Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

You goal in this match is to get into backfist range by using projectiles and stepkicks/bazooka knees to advance. From this range, you can punish her after you trade projectiles with your backfist, or you can anticipate her fireball and jump in for a clean hit.

Ok I looked through the thread and still have some questions.

Will sobat kick beat claw’s slide?

Does Guile have a normal to beat boxer’s dashes. Furthermore, how do you keep him out of headbutt range if he manages to get in? I had a problem tonight when a boxer jumped at close range, his jump height is low enough that it was hard to flash kick him on reaction before he could hit me.

Online specifically, when gief gets in is it pretty much auto win if you can’t reverse.

Scenario 1: He does a meaty sweep as you get up, you block he spds you, and it starts again.

Scenario 2: He does a meaty sweep as you get up, you try to reverse, but fail and get knocked down, and it starts again, only now you might get dizzy.

Is there any way to beat his sweep> spd?

I’ve been having trouble with a what i will call a dic chun. These players get aggressive. Instead of zoning and using her jump to get in and then turtle after doing damage. They repeatedly poke with what I think is It puts me into a block stun long enough, that as soon as I come out of it, they are poking me again, until they can just walk in and throw. Its annoying because they are hyper aggressive, instead of the normal type of chun and they really abuse her throw range.

BTW Python, do you play on PSN?

I haven’t tried it. Try it and let us know if it’s Godly or useless. I usually block Claw’s slide and try to Somersault his followup poke. If you’re throwing enough Booms, and you should be pretty much spamming them against Claw, he will not slide very much.

I use rapidfire cr.Short. Haven’t tried cr.Strong, but I think that should be good too.

I don’t try to Somersault his Buffalo. I try to get him on landing with cr.Forward, or if I baited him with a Boom, Backhand.

Yes. Especially if he’s good with tick > SPDs like I am, it’s good night Guile.

Yes. Reversal Somersault the sweep attempt, or block the sweep and Reversal Somersault the SPD attempt. I recommend the 2nd option so you don’t fall for baits, which I do a lot of to Guile players. = ) But most Zangiefs don’t use sweep > SPD (haven’t seen anyone but me actually), they prefer st.Short or st.Forward. Sweep > SPD only works when the sweep is extremely deep and extremely meaty. If the sweep is done at it’s mid to max range, SPD will not grab. Unless the Zangief player grabs me at least once, I would never reversal Somersault a blocked sweep.

Chun’s close and far Strong have extremely high priority, but Somersault kills it, especially if they’re spamming. If it’s the close Strong, reversal throw.

I don’t have a real method to try it but I did a different experiment.

I booted up ssf2 the new challengers. His sobat kick beats claw’s slide in that game as long as claw is not right next to you. Therefore, its reasonable that sobat kick will beat slide in hdr. Until two people actually test it though its just a possibility.

Another problem I’ve been having is whiff green hand into spd. Should I always follow boom with something if he’s in range to greenhand?

I’m sure that even if he cancels your Sonic Boom with his Banishing Flat, you can easily backfist him or something while he’s recovering. This is the Sonic Boom we’re talking about. No other projectile in the history of fighting games has so many different followups. You should always be following up your Sonic Boom with something since practically everything will combo afterward. And, when I say everything, that includes walking forward and seeing what he does next, walking forward and throwing them, and even jumping forward with an attack (when it’s obvious that they can’t anti-air you…like after a meaty jab Sonic Boom).

That said, Zangief can still be pretty annoying to fight with Guile.

Walking towards gief is dangerous though. I don’t want to be teabagged by that hairy russian!

Taking from the immortal mentality of Fezzini in “The Princess Bride”, knowing that you know that it’s dangerous and doing it anyway may be the very thing that catches him by surprise!

It’s all about those mind games, son! Sometimes the unreasonable works at least once!

I’ve been having some porblems with Chun’s stomp. None of my anti airs can touch her. The fk can even get stomped out on occasion. Is this just something I have to block? I’ve tried cr. fierce, neutral forward, neutral rh among others. I’ve also tried to punish her when she lands, but I havn’t had any success. Jt. fierce can catch her sometimes, but you’ve also got to have plenty of time to get that off.

I usually welcome headstomps because blocking them results in either free air-throws or free combos for me, but because she can do her HF Aerial Spinning Bird Kick in HD Remix, it’s a bit harder to punish her after blocking one.

One sure fire way to counter a headstomp, though, is to Flash Kick EARLY. Catch her at the very edge of the kick. You’ll probably use the short Flash Kick to do that, but you may want to play around with hitting with the very top-rear corner of the roundhouse Flash Kick, too.

Man…that takes me back to fighting CPU World Warrior Guile with my super-scrubby Chun Li. That worked on her all day long, much to my chagrin.

I found the flash lk works it over the best, and if im not mistaken, an early flash hk will just cross to the other side and work as an escape.

[quote=“FreshOJ, post:269, topic:50702”]

I usually welcome headstomps because blocking them results in either free air-throws or free combos for meQUOTE]

Ok, I tested I tested this more with my brother. After blocking I was able to jump back and fierce chop Chun… sometimes. Whether it the way chun landed on me or who whether it came down to who got their input off first, frequently my brother could stomp me before the chop came out. However, this is fine as long as the fierce chop is used in this situation like it normally is as an anti air: Because it happens so fast, chun has to anticipate whether your going to jump back go for the fierce or not. Here’s the list of all possible outcomes:
Guile - Chun-li: Result
Fierce - Headstomp: You take some damage
Fierce - Nothing: She takes more damage
Nothing - Headstomp: You make her land on cr. forward or rh
Nothing - Nothing: You see she can still stomp your sweep so you do nothing

So it would appear Guile has a small advantage here. Fresh OJ, I was wondering how you were able to get air throws or combos off a blocked stomp. I got 1 air throw during the course of testing, but may I could have gotten more if I had waited a bit longer before pressing fierce. Or were your air throws back breakers?

