Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

It can, there’s a option for up jump.

It can. You in?

Also as someone who played the game, if you give the jump button a chance for like 30 minutes, you may even find it more comfortable than UP.

Yeah I tried button jump for months which felt good to me, but in the end, on a joystick, I prefer up = jump so I’ve gone back to that.

One of the reasons is, when playing against a grappler and I’m wanting to hold “up” to get out of the command grab I can feel is coming, it feels really weird to me to hold down a jump button in that case, but really natural to hold “up” to immediately jump out of wakeup or blockstun etc.

Why would pressing a different button on the other side of the controller ever be more comfortable than just pressing Up?

Depends on the scenario. For example air specials are important in this game, so you can either tiger knee them with up~B or by pianoing jump~B. Maybe you’ll find the latter more comfortable when trying to get the lowest to the ground execution.

At the expense of having to use an extra finger than normal for moving. Doesnt really matter anyway since there’s an option to change it.

It’s only like a three button game or something. I doubt it makes a meaning difference, it’s just about preference.

some scrub gameplay.

Yay Im in then! Is FS going to be at EVO? Sadly I cant attend but I look foward to footage!

Game looks good but half a million will be pretty hard to reach

Jump button feels weird until you play on a hitbox. Jump buttons make you concentrate more on the ground.

Well at least they got good waifus. Though they look kinda similar to each other, as if they used the same model

Jaina is 100% top material

How do mixups work without low attacks?

Plus frames into strike/throw situations, basically. If I recall, Geiger can back throw -> 4A, and it’s plus enough to push buttons or attempt another walk-in throw.

removing dexterity and slowing everything down is a gimmick.
and that’s how it’s being presented/marketed.

it is a novelty.

no one here or anywhere else will care about it a month after it releases. outside novelty it appeals to no one except fans of sirlin.

Yeah I can’t see this catching on big even if it somehow makes this goal that it really doesn’t look like it’s going to make it.

Definitely would just watch people like this. The simple controls of Rising Thunder already got me not bothering and this is just, I just literally feel it’s there for people who can’t do regular fighting games. I feel games like SFV and KI already do a good enough job making fighting games simple for people while still requiring some dexterity and reactions. Generally still retaining what is a fighting game. This would just feel like the EO mode in CVS2 being made into a full on fighting game for me and that would just carry 0 interest for me.

Eh, the combo difficulty is such a tiny amount of why a game takes off or not as to be insignificant. I’m a big fan of well scaling combo difficulty, but the important things for catching on are install base, looking good, and feeling good.

Game looks very colorful and I respect that. That said I can’t support anything attached to Fig.

The controls affect a lot more than just combos. For one thing, high/low mixups are completely gone making pressure more one–note.

That’s what I figured. It seems like standard low-mid mixups should be part of it if people are to get the real fighting game experience. It’s such a basic game mechanic that every fighter shares.