A bit off topic here, but I was wondering what you guys use as your no-charge AA when your opponent jumps a sonic boom from far enough away that they can hit you, but if they chose not to attack your cr. fierce or st. strong would whiff and they would land safely. I know you could always try to “trip” them with your cr. forward when they land, but remember, you don’t know if they’re going to hit you in the air or not. I tested this scenario against Ryu/Ken in training and it looks like you’ve got a few options- Depending on the distance you can sobat or backwards sobat. Your hit boxes move back during this move, putting you out of distance of their jumpin. At this point they will either whiff and your sobat hits them, or they trade with your sobat. It looks like another option from a bit farther away would be your j. towards rh. This has a ton of range and looks like it works well. Are these the moves that I should be using in this situation?
What about neutral standing far roundhouse? I think someone also mentioned far standing fierce (the backfist) earlier in the thread, as well, though that’s riskier.
Can some one give me a list of basic combos to learn?
I’ve gotten half way decent at reacting to my opponent but I really have no retaliation and I’m not able to punish anyone. Sorry but sifting through 8 pages to find basic combos to learn on is a little cumbersome right now, especially because a lot of you are far better than that and have no reason to post or discuss them.
Here you go…
This is probably longer than the 8 pages in this thread, but if you can’t get some basic combos out of all of that…oh boy. Just about every normal move that Guile can interrupt is used in a combo of some sort in that FAQ, so…start out simple and take it one normal move into special move combo at a time.
If I were you, I’d also look in the Shoryuken.com Wiki. There’s bound to be some Guile strategies in there.
Guile bread and butter combos, because that’s most likely what you’re looking for:
Any jumping move (usually either j.mk or crossup lk) c.mp xx flashkick. Most basic combo, you have to hit confirm tho.
Dizzy anywhere on the screen: j.hp, c.mp xx HK flash kick.
Dizzy in the corner: j.hp, close hp xx HP sonic boom, backfist (or step kick) HUEG DAMAJE
Guile doesn’t have the equivalent of, say, ryu’s c.mk xx fireball so you’ll have trouble capitalising off small mistakes with anything than 1 hitters.
There’s a few things you can do tho if you inves the time to practice:
Crossup lk, c.lk x3 xx HK flashkick. I do it by pressing rhytmically lk 4 times, but on the 4th press you press up+hk virtually at the same time as lk. There’s other ways to do it but i found that one the easiest for me. The problem is geting the c.lks to combo off a crossup since it’s a a slow move. You can subsitute the 3 lks with c.lp, but it does less damage and you have to do some finger gymnastics if you’re playing on a stick (maybe i’s easy on a pad)
The good thing is that usually doing 3.c lks gives you charge, so if someone, say, misses a HP dragon punch you can in theory punish himwith that combo.
Same principle of pressing applies on crossup lk, c.lk/c.lp x2 xx super (old motion only), you do c.lk 3 times rhytmically but actually piano all the kick buttons on the 3rd press.
I’m growing fond of c.mp, stand lk. Either as a link combo or a blockstring. After the lk, you do c.mk then a sonic boom if you charged early enough, very hard to interrupt.
I’m looking for something to combo of a far hit j.hk, it’s an awesome move but i wish something comboed. HK flashkick works but it’s waaaay dangerous if you misjudge the distance.
I’m also wondering of the viability of c.lk x3 (or x2 or x1 depending on distance) into knee bazooka. It combos for good damage without charge but i’m wondering if the knee bazooka is not punishable on hit.
Unfortuanatly those don’t work because you opponent is still able to hit your head, so any attack that hits below that is no good.
Thanks guys! (or gals).
I’d just add one more thing…
Sonic Booms can combo from any interruptable attack provided you’re within a 1/2 character width of your opponent (outside of which weak attacks won’t work…because they stun less), so, when in doubt, stick out a cr.:lp:, cl.:lp:, or cr.:mp: and interrupt that into a Sonic Boom. If you find a huge opening, you can even try cr.:lp:(x1-2), cr.:mp: XX :hp: Sonic Boom/any Flash Kick…or…when you get even more advanced cr.:mp:, cl.:hp: XX :hk: Flash Kick.
Flash Kicks should only be comboed into if you absolutely know you’re hitting your opponent…like from a jump-in combo, as TVG said. I prefer my bread and butter with Sonic Booms because you can do so many things after throwing one and they can lead to a dizzy opponent.
But, the bottom line when it comes to finding bread and butter combos…there are six buttons on your joystick or controller. Explore. Try them all. Bread and butter combos are called that because they’re simple. If you can find those with Guile, you can find them with anybody…and then you’ll be ready for more advanced high-damage combos.
The thing to keep in mind is that it’s not just about being given information, but it’s about understanding the concepts behind the information. Understand those concepts and you can apply them universally…and then you improve that much faster.
Alright, I know this sounds stupid, but I’ve been having trouble with sagat jumping in on me from really close after I throw a boom. His jump is so low and his rh hitbox extends so far down. Most of the time I don’t think I even have enough time to cr. fierce. This and Sagat’s good normals make me think this isn’t a good range for Guile. Should I keep things at mid range then?
I’m having a lot of troubles against Honda. I know that Guile is supposed to beat him easily but I can’t keep him away (jab headbutt) and up close he is doing a lot of damages
Can someone explain me how to play against him?
Thanks in advance !
The only thing about the cr.short x3 xx flashkick, is that honestly there’s no real difference in damage aside from the standard crossup short, cr.strong xx flashkick. I guess maybe the cr.shorts do more stun since there’s more hits but ehh I have no clue on the stun each of those attacks do.
Also, you CAN do cr.jab/short x2 xx super with the new motion. I do it all the time, I prefer the newer motion since it’s one smooth motion.