Block the headstomp, she starts to fly past Guile, Guile turns around and follows her, she starts to come down, Guile jumps behind her, catches her, and slams her down. Either air throw should work, but I think the backbreaker gives better results. You may even be able to catch her on the way up if she did her last headstomp deep (for some crazy and illogical reason that could be explained in my next sentence).

Of course, like I said before, now…with that HF Aerial Spinning Bird Kick in play, I wouldn’t try that because you’re going to get smacked if the Chun Li player is awake. I never let anyone follow my Chun Li into the air in HF.

As for comboing her when she lands, that’s proper spacing and not getting crossed up by her own attack because you were too close. Same principle applies with throwing her when she lands.

Yeah, Guile does have to follow up his Booms on Zangief with Overheads, sweeps, throws etc, or else he’d just be dealing chip damage, and Zangief has high defense so it would take just one of his SPDs to even out the damage.

While I don’t recommend making it a big part of your strategy, the biggest part is keeping Zangief away, but once in a while you have to surprise Zangief.

Boom > throws I recommend doing as little as possible, cuz I’m good at reversal SPDs and I have rarely been thrown after a Boom. Been kicked in my head and tripped tho! = )

Glad to see I wasn’t talkin’ crazy!

Since I’m definitely a member of the Rushdown Guile crew, I like to knock Zangief down and do meaty jab Sonic Boom mixups on him. I usually even get crazy enough to do a jump in block string after that meaty Sonic Boom (because you never know when someone will be crazy enough to try a reversal Lariat and mistime is so that they can eat all 5 hard hits of the combo I’m about to slap up on 'em!!! Okay…yeah…doesn’t happen much, but it’s a thought.) and then interrupt my rapid-fire :lp:s or cr.:mp: with…a throw! Hey…if you don’t show me you can stop it, I’m a do it! :slight_smile: You just don’t know when I’ll try that again, though. That SPD is highly regarded for a reason.

And…by the way…Guile means ‘trickery’ or ‘deception’…so put some trickermaration into your gameplay! :slight_smile:

Against gief I would recommend you keep him back with strong booms. He’ll start lariating, but thats when you throw a jab boom and follow it up with a cr. forward. Any other mixup is to risky and can be hit with his lariat. Ideally he’ll have lariated earlier like he would for a strong boom and find himself trapped between you and your boom. Worst case scenario, he blocks and just gets pushed back (giving you space). Best case scenario, he gets hit with the boom and cr. forward for a two hit combo.

Don’t feel that you have to hit him with mixups or else your “just doing” chip damage. Once Zangief gets in somewhat close, he’ll start getting hit by all kinds of stuff. too much to go into detail right now, but just watch some youtube vids and you’ll see that consistant gameplay is the way to beat him.

I’ve been following this thread for a while and utilizing some of the strategies talked about here, but one of the things I haven’t really read about is what to do about claw off the wall throws.

If he bounces off the wall to come in for a strike or throw, any type of counter seems to either get you hit or thrown. should I just be trying to better time a cr.fp?

Jump Roundhouse is my best weapon against Dives. Even fakes can sometimes be hit by the long range j.Roundhouse. Pokes get stuffed or miss, going underneath.

blitzfu’s on it once again.

If you’re on your feet, there’s really no better option than jumping roundhouse. If Claw’s diving at you on wake up, though, just like with the scenario with Chun Li’s Headstomp, catch him with the very edge of your Flash Kick and you’ll easily hit him clean. If it’s a meaty dive, he’s really asking for a Flash Kick, so give him one at the last possible moment! (It’s invincible on it’s first hitting frame.) Guile’s problem with this matchup isn’t going to be the wall dive, as Claw should always be punished if he attempts one.

If you want to see really good video of this in action, head over to and check out the video of the finals in the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Tournament that they did. Paul Eath as Guile and Graham Wolfe as Claw. Graham is awfully good (I mean legendary good…as you’ll also see in the matches prior to that one), but Paul’s Guile was able to pull out the victory (not saying Paul didn’t play a solid Guile throughout the tournament, though).

Actually, besides a flash kick, jumping back fierce is the best against walls dives, although I have seen jumping towards rh used before. The jumping back fierce will clean hit the wall dive every time as long as you react quic enough, and if Vega’s close enough you’ll get the air throw. The jumping towards fierce can sometiems hit fake dives, but if he does a real one your more subject to getting hit for two reasons:
1.) You rh puts out a nice big blue hitbox for him that extends almost the entire length of your leg. The fierce chop is all red baby =)

2.) You have to get into the air earlier for the kick to hit him. The fierce chop’s red hit box is higher and extends above your head

edit: The rh might be your better option if your against the wall and don’t have any room to jump back. Not sure though. When you’ve got some space though, definatly go for the fierce.

This man speaks truth.

This is the way to really maximize this matchup, imo. Zangief doesn’t really have too many answers.