Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

That’s surprisingly good! I like it a lot and learnt a little bit about Grave in the process.

Now’s everybody’s chance to try the game

Tbqh this game looks pretty dope from a depth perspective.

I just came here to post about that!

Free weekend this coming weekend, everyone should give it a try :smiley:

So Lum and Argagarg are the only “first series” characters we dont have yet? did Sirlin ever say when they would be available? I would totally love to play them both whenever they come. Then all it would leave us is the Shadows characters which are also on the way at a later date. I believe i remember talk of preliminary work being done on Sirus Quince and how his “Truth Mirror” ability would work in the game. look forward to seeing THAT. in the meantime, cant wait to play it.

Lum is in kind of a weird limbo state, because he’s absolutely playable but looks SUPER janky because he has exactly zero non-placeholder animations or visual effects. The previous Patreon build had playable Lum (who plays like a crazy combination of Blanka and Faust), so presumably Lum’s the next character to be added to the game if they’re successful on Fig.

I backed this on Fig. Game looks fun, hope they make the target.

So far everything seems interesting

From an East Coaster to my fellow West Coast brothers and sisters, Id personally like to tell you guys this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE level up to the Eastern Standard time. We are 3 hours ahead of you for a reason: We live in the future, therefore we are BETTER. So PLEASE accept our Timezone so that silly devs dont have to constantly handicap us future people for yall living in the past. and no, Im not saying this because i want to play the game NOW, Im simply saying it in the hopes youll stop living in a backwards timeline. thank you.

Can you get into the game right now? It takes ages to connect to servers on PC.

edit: apparently there’s an issue with the demo version. They’re working on a fix atm

even just playing arcade with Geiger and Rook for half an hour this game is fire! and the computer puts up some good challenge too! Having a jump button didnt bother me all that much, but it does make button placement look kinda awkward on my arcade stick. Still, it took like no time to adjust and the only things i needed to know where the basic moves and then off i went. It really does make the game more about tactics than just “I know what BNBs to use at this particular moment in time” thats really what i like. Even Rising Thunder was still guilty of that despite wanting to lower the barrier to entry with specials (which have started to become intolerable BS as the genre has aged). It just feels fun to learn your character a bit, then get right into the mindgames and high level conditioning that is tantamount to proper tournament level fighting games. And BOY does it look SOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER than when they first showed it off too! anyways, im digging it and hopefully the server issue will be fixed and and i can body slam some people with a real rock man.

I managed to play arcade and a couple quick matches. Game looks pretty gorgeous tbh, cell shading do all sorts of magic. It seems fun too despite being so simple.
Last arcade boss is cheap AF though, damn.

Well I’m a fucking believer. Spent about 2-3 hours online and had a blast.

Glad you’re liking it!
And yeah “Boss Midori” with his cheaty extra health and Super regen is really annoying at times. You have to play extra extra careful to beat him. In older Patreon builds there was an unfinished “extra boss” you got if you got through Arcade without losing a round, and the amount of times I would get to Boss Midori and lose ONE darn round was crazy … I still loved the challenge though :slight_smile:

I can ONLY GUESS who that was. :wink:

P.S. yes i know the FS/Yomi lore.

P.P.S. No one with a decent connection wants to fight my rockman a second time. :frowning:

I’ve been playing for the past few hours. I’ve only played Geiger, and I am having fun. I wish he had a couple more basic attacks, but he is functional as-is. I keep messing up and trying walk-up flash kick, which is just not a thing. It’s so hard for me to remember though, since specials are just a button press.

After b+A you can hit confirm and link a C.

Yessss soon all the world will see why the folks who have played it have been so enthusiastic about this game

We shall be unstoppable

One of ussss one of usssss

For sure you can combo into flash kick, but I keep trying to walk forward and anti-air with it.
On counter hit you can link neutral-A after b+A, then cancel it into a special move.

After several hours of online play, I am, for the first time ever, hopeful that this might finally be the fighting game that is better than SF2 series.

In other words, what we have here is potentially the best fighting game of all time.

I don’t know how the new cats will take to it. But for those of us who thought the 90s was the golden age of fighting games and all the added complexity distracted from what made the original games so* fun*… this might be the perfect iteration of a 2D fighter.

It’s got everything you like in fighting games with none of the tedious stuff.

You can play “for real” and find out if you like the game in 5 minutes instead of after doing a bunch of boring stuff in training mode. But because the core mechanics of a fighting game have fundamental depth, there is still a game to be played.

But that doesn’t mean this is just a back-to-the-basics fighter, either. The “new stuff”, the variety, comes into play with the fact that the character designs are a little “off the rails.” With a guy who can control the wind to totally change the zoning game, or a character who can literally freeze time, you’ve got interactions that are way more wacky, diverse, and potentially interesting than say SF2.

The presentation leaves a lot to be desired – people have already railed on the graphics, so I’ll add that the sound effects are also really weak (are you kidding me with that announcer??)

So as far as gameplay goes, this game is a bit out of step with newer-designs. Instead, it feels like the next-level iteration of your old school fighter.

Right now, there’s probably no other fighting game I’d rather play. And I don’t say that lightly.