Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

go to options, button config, click the right arrow on Combat Moves. should bring you to “Other Controls”. click on controller setup button and off you go!

That worked, except now I can’t leave the button config screen. When i select “Done” it just says “Ready” and neither the confirm nor the cancel buttons get me out of that screen.

I had to alt-f4 out of the game and restart. I guess it saved my button config, so I didn’t have to go back into the button config menu again.

The only impressions of the game so far are that I hate the throw system, and the netcode seems adequate.

Played a couple dozen matches with Valerie. I’m starting to get the hang of it, but throws still seem weird. Rook is a really hard character to deal with. His grabs seem impossible to avoid.

Avoid doing j.B with Val against Rook as it’s basically a free grab for him. j.A is the only viable jumping button against him.
Remember that b+A is throw invincible and 2 hits, which means you will escape the grab and deal two damage.
Whiff punish his shit and don’t let him jump on you. Just play careful and don’t RTSD as you do with other characters.

How are you supposed to play against midori as a non-zoning character? It seems he can counter most things on reaction, command grab goes through everything not airborn and hits for 2 blocks, and he has a bunch of extra health to make mistakes with.

First, always try to lame out the dragon. It’s strong, and it’s supposed to be, but it’s on a timer.

In human form his counter is strong, but the timing is tricky. I’ve lost quite a few rounds trying to land a counter in human form. He has 2 damage throws that can loop, but he’s not nearly as scary as Rook in human form. He also doesn’t have “a bunch of extra health”, he has 7 health vs the average of 6. He’s not as dependent as Rook on armored moves though (Rook is secretly a 7 health character - if you’re at 1 hp as Rook, you’ve lost the round).

tl;dr: avoid Dragon, and don’t let the old guy sit back and build up super.

His throw in human form isn’t a command throw, it’s just a regular throw. You can yomi counter it. He has some special throw he can do automatically after he successfully does a counter(when he is purple), but I’m not sure if you can yomi counter that one.

His throws in dragon form seem kinda bad to me. It’s pretty easy to beat the aerial throw on reaction with an attack, and the ground throw has armor but is so slow you can just jump on reaction.

In dragon form his torpedo is blazingly fast and is a nice setup for the air throw (Talon Swoop). If they block torpedo you can either Talon Swoop or air Torpedo, and both are too close to really react to. you have to jump the Swoop, but if he picked Torpedo you get hit by that.

Then you’re KD and he can do meaty, ambigous crossup torpedos.

After some more matches, I am not really feeling this game. I mean it looks good, not amazing but it’s fine.

It’s just that the pace is too slow imo. It feels a bit clunky and also very limited (I know it was intended to be simple, but it’s too simple for my taste). I don’t know why there is a practice mode in this game.
Well anyways, nice that there was a free demo this weekend, but I am out.

Windows 10. 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor, Intel ® Core ™ i3-4030U CPU 1.90GHz . I was using the 64 build of the game but then I switched to the 32 build.

Yeah, I dont really like how slow the game feels. Oh wait, that’s just the frame rate chugging. Send help.

Game only chugs online for me, but thats an optimization problem and not a gameplay design problem. and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the games design.

When I ask your specs I mean CPU and GPU lol. That CPU alone seems pretty weak anyway. You might wanna lower the resolution as much as possible but other than that there’s not much else you can do.

Game feels good, but a lot of the hitboxes feel kind of bad and the decision to put a million active frames on certain moves is kind of dumb. I get Slayer Super Counters 3 years after I hit the button, and if you jump Rook’s super on wakeup it still grabs you when you land. I also really dislike the way a lot of the air normals and armor works; anti-airing with command grabs feels terrible.

Welp, looks like I’m sitting this one out guys. Let us know of your impressions of the game.

I’m running the 64bit build on an Intel NUC(core i3, integrated graphics) and it runs smooth at 720p at low settings. I haven’t tried dialing it up at all.

I’m torn on how Rook works. On the one hand, I don’t think a command grab should have so many active frames and armor, but on the other hand they really hammer home the idea that getting close to a powerful grappler is dangerous.

Rook’s super is ridiculous, but if he does it when you wake up you can just jump fwd or back and punish accordingly. As far as anti-airing with a command grab goes, it’s just one of several options. You lose 1 chunk of life for doing it, so it might not always be ideal. And it’s carries other risks, depending on the matchup. I agree that it doesn’t feel right to do though.

I’m really impressed with the game now that I’ve gotten some time with it. It’s achieved something really worthwhile I think.

Any tips for playing Val?

Oh, there’s ways of dealing with it of course; DeGrey just uses his j.B to get some hangtime and 2 damage as the punish and with how reactable Chicken Buster is I half suspect Rook will not end up being that good. I’m talking about game feel here; it feels godawful to have active frames hanging about for so long, it feels terrible for some character’s 5As to not reach after a blocked neutral jump (seriously, I think DeGrey’s 5A is shorter ranged than his throw). Or stuff like Geiger’s flashkick having terribly low amounts of invincibility. If you’re going to totally rip off the visuals, you need to actually have the gameplay feel similar or else there’s this terrible dissonence. Especially when some attacks feel like they have ASW style giant hitboxes and others are little baby boxes. Pick a style and stick with it.