Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

I still haven’t heard anybody hating on this game after playing it. There are plenty of haters, many right here, but none of them claim to have actually have played it. Those who have are like 20% ok game, 50% like it, 30% love it.

If you’re at Evo you can try the game there.

There’s a fair few left/right mixups too. Also throw/command throw mixups or throw/attack mixups. Notably the two rushdown characters have most of this kind of stuff, particularly Setsuki who’s the most mixup orientated character. But almost everyone has crossups too. And chip damage is very significant so adds up with pressure.

What’s the beef with Fig?

The same as they do in Street Fighter? Very few SF mix-ups are high/low; you have the occasional slow overhead, command grab in a frame trap, and the empty jump low, but the primary purpose of low attacks is to catch someone walking backwards in footsies. Fantasy Strike appears to have the frametrap as the primary mixup via KoF/GG/ST type throws which are only techable by not blocking at all.

I guess you don’t play much 3rd strike.


I mean, blocked crossup then throw/low xx hadouken is a staple SFII mixup.

That’s a strike/throw mixup though, not a high low. Which this game very much has

That’s fair; I was not thinking about 3S.

You mean Street fighter throws? The throws in this game have recovery, making them weaker than kof and GG throws.

Also, people forgetting than if I dont have to block low then I’ll always be walking backwards, meaning when the hell are you gonna be in range for a throw?

Is there footage of someone competent at this game playing? I didnt get to see that one stream which is gone now.

In ST you still have the option of going for overheads too though. Not to mention all the depth you lose in footsies (which is much more than catching people walking backwards).

Throws are like SF2, so on whiff you get a slow normal (5A is your fastest normal), but they have fairly large ranges to compensate for the fact that blocking also walks backwards.

EDIT, don’t know why this link doesn’t work. Its at: anyway.

See below too.

If walking forward is a decent bit faster than backwards then walking out of throw range isn’t a big deal. I’m pretty certain that FS doesn’t have throw recovery, seeing as it’s forward + normal; instead it has “startup” in that it only checks if the opponent is throwable on the 3rd frame instead of the first of a normal.

Literally the mechanical difference between a low and a non-low in footsies is catching people walking backwards. Everything else is hitboxes and hurtboxes.

Really, the issue in footsies isn’t just that there’s no lows (although this does change the footsie game pretty significantly), it’s that there’s no crouch blocking so you have to move backwards and give up screen space to block.

And yes, overheads existed in ST. They were the core part of the mixup game which made it function.

Wait i seen video where there are throw wiffs? Has that changed?

I second this

Man this is what im talking about. Fantasy strike is changing up so many conventional rules that i dont why it dev team has the audacity to call this game a simple fighter.

Its an competitive simulator at best that reference fighters.

Pretty much. If people hated the one button, auto pilot shoryus in Rising Thunder, I don’t see how a lot of veteran fighting gamers who already complain about mainstream fighting games being too simple are gonna have joyous smiles and sing this game’s praises. I dunno how they will be able to get through long sessions of FS without feeling like they’re at a Tee Ball session.

You saw a command throw maybe?

Mind that im not hating on fantasy strike for being simple or its own thing. Im upset how they want us to see this as product that “simplys fighter” but does the complete opposite. It changes things that it no longer resembles a conventional fighter is own thing.

I want them and people to not called this a simple fighter but unique one.

That’s the thing. I’m not sure if you can truly go all in and simplify a fighter without changing core things. There are just certain things to a fighting game that are inherently complex or inherently require quick dexterity or decision making that will be beyond people who aren’t used to those type of fighting game basic nuances.

TBH I don’t think this fighter will do well enough to really care if it’s impeding on what makes a fighter or is mislabeled or whatever. This is essentially a way of giving Hearthstone players a way to play fighting games. Something where skill is involved, but they don’t have to worry about tons of quick reaction, execution based hand movements that are necessary for traditional fighters. Things that can be practiced, but for those that find the training mode stuff laborious, it can work for them in a basic sense.

I could see if this game was pushing like 60 dollars retail and trying to step on SFV, Injustice 2 and Guilty Gear’s toes maybe, but that’s not really the point of the game.

Check the footage from the FSX tournament here:

You got the devs and a couple of pro players joining in.
Both grieger and setsuka having same command grab whiff animation looks very suspect.

They had a throw button implemented in some builds, but ultimately decided to remove it. It couldn’t be left as a choice, because in Sirlins opinion it would ultimately be a false one: one of the options would be superior and the other would be a trap choice. (Example: having throw be forward/back+A means that those attacks are only available in throw range of you choose to use the throw button).

So throw whiffs are in there to cover that. But additionally command throws, like Setsukis teleport throw, can still whiff.