Or that they give too much credit to their opponent. Your using way to much meta game, bro. Trust me when I say that it works. What you are stating is someone playing against your Guile perfectly in which case there would be no need for strats or tactics. You’ve basically said to yourself that no matter what you do your opponent will counter it. Yeah he might DP through it or he might just jump over it and try to attack you.
This is easy enough though that its not like you have to react at the drop of a hat. I’ve tested this against “high flying guiles” and I beat their ass like this. I realize some theory fighter is impractical, but this is a tried and true tactic that works. That’s why decent Guiles don’t do this.
Going back to the whole no charge anti air thing, I think the cr. fierce does a good enough job that you could use it most of the time because of the following situations:
1.) Sometimes they whiff; they try to hit you standing doing your boom, but you cr. and they miss.
2.) Sometimes you can throw the cr. fierce early so it clean hits them; they wait to get closer for the trade but you do cr. fierce early for the clean hit. If they try it early they better guess right otherwise they take a cr. fierce if they whiff.
3.) the cr. fierce knocks them back pretty far and you can crank out a boom before they hit the ground. If they jump, you’ve got time to move back and maybe make them land on a cr. forward, or possibly jump towards them and fierce them (or rh?).
4.) Alot of characters arn’t willing to make the trade with you because they need the health to get in on you.
These are just some of the things I’ve noticed. It’s still not a bad idea to use some of the other anti airs when your oppurtunity presents itself, especially if they jump a slow boom that your following.
I rarely jump after booms…I either go for a tick boom throw, the overhead, or a low mk or fk. Why bother jumping when I can stay grounded?
A fun trick I DO sometimes use is (knock down then) meaty boom into jump lk, land throw. It is rare that people expect the jumping tick throw and the boom protects you a bit from anti airs.
Dirty crossup, confirmed for shotos and Balrog, should work on most of the cast:
j. lk, land, lk, lk, lk, forward lk, mash throw
Five hits and the throw will catch most people off guard.
I almost prefer it to his bread and butter crossup because it is less punishable.
Alright, using the j. towards fierce as your anti-air after they jump a sonic boom on reaction works great. If your close enough, you get the throw, and if not, you still him them with your you fierce. It is possible for them to hit you before you get the fierce off, but this requires very good anticipation (you can do this or the cr. fierce) on their part and if they guess wrong and whiff, you can hit them with whatever you want on their way down. If this is what you were trying to say shin akuma, I apologize for misunderstanding you.
Absolutely, you can’t be afraid to meet them in the air with Guile because his non-flashkick anti-airs are so situational.
well, hello everyone… i have been playing with guile for a month now and i honestly have to say it’s soooooo freaking dope :wonder:. but as a noob to this site … i don’t understand the lingo… ok 1st what is kara 2. whiff 3. xx I HAVE SEEn alot of people using those terms but i honestly am soooooo confused thanks .
and aa.
also has anyone had any luck doing guiles’ s.lk to flashkick as a combo in a match? also what are some of guiles priority moves … also, does jab help sonic bombs come out faster when charging… i was watching the muteki vs kurahashi … which i think are two of the best guile players of all time, and i seen them doing it alot .
i check it but it didn’t have anythin:wgrin:g what i was looking for like what i said before thanks it was very helpful though
two of the best guiles that i seen … or that i think check it out [media=youtube]4nyLMWgVZ4E"[/media]
Someone else can explain kara, I think I do it, but I can’t explain it.
Whiff is when someone attacks but does not connect, for example whiffing a dp means using well outside of its range. Example I am dping on side of the screen, and the opponent is on the other side, there is no way I will hit him, block or hit, so i am whiffing. Whiffing occurs when any attack misses an opponent completely.
xx combo link?
AA is anti air, any attack that works to knock an enemy out of the air or at least trades with them in the air.
Head you off just in case. Trades occur when two attacks hit at the same time and both people take the hit.
If you don’t agree with the AA definition that’s fine, but a lot of this thread is about guile’s AA’s and how they trade with a lot of things.
I think you basically have it. Many of guiles moves are really situational and mindgame-focused.
Basic situation: you throw sb and your oppenent reacts. So now that you have no charge, what normal counters? All depends on distance and your ability to react.
Back when I was in better form I used to play shotos just out of roundhouse range. Then I would throw a boom. If they jumped, I would go neutral, last second DUCK their whiff roundhouse and throw or do ducking strong x2 then boom to push them back out and reset.
But it’s all situational and distance based. And most important - mixing these things up. The first time you might get the whiff/punish, but the next time expect them to button late. So that’s when you do jumping roundhouse in anticipation, or if you’re really gutsy, an air throw.
That’s what happens when you play defensive chars, you have way too much time too think
Kara Cancelling is explained in the Super Turbo Wiki. “Kara” is Japanese for “empty”. So, “Empty” Cancelling is cancelling a move that has been “whiffed” or purposely hitting nothing. An “empty” hit, if you will. You’ve probably already been doing it. With Guile, try doing a standing jab and then, before the move actually comes out, doing a Sonic Boom. Voila! Kara Cancel! You should hear the sound of the jab right before you hear and see Guile throwing a Sonic Boom.
“XX” means “move cancellation” or “2-in-1”…the standard way of doing combos. Again, it’s all about reading that Super Turbo Wiki. You can also try looking up David Sirlin’s SSF2T Tutorials to get foundational knowledge of what we’re talking about.
dealing with bison
i was playing online against dictator and he would always use pyscho crusher and push me to the corner and then throw me if i blocked and if i got hit he would just rinse and repeat.
is there a way out of this? I tried to out throw him but that didn’t work… for some reason he was getting priority all the time.
any advice would be awesome.
you can throw him first. its a little bit difficult cause he got the plan to throw you and you have to react, but if you know that he is going to throw you you can grab him first much easier. the plan is of course to master it by reaction.
it seems you have an input problem. best would be imo making throw movement and pressing the throw buttons repeatedly with the piano method.
personally this is my choice mostly but you can also mix it up while charging when blocking and making a reversal flashkick (this is imo more difficult than a counterthrow).
additionally the best is of course not to let him get so close while being in the defensive: if he is making a psychocrusher and you block and youre not in the corner he will fly through you, often you can hit him when he went through you with a backfist.
additionally you can learn from other opponents how they react to your tick throws. just try it, make a slow sonic boom and follow it walking behind, when the opponent blocks just throw him. good players will react.
I think it can only hit 3 times, so if you block 3 hits from crusher you should be able to do anything afterwards. I’m not certain though.
Flash Kick, especially if you are not in the corner. Works for me against Dictators who like to grab after a Psycho Crusher. Then again online has alot to do with these types of block stun grabs.
Isn’t backfist garanteed as a punishing when Dictator is in range after psycho crusher?
I just mash forward and fierce if he passed to the other side (just keep your blocking position and mash)
This works for me until now. But maybe flashkick is a better punisher though.