I have an unbelievably hard time fighting Chun. She gets me in the air with hey low kick (how do I beat this?), she does the cartwheels, she has the lame overhead jumps, and quickly jumps to the other side, etc… Chun clearly has too many moves at her disposal, especially in SSF2T.
How should I go up against her? When I do flash kicks, she jumps on the other side, and gets me. The fact that she has a fireball makes her way overpowered, and I never liked her getting one from the start.
The goal of the match is for guile to get in and sagat to keep him out so I don’t think thats the issue. It might be that your booms are a little predictable. I poke just outside his kick range. Really mix up your pokes. Throw in an overhead or tick throw if you think you can get away with it. I also only throw fast booms since they’re the hardest to jump on reaction from that distance.
The sobat kick is probably the best tool in close.
At mid distance, you don’t need to throw a sonic boom. Wait till you see hers first. Otherwise, just keep the flash kick charged. If she gets in close, footsie and fierce boom (might catch her). If she’s far away, you can sonic boom and you have a couple anti-air options if you time things right or catch her napping.
If you want to list combos that don’t work along with combos that work on 10% of the characters, be my guest, but don’t list them when someone just asks for basic combos. Bread and butter combos are what top players use. Altho i give you credit for the c.mp, st.hp link, i didn’t know it, even tho the following hk flashkick doensn’t work on almost all the characters. A couple of the combos you posted are impossible, just saying. I REALLY think you should wait to have this game before posting advice, it does get tiresome having to correct you because you can’t even test to see if what you post works.
Dan’s Student:
Go into practice mode, see how much a c.mp does. Now see how much c.lk x 3 does. I rest my case, those combos don’t do the same damage at all, crossup lk, c.lk x 3 xx HK flash kick does almost half life. As i said tho, the tricky part is having the crossup lk and the first c.lk combo, you get thrown if you mistime it. Then again it’s extra good for people expecting tick throws and trying to counterthrow.
You missed the point of what I did.
My point in giving him the link to the TZW Vol. 7 Combo FAQ was that Guile has a ton of combo possibilities…and he only has two special moves (three counting his super)! His issue wasn’t that he needed bread and butter combos with Guile. His issue was being able to discover combos in the first place. I gave him the means to learn how to explore for himself. I have never had a problem with giving out information. (You know I’ve been posting for 14 years now, right?) But, I’ve also come to recognize that just giving information doesn’t help people as much as giving them the means to discover that information on their own. That’s how you empower people.
As for the combos I’ve posted, yes, it’s true that my ST combo knowledge is patchy, at best. All of that research I did on SNES SSF2 when I did my Link FAQ has to apply somehow, though, given that we’re dealing with essentially the same game engine with a few tweaks. By the way, I have both the AE and CCC2 versions of ST, so I can still be helpful when I actually have time to test some of the heavier combos I used in SNES SSF2. So, I apologize for any misinformation I’ve posted and I ask that you would bear with me while I try to figure out what combos involving medium and hard attack links are still possible in ST. If James Chen can do it, so can you.
I appreciate that bit of credit regarding the c.:mp:, cl.:hp: link, but doesn’t that point out that what I have to say is relevant? You didn’t know it…and you didn’t think to try it…and ST has been out how long? If you haven’t already, check out my SNES SSF2 Link FAQ on GameFAQs.com. While I’m sure that just about all of those links are still intact, there were some very powerful combos that I discovered from those links that may not still work in ST. If I don’t have time to test them (I’m a family man with an 8 month old…imagine how much time that takes up), it’d be nice for somebody else to do so. I am remaking that FAQ to include combos, so when that version comes out, I’m sure I’ll only have stuff that works on it…especially since I’m getting corrected here.
And…yes…the :hk: Flash Kick was a guess…but if it works on some characters…then it still works! I’d also guess that a :hp: Sonic Boom won’t combo because the opponent gets knocked too far back. (If that was true in Super, I’m sure it’s even more true in ST.) But, the bottom line is that I’m willing to explore and flesh out possibilities that may not have been considered. It’s what I do…and it’s what I’ll continue to do.
So, if anything, I’ll put disclaimers next to combos that I’m not sure about and ask, “Does this still work?” Granted, a reply will still be needed, but at least that way I’m not coming off as if I’m 100% sure about combos that I’m not sure about. Don’t worry, though, I can see now that links that involve at least a medium and a hard attack usually push too far back for most special moves to combo in ST. I can now use that concept and apply it to any other characters’ combos that involve that type of link.
I thought Sirlin said you can’t combo off the new motion for reasons unknown. I’ve been trying to use the cr. strong xx old motion super and that gives me a 6 hit super combo. but doing it with the ps3 controller sucks. i need a joystick!
So with your cr.jab/shortx2 xx super you would get a 7 hit super?
Yes! I was losing my belief that it was possible but after a lot of time in training mode I finally managed to do the cr.shortx3 xx rh.flashkick. I basically just press up+short+Rh when doing the flashkick. Needs a bit more practice to become viable in a match but i’ve passed the first hurdle.
And cr.shortx2 xx super does work too for a nice 7 hits (edit: I was doing the old motion). I tried doing it after a crossup short but as yet have been unable to perform the joystick gymnastics required. Back to training mode!
how do u guys stop honda’s tick into ochio throw after he hits u with a jump in attack? it looks like guile wont have time to charge for a flashkick reversal? am i wrong?
I undestand what you’re saying and it’s nice to see you passionate about it, but i was more thinking about the guy who’ll just read your post quickly and bang his head on his stick wondering why the fuck he can’t get c.lp, c.mp sonicboom to connect.
Also, another pretty easy combo that works nicely on some bigs and i forgot to post: lk crossup, c.mp, c.mp xx HK flashkick.