Unless Dictator is constantly knocking you down for some reason, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a Sonic Boom on the screen. He can’t go through that! Rush your arch-enemy down! Jab Sonic Boom and follow it in. See what he does. Headstomp? Unless he anticipated your Sonic Boom, he won’t hit you with it, but whether he hits you or you block it, he’s up in the air and vulnerable. Devil’s Reverse? He’s up in the air and vulnerable. Jump? Free cr.:hp: or Flask Kick for you! Scissor Kick SC? Yeah…you might want to watch out for that. Anything that Dictator can do to counter you has to be anticipated because the Sonic Boom comes out so quickly. You should be the one dictating that match…so flip the script on him.
But hey…if he does make you block a Psycho Crusher, learn the timing of the block stun and then press toward him with the joystick and :hp:. You’ll either hit him or throw him. Timing is your friend.
With the type of blocked psycho crusher in the corner that you’re talking about you will always have frame advantage, so theoretically you should always be able to throw him.
Can anybody confirm if Guile’s Strong throw has more range than the Fierce? Whenever Dictator does his Scissor > throw, Crusher > throw shenanigans, I always piano Strong and Fierce for the counter throw, but it almost always seems to be the Strong throw that comes out. Possibly cuz it has greater throw range, seems like it anyway.
im haveing problems with turtling boxers, they know i can punish the headbutt, so they jjust jump over them with j.mp which has really good priority, or block them. This goes on until they eventually build up that super meter and im standing on egshells…
I wouldn’t be surprised if guile can interrupt it, I know ken can. Somewhere inside his super, he does a “turnaround punch”. You can actually interrupt at that exact moment. Its right after the second/third punch. I did it with ken’s super one time, but it was reflexed based. Guile can probably super/flash hk, and probably trade at the least.
You might be talking about the “glitch” Boxer has, where during his Super, one of the hits will hit slow. It happens randomly and rarely, but it is a known issue. When you see the “slow” hit, you can hit him out of it, same as the 2nd blocked hit of Honda’s Super.
any suggestions on maintaining an advantage on e.honda? I’ve been having trouble with keeping honda away because of his jab headbutt (goes thru sonic booms) followed by HHS… or any of his moves followed by HHS.
what’s a good general strategy for honda now in HDR? is it better to be offensive or defensive?
Guile’s sonic boom tick can be pretty tight, but when I’ve used the crusher as a tick on GGPO it almost always is reversed. Partly thats because quality of play is high on GGPO, but the real reason is because crusher just isn’t a tight tick, and unlike most other ticks where you have to react to it, they have all day to prepare to throw you with crusher tick.
So imo crusher tick is more of a lag abuse tactic than anything, and if you’re pianoing throw inputs you should really be getting the reversal throw.
As against most character’s, the best distance to maintain is far enough away that he can’t hit you with a jump in but close enough that you can make him land on your cr. forward or rh. From this distance, you can punish his headbutt with your backfist after he lands.
No, it’s not intentional. It was in classic ST, so Sirlin didn’t have anything to do with it. And his Boxer Remix article does not mention anything of leaving the Super glitch in intentionally.
What do you do when your from full screen or out of range of stopping your opponent’s projectile passes? I’ve seen some people just sit there throwing sonic booms, letting them pass and get back into punishable range, and I’ve also seen people walk forward (and lose their charge) until their at the distance where they can punish projectile passes. This first method forces you to give up space, and this second method forces you to lose your charge. I’m leaning on the second option. Otherwise it seems like your oppent could take one step back to take two step forward. I realize using your step kick or knee is also an option, but this doesn’t always allow you to recover fast enough to stop their pass. These moves are best used to move forward in a projectile match.
I’d try to bait them with a feint boom, or vary the boom speed. However, I’m not good with zoning with guile cuz of the pad, so i’m more than willing to give up space against less dangerous foes. I run though from gief/honda/hawk because of their throws.
I have a question, how do you go about attacking chun? It seems like all of her normals beat me when I try to jump in. Otherwise, its just a unending fb war. Until she jumps close enough to use her throw range to get me.
Also, what do I do about claw, it seems like all he has to do is poke, and slide and it doesn’t seem like I can do anything. Does anything beat slide?