Okay, I’ve has this question in my mind for a while, but I can’t come to a answer for my life. Why don’t more people jump Guile’s sonic booms? His main no-charge AA is his cr. fierce, but that usually trades in their advantage. I realize that Guile has other options like his standing strong and his neutral close forward and neutral close rh, but judgeing the distance and timing for these can be difficult and pros rarely use them. It seems like people will only jump Guile’s sonic booms when they anticipate them. I don’t get it. Can’t somone please explain?
Well you really answered your own question. You’ve pointed out why people don’t jump sonic booms unless they anticipate them. Cr. fierce, back mid kick, forward/back low, even standing strong are very good AA options beside his flash kick. Timing by far isn’t difficult espcially when an oppenant doesn’t anticipate the sonic boom coming and even if they do anticipate it they are still at a disadvantage with all of the AA options he has. I for one use them when my oppenant jumps over my sonic booms, but then again I don’t really consentrate on that aspect of his game alone. I’m more of an aggressive Guile player. If you ask me the best answer to a sonic boom is another projectile or neutral jump.
when’s a good time to use guile’s foward+lk? is it just to cover more ground quickly like people do with zangief’s hand glow after a piledriver?
You’re right. You could take the hit and conserve your Somersault charge so that you can reversal the tick attempt or the Ochio attempt or
-reversal Somersault the jump in attempt (best option)
-block both the jump in and tick attempt and jump out of the Ochio if he was slow doing it (worst option)
-if he’s very close, reversal throw the Ochio attempt
Not very good options, but that’s why Guile has an excellent keep-away game, if not the best defensive style in the whole game. Especially against Honda, who can tear up Guile if he gets in.
Actually, one fatty combo I like is crossup Short > cr.Strong > st.Fierce > Somersault. Very flashy and gets the blood pumping. :looney:
You pretty much covered it Shin Akuma, but I wanted to add that usually Guile players jump in after their Sonic Booms, and if the opponent jumps after Guile is already in the air, his long range Roundhouse, high priority Forward and Air Throws will smack them down. Which is why people wait after a Boom to make sure Guile stays grounded, before trying their jump in attempt.
I rarely use the Knee Bazooka or the Sobat. The only one that I use even semi-usually, is the Hopping Roundhouse, especially against Zangief as it sometimes cleanly stuffs his cr. Roundhouses. I think the Bazooka has low priority, although it sometimes catches jump ins, and is good as a mixup into throws, pressure, etc.
Yes, if you want to charge a sonic boom. It’s also a good evasive move to get out of block stun loops (ie Gief’s jumping body press). I’ve also snuffed out hurricane kicks with it as well after throwing sonic booms. It’s very much useful you just have to find it’s usefulness like every other move.
But…why wouldn’t he just start with cr.:lp: XX Sonic Boom or cr.:mp: XX Sonic Boom? Why wouldn’t he start out simple and then work up from there? Okay, true everyone’s not that logical (and I’d call myself logical to a fault…meaning it’s not good to be as logical as I tend to be), but people don’t learn as much or get as much enjoyment out of learning when they’re spoonfed everything. That’s all I’m trying to say…and I’m writing my FAQ with that kind of mentality. Show them what’s possible, but then give them the means of getting down the road to what’s possible.
I get where you’re coming from too, by the way. I should’ve just said try matching up each of Guile’s normal moves with his special moves and you’ll find his bread-and-butter combos. My fault for being lazy.
Nice. By the way, I have something for you in the Chun Li thread. I wasn’t as crazy as it was once thought.
I’m sure its been mentioned that Guile’s overhead whiffs on a crouching blanka, but also his sobat kick will too.
Meaning only crouching attacks and standing lk. will hit a crouching blanka.
Does cr.lk x3 connect consistently for all of you with sticks. I can only make it work with this pad if I use a finger instead of my thumb.
Yeah actually standing roundhouse does hit him and forward/back low also does too. Close standing strong has been known to whiff on a crouching Blanka also. In reality, none of this really matters when playing against Blanka. You want to keep him at sweep distance at all times. It’s not really safe to get in on him with the arsenal of moves he has at his disposal. Cr. forward is Guile’s best weapon against Blanka. Use his Sobat kick as an AA when Blanka jumps from afar to try to get damage. If Blanka jumps from a close range, cr. fierce should do the trick. I’m not really sure, but in my experience playing online, Blanka seems to be one of his worse matchups, so it’s best that you keep him at bay and not try to rush him down with B&B combos.
This doesn’t make any sense. If you’ve evere watched Muteki or Kurahashi video they pretty much never do this. Why not? You’re not gonna get into the air before them and even if you do, they can just dp through you boom and hit you or block the boom and and then dp you as long as you through something faster than a slow boom.
