Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

Get a knockdown, then put an air super rainbow disc over them and go hog wild. Also, ground C is projectile-invincible on startup.

Projectile invuln? That’s fantastic.

Games fun! If you played against HappyMeerkat or DooDooButt, that was me. gg

i love the game. I think its gameplay is genius and definitely tops for what it both IS and DOES for Newcomers and Veterans alike. But GODDAMMIT it just makes me wish the online was better optimized for myself. Offline, the game is FLAWLESS. plays absolutely perfect and the way it was intended. But i take it online and the FPS drops like a stone to the 30s and 40s and with a game like this, you need near or pure PERFECTION! at least for me anyway. I mean i dont need convincing otherwise, i just hope that portion works better when this bird gets off the ground.

Online is in serious need of optimization, but it’s something that will be fixed on release (if they get the funding to get it to release).

Feel free to spread these among FG players and non-FG players:

Fantasy Strike all in one document
Advanced tactics for experienced FG players

What’s the consensus? I thought it was bad. Couldn’t play it for more than 20 min.

why is it bad? I thought it was very good.

I think the reason people hated DP’s in Rising Thunder was because when paired with the Kinetic Advance (Roman Cancel) it just felt risk-free and cheap as hell. Even though the devs eventually added additional damage scaling after KA’ing a DP it still negated punishment in most cases. Anytime you blocked a DP you’d have to guess if the opponent is back-dashing, jumping back, or crossing-up.
Fantasy Strike doesn’t have any mechanic like this so DP’s are always going to be punishable on block and they even went a step further making DP’s cost life or meter…

It has GGPO doe

I think he means the game.

Soooo… the movement in this game looks painfully slow.
Any thoughts on that?

Speed feels very good for me, but I’m not used to anything but Tekken or SF2.

The game focuses on being deliberate. You make choices and take the consequences of it.

I know, but GGPO

Fantasy Strike: A game where you make choices!
With GGPO!

This is one of those games that’s a lot less fun to watch than it is to play. Once you’re in the swing of things you’re focusing more on Choices™ than on movement and stuff. It’s definitely closer to something like Super SFII, though.

I think after a few days of playing I’ve had enough. It’s fun and I appreciate it for what it is and what it’s supposed to be, but it definitely feels way too simplified for what I’m used to. Matches get repetitive if I stick to one character. And there is a lot about the game that is off to me, like the yomi counter system and not having crouching or low attacks.

These things are fine though. It’s not intended to be a hardcore fighter for someone who is experienced with the genre, and there is nothing inherently wrong with doing things differently from other fighters. Not sure if I will ever pick the game up myself, but I do wish them success with their game.

Learn to play Satsuki if you gotta go fast.

I’ve only played one character so far and I keep learning new things so maybe you just didn’t connect with the character you picked. Or maybe you need some higher level competition that will force you to evolve and try new things.

Do you like ST or the SFA series? Since that’s what the movement is like. Faster walk speed than your average fighter but no normal dashes. Really it’s ST styled with even bigger throw ranges but a penalty for having them broken.

Although I have kvetched about the game feel, let me say that there are some things I like. Slayer in SF feels fucking great. Yomi counters are a really cool system which change the throw system in a good way.

I do wish that throw had an override button though, as there are times I’m fishing for a CH and get a throw instead (if there is an override do tell me). The game is also crying for a beginner to advanced tutorial that works on a character but character basis. Many normals are crying for a proximity system

I was wondering this as well. Since all your forward and back normals and your throw use the same button, you are locked out of several of your attacks at close range. This feels pretty awkward since the controls are otherwise so clean, it would be nice to have a throw command that doesn’t blatantly overlap with 1-2 normals.