Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

They now have the mac build online, so if you’ve been waiting for that, now is the time!

Also, us windows users got a new build (which we have to d/l)

edit: links now updated on

it plays better and is more balanced than whats currently on offer. he aint wrong about that.

Sounds like the requirements for the best of all time

The game is fine but you’re getting a little excited there lol.

You know it took me just now to realize why you posted the Kanye picture. Sorry, jokes tend to fly over my head when i wake up in the morning. But yeah, if what people wanted is a return to the old ways of ST (obviously with more varied playing characters than ST had), then yeah, this is the greatest ever. And i cant lie, this is the best indie fighter ive ever played as well. and the proof in all of this is that EVERY WIN AND LOSS feels “earned”. And winning and losing was a function OF YOU AND NOT THE GAME. There is no obfuscation or obtuseness of about abilities or hidden knowledge between players. no comeback mechanics feebly designed to “manufacture” hype. You and your skill and tactics as a player is what will ultimately win you the match at all points of the game.

Like confession time. fighting games in general stress me the fuck out. no matter how good i am or anything, the constant threat of an instant lose comeback mechanic or some BS obfuscation like 33% required learning BNBs instead of just using the abilities of your fighter in a unique way seem designed to take me out of the experience and frustrate the fuck out of me. I just want to play a good game. This game doesnt do that. Im not stressed or worried as much about winning or losing because I have 100% control of the game. Nothing is in my way or designed to give someone an unfair advantage at any point in the game. So i dont get salty or mad about not being able to win that one match, because i totally COULD HAVE won. And if i lose, its no big deal because i can ACTUALLY LEARN and understand from that experience where i went wrong that match. I can…enjoy the game? And THAT is the beauty of it all. I can ENJOY IT! So for me anyway, that kinda does make it this years GOAT fighting game.

What does “this years GOAT” even mean? The two contradict each other.

I’m trying the game and it’s really cool though. I gotta get some people to try it while its free.

How do I play the demo with Arcade Stick?

Edit: Nevermind, got it

I still can’t find good opportunities to use Grave’s supers, and when I look for opportunities I play worse. On the other hand neutral A without canceling is great and I should start applying it more. + on block and guarantees another nA on counter hit.

A return to the ways of Yie Ar Kung-fu maybe.

I’m having a bit of trouble trying to get the game to a reasonable frame rate. I’ve already put the graphics level on low and turn off V-sync. Any suggestions?

Wanted to cancel match search. Halfway through the cancel I get a match and join immediately.


What are your specs?

It’s a free beta. Give the steak man a chance.

Add that the game still is at alpha level of developement.

“Unfinished game is Unfinished.”

A work in progress guide for all characters. Currently has 5 out of 8 characters.

Game says it’s out of date, and I have to pay $10 on patreon to get the update.
Some open beta this turned out to be.
They changed the build to fix some issues and extended the free weekend. Try downloading again.

Bah. Link was out of date.
Now the game runs, but doesn’t respond to any of my controllers.