My findings into claw slide were weird. If you block it within range, you won’t recover from block stun in time to attack him. If you block it point blank, you can do anything you want to him.
The snes version had the sobat kick avoid his slide/sweeps in general, however, guile could land on it. At point blank the slide would hit sobat.
In all honesty I’m not sure what to do about the slide, his pokes kill sobat, but sobat kills slide, and slide can’t be punished outside of point blank. Any advice against a ground claw who doesn’t leave the ground too much would be appreciated.
The Roundhouse Somersault was supposed to help Guile against Claw’s slides, but I find it impractical. I have hit Claw’s slide with it, but he has to be almost at point blank range and I have to do the Somersault early just to hit his slide. If Claw is at mid to max range of his slide, I have found that RH Somersault almost always misses. Which is why I only Boom out of range of the slide and turtle if Claw’s in range.
How do you combo the 3 low shorts into a roundhouse flash kick? Did they make it easier to combo in to a flash kick in this version? Brian made it look really simple.
i have problems with cammys jump in RH kick… it seems like it stuffs the low fierce AA clean, however when i watch japanese cammy vs guile… cammy is rarely jumping in on guile even when he is not charging
how can you stop cammys jump rh kick with guile when u are not charged?
post guile vs cammy strats
for me i like to stay out of cannon drill range and sweep it on reaction
It involves a pretty shady glitch with the xbox 360 controller where you can charge and walk forward at the same time by holding one direction on the d-pad and the other on the analog stick. It hopefully will be patched out soon, so I wouldn’t bother learning it if I were you. Also even if it isn’t patched it will definitely be illegal in any competitive setting so theres really no point learning it. If you want to mess around with it, it really is as simple as described though. Also, it only works on the left side.
The way I do it is do the 3 x shorts then press up+short+roundhouse, hitting the short a fraction of a second before roundhouse. If anything the worse part of the combo for me is linking all the shorts. :looney:
Another really nice use is 2 x shorts into super. charge db. short, short, df, ub+short+roundhouse. It doesn’t work so well when they’re in the corner though as when they hit the “wall” the super only hits twice, but out in the open it’s a cool 7 hits and you can hit confirm too!
Just practice again and again in training mode and you’ll be doing it in no time!
I struggled with a few vega matchups the other night. I know the roundhouse works, but the higher off the wall vega seemed to come meant the higher I needed to be in my jump. rh.
I resorted to timing my cr. fp, and it worked great, because my flash kick reponse got stuffed a few times.
From this footage, here are the different ways that Guiles took on the wall dive:
crouching block (cr.Strong or cr.Roundhouse vs. Vegas that land behind)
Short Flash Kick
Jab Sonic Boom
Also note that many Guiles kept their positions in the corner to help control the space open to the Vega player.
This will influence a Vega players use of the wall dive as well as limit the possible positions of the attack.
Now the above vids are ST and not Remix, so there is some discussion with regards to the differences between the two (Roundhouse Flash Kick, etc.) and how that affects options.
Here is some Guile (Paul Eath) vs. Vega (Graham Wolfe) footage for Remix:
Eath uses a corner defense to limit the space on wall dive attacks, and uses cr.Fierce and Super to counter two seperate wall dives.
Vega is Guiles’s 2nd toughest match behind sim, imo. This Claw player got me a lot in a tourney by throwing out his claw early every time i tried to jump back fierce it. So I started using c.ferice. Yeah I had trouble countering the roundhouse slide with the roundhouse fk as well.
Excellent breakdown, Terry. I’ve been looking at that particular video from the GameSpot tourney a lot and, from what I’ve seen, there’s hardly anything Claw can do against a cornered Guile. Claw’s strength is in being able to pry his opponent out of his down-back turtle shell and crossup his opponent. Without a quick way to do block-damage, Claw’s stuck. (Pardon the pun…I really wasn’t even trying there.)
vs vega, the match is still difficult all around. if vega has his offense going, guile is still at his mercy and you pretty much have to react accordingly. vega can consistently pressure with slide and chip with rolling claw and mix in walkin grab or c.strong stab. it will stuff the sonic boom or trade in vega’s favor.
although it’s legit, i’m not a real fan of jumping fierce to counter claw dive, especially if the vega player is good and controls his release of the claw dive early or late.
from my experience, if guile can get a lead v vega early on, the best thing to do is proctect that lead by applying smart presure and/or defend in the corner and try to manage the clock as best as possible. the hardest vega players imo are the 1’s who pick their attacks, or counter attack from guile’s sonic booms. and if the vega player is ahead and content with working the clock, alot of luck and NO mistakes have to be made on guile’s part to catch up.
the new flashkick definitely helps if you’re on offense at midscreen, and upside down kick setups help out guile’s game imo. but still difficult overall.
from my own experience, guile’s hardest matches are still:
I’ve been using mixed strategies on gief lately, with outstanding results. Variable boom speeds with walkup overhead/ and attacking with a low on reaction to green hand, as well as reserving some charge for a flashkick knockdown, have made quite a few giefs ragequit on me lol.
Also, I’ve noticed against jump happy chuns/bisons you can throw a boom from full screen away and charge a flashkick in the case they try to fullscreen jump at you.
When I want to go for a backfist, from charge, I tend to throw a fierce boom instead, how exactly do I dump charge and then do a backfist. I also have this problem when going for a throw, although that can be fixed by just holding back and throw. That doesn’t work for back fist though… or does it?
I can’t wait to watch these when I get home. I’ve been playing on the regular more and more lately, and I need to advance my guile to the next level. Some of the things I’ve noticed is this…
I struggle to effectively use the spinning backfist in a fireball shootout. If you’re being sent a barrage of hadoukens, you can neutralize them with SB’s, but you can’t advance really to punish them with a spinning backfist. If you jump in, you’re taking a dragon punch.
Up close the spinning backfist seems to work if you’ve got the jump with the sonic boom and they try to neutralize it upon reaction to yours. Then you can punish, problem is, they almost always are throwing a FB first. Or nail them on anticipation which is dangerous.
I feel like Im getting my ass kicked more now than ever with guile, just after I started to see some improvement, and I think the problem is Im jumping in too much after I throw a sonic boom with