As for what Shin Akuma said, I guess your right, using Guile’s other anti air options when you can is what you’ve got to do. Thx
Its using guile’s air options as AA if they go over the boom. If they don’t dp or jump you can start a rushdown or back off. Great guiles can boom over and over again, but that isn’t exactly easy.
Heres an example:
You throw a fast sonic boom from mid/full screen then jump. Your opponent doesn’t jump and blocks the sonic boom. You do this 2-3 times. Now you have conditioned your opponent to blocking your fast sonic booms. Now you throw a slow sonic boom from mid/full screen. Your opponent sees it and decides to jump and attack knowing that you will eventually jump as well. Instead though you walk forward and watch your opponents attack whiff in the air. Then you proceed to jump and throw your opponent in the air.
As for repeated sonic booms I really don’t see any use for them other then a time consumer. It’s fine to throw as many as you can but eventually your opponent will find a way to mess up your charge timing whether it be by neutral jumping or going through it. I say it’s better to throw 2 repeated sonic booms at most then space yourself.
I don’t claim to be a top Guile player or anything, but that strat, jump attack after Sonic Boom is great for rushdowns, especially on Shotos that like to Tatsu through the Boom, j.Forward stuffs it cleanly and sets up another meaty, like Overhead or tick > throw. I’m not saying I use it after EVERY Boom, but it’s good to have as an option against other turtlers like Honda or Claw.
I just found out that his overhead is a decent AA as well. I must of used it like 6 times in a match and it went unpunished.
can someone hook me up with a good strategy against Fei Long?
Be more specific what issues are you having with Fei Long? Is it his chicken wing? Is it his rekkas? Is it his flame kick? His normals? His super? His speed? There’s alot of things Fei Long can give problems to a Guile player. Unfortantly, I’m too tired right now so if you need help be more specific. If it’s everything about Fei Long that gives you trouble you need to go practice somemore.
the flying kcik/chicken wing causes the most problems for me.
hitting the kick with flashkick on reaction is very difficult, charging a flashkick is somehow problematic too cause the chicken wing cant be blocked from crouching position and sonic booms are pretty useless to pressure with cause the chicken wing goes over them…
As a (beginning) Fei player myself:
The CW is great to punish booms but it doesnt really hurt that much either. It usually doesnt get the full 3 hits. The rekkakens are very hard to do against guile due to his booms and low reach, low attacks stop rekka quite well. Im usually afraid of a Guile that waits to flashkick my incoming rush attacks.
I found that his strange overhead block nearly everything I got. It kills CW completely, it beats jump ins too and has great reach. Some player kept doing that and I was wasted
Slow sonic booms with walkin then thrown, overhead or jump (the unbeatable MK) are a pain as the flamekick cant go through. Only CW can, but again, it does not damage that hard, and has recovery time when you block making the game even after it.
1.) Against most characters, you will not use you sonic boom to rush people down. Guile is a defensive juggernaut. His gameplay largly revolves around throwing a sonic boom and reacting to how people deal with it. Obviously, spacing is also a big part as you want to make sure you can deal with their projectile passes effectivly.
2.) Following up your sonic boom with a jump in is super scrub-nugget 101. Pretty much the only time this is viable is after a knockdown with a meaty sonic boom. Otherwise they can either dragon punch through your sonic boom and hit you or block and then dragon punch you. Finally, if they jump first, at close and semi close distances you’ll get knocked back on you ass if you try to antiair them with a jump.
Here’s the bottem line with what I’m saying: 95% of the time pros (Muteki, Kurahashi, TZW, etc) use their cr. fierce as their no-charge AA. The cr. fierce is great, except it doesn’t trade in you favor. So what keeps your opponent from jumping in more after booms, especially when he’s up in health, all he needs to do is ride the favorable trade to vicotry. I realize other anti airs exist, but as before mentioned, with the exception of Guile’s cr. forward as a trip and j. towards fierce or rh from far, pros rarely use any of these. I suppose it only makes sense that the anti airs that get clean hits (standing strong, crecent kick, boot kick) are what you’ve got to use to punish them so they only jump on anticipation, but again, I see pros use them so rarely that I’m not sure. Even when their opponents don’t jump on anticipation, cr. fierce is their weapon of choice. I would really apreciate it if some really experienced guile players could help me clear this up.
^^Why don’t you come play my Guile tonight? As opposed to debating, I’ll just show you how and when jump ins after a Boom are effective and deadly.
I play on live. I know theory fighter isn’t the best way to go about things, but you have to realize how simple it is to stop the jump in. Sometimes I struggle a bit in Guile vs Guile mirror matches. An almost guaranteed win though is when I see what I like to call a high flier. Also, the fact that good players never do it might be a clue that there’s something wrong with it :wgrin: