some slight nerfs so for now they’re looking pretty balanced.

Val isn’t broken- you’re just at the start of a journey. (val is broken -> (figures out the answer to her most obvious stuff) -> Val is bottom tier and needs buffs against x y z that it seems impossible to deal with -> (discovers some really obscure tools she has for the most glaring problems) -> now you know kung fu)

Yeah that’s pretty much my feeling. I felt Midori and Geiger were maybe slightly on the top of the rest prior to the latest build - and maybe they still are - but there’s already very good balance and nothing I’ve seen that’s clearly too good or too weak.

Another free weekend starting friday 11AM pacific:

Also @Hadoking and @Muttonman - you definitely want to check this out, as they are testing out a dedicated throw button in this build.

Praise the Lord.

I just feel like you need to build your game around 1 button throws if you have them, and FS was not. I’m definitely hyped for this

I was going off of what the guy in the gamefaqs post said.

Sweet, excited to try it

Spam tips to SRK so they’ll publish a news piece about this free weekend as well.

Yeah, Rook seems a bit weak but very unfun to play against. Geiger is really good; amazing air movement and control, great buttons, mind-blowingly great super, decent specials. Midori was interesting; scary as shit when close in Dragon Install, but kind of simple to lame out, only issue is the diving unblockable.

Ahah! Yeah, that seemingly came out of nowhere…