Blanka Blue Balls? Cammy can take care of that…so can Chun.
Sounds like Honda’s super got raped versus Blanka’s.
Yeah, I’ve stuffed Honda’s super before with a jab, I think. Blanka’s is another story, though. That thing is pretty nasty. I usually just go ahead and block it instead of risking taking the damage, which is surprisingly big.
Another thing worth mentioning, I think, is that I seem to only stop Honda’s Headbutt and Blanka’s Ball with standing jab as opposed to crouching jab. I’m still learning a lot about the game, so that could be true or false. However, it just feels like I only beat them clean with a standing jab where a crouching jab will trade. Zangief’s crouching jab is a good Honda/Blanka stopper, though.
I went ahead and learned guile myself, I’ve gotten pretty good with him. I think I’ve beat you with him a couple times too lol, I’m 99% I’m on your list. PSN is longmeat.
Blitz is who I need to play. he was the one who motivated me to get my guile game up by kicking my ass with him. I think I’m ready for him now but whenever I invite him he never accepts.
Will c.MK beat electricity? I prefer that over roundhouse due to its slowness. I don’t want to walk forward or jump since I expose myself to a roll.
Just thought I’d post this classic old school Guile video for fun even though its not HD remix
Mike Watson’s Guile vs Jesse Howard 1994 SSF2 tournament mid west championships.
" You came a long way to lose" lol
do any of u guys know at which point during balrog’s super can he be flashkicked or super’d?
It should be after the second hit.
Yeah man you destroyed my Guile in those mirror matches. I don’t know if there are specific matchups you have trouble with but your Guile in general is solid.
To beat electricity cleanly you usually need a normal with a hitting hitbox (red) that goes farther than it’s vulnerable box (blue). So, no, is terrible for that.
Got a suggestion? My other problem is dealing with that damn slide.
Well…it is a bad matchup. The slide comes out fast and goes under sonic booms. Blanka’s duck is so low that your overhead whiffs in general. After a blocked sonic boom Blanka can immediately electricity to stop tick throws and other mixups.
I lose this match frequently. My best advice is throw less booms and if you do have Blanka outside of his slide range you can sonic boom then It will stuff the slide. If he’s any closer though you are not going to get the to come out.
EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot. Standing lk is your best friend in this match. Any time you would normally mash lp mash standing lk instead. And yes once you start mashing lk you can charge your boom.
Sweep usually does the trick, but it’s risky. A boom smacks him, i don’t know if he has time to stop electricity then slide under boom, i’m guessing not under a slow one. I usually have other shit to worry about against good blankas than electricity. If you have charge i think you could RH flashkick his ass.
Step kick beats slide cleanly. It’s slow though, so you need to anticipate a little. I find it pretty reliable as long as i predict a slide (can’t react to it).
The way i deal with blankas is by being patient, doing lots of backward sobats (he’s pretty harmless outside of slide range) slow booms and step kicks. It’s a very 1 dimentional and boring matchup but i think guile can win it if you’re careful.
u guys have any tips on mirror match guiles? what beats out the low forwards? it looks like i should be right out side of guiles low forward and when he whiffs, i should hit low forward. i dont know wut to do in this matchup.
Overhead I think is real good in Guile mirrors because of the range. Other than that I dont know, it seems like whichever player can get away with taking less risks usually wins, as is usually the case with most mirrors involving fireball chars.
I had a question about cancelling into Guile’s super using the old motion:
if I wanted to hit confirm two of Guile’s cr jabs into his super, what would the input look like? I’d imagine it’d be hold d or db,cr jab, cr jab, df, cr jab, ub kick. I assume the last jab won’t be seen because it’s renda cancelled?
edit: nm, did it myself
I know you already said never mind, but I wanted to answer anyways in case anyone had the same question. You’d actually want to complete the entire super motion immediately after the second cr.jab, and right before the last jab ~ kick. Also, unless something’s changed from ST to STHD, you have to actually kara cancel a st.jab, not a cr.jab, because in order to renda cancel you have to go from either crouching to standing, or vice versa.
So it’d be: hold db, cr.jab, cr.jab, d, df, ub, st.jab ~ kick (~ signifying that you’re pressing kick immediately after the jab since you’re canceling the first few frames).
can someone tell me the exact directions for two crouching jabs, then jab or short into flash kick?(yes i know it doesn’t work but it works after you cross up with short)
Hold db, jab, d, df, jab, neutral, jab, ub, kick. That should be it. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. The neutral jab should never actually come out.
If you’re talking just the regular flashkick, then you’d do:
Hold down, cr.jab, cr.jab, neutral, st.jab/short, u + kick. Just be sure to immediately hit u + kick after the st.jab/short, BUT also be sure that you watch the st.jab/short come out.
Now if you’re talking about two cr.jabs xx super, then it’s done the way I posted in my previous reply:
So it’d be: hold db, cr.jab, cr.jab, d, df, ub, st.jab ~ kick (~ signifying that you’re pressing kick immediately after the jab since you’re canceling the first few frames).
That IS assuming you’re using the old super motion. If you use the new motion, it’s: hold db, cr.jab, cr.jab, d, df, f, uf, st.jab ~ kick. Basically, just be sure you start the super motion immediately after the second cr.jab, and make sure you time the st.jab so it’s still within the combo timeframe, if that makes any sense.
See above response =]