Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

:l::lk: will knee bazooka foward, and allow you to keep boom charge.

I can’t do it well yet, but you can use a neutralizing boom then knee forward throw another, and you maybe in range for backfist. However, if you become predicatable, they can throw a fb then walkup and hit you as you knee forward or jump at you.

If your ahead in the fireball war, you can use your knee to advance and then back fist them before they even get their next hadoken out. If they don’t fireball, you’ve got your charge.

True but, good ryu players would take a steps back and hadoken and or low roundhouse your backfist attempt or they could just roundhouse hurricane you, so you might want to keep that in mind.

Good point. If your ahead its probably better to sonic boom, because if he hadokens you can backfist before he recovers and you don’t risk getting sweeped like Battosai said. Still have to watch out for the hurricane though.

On a different topic, I’ve been having trouble with Vega lately. I know how to counter wall dives, his sweeps and all his other shananigans, but I cant stop his j. fierce without a fk charge. Cr. Fierce almost never trades, sobat kick works well but you need to be at the right distance. Jumping fierce works well, but if you get too predictable with this, Vega can stab you before you can get it off. Is there anything that can anti air his fierce?

Just walk under it and throw him. One thing I do is follow a jab boom, and most likely claw player will jump fierce. So walk past it and then imediatley throw him. Of course this is while I am applying pressure and getting him to jump by following a jab boom then low short + low forward + jab boom repeat.

Lol, that’s awsome! thx so much.

Tick Throw Question

One of Guile’s best ticks is his cr. jabs after a crossup. After throwing them a couple times with this, it’d be wise to follow up your jabs with something else. I was wondering what you guys would suggest. In my opinion, the cr. strong is your best option for a few reasons:

1.) You can cancel it into your sonic boom whether it hits or they block it, creating space.

2.) It’s got a quick startup and gives them little time to hit a reversal

3.) It must be blocked low, so if they stand up to stop your tick throw, they get busted in the knee cap

I’ve seen some players use the standing strong in place of the cr. strong, but because it has longer startup and can be blocked high, I don’t see the use to this. Maybe their trying to throw off their opponent even more by standing up or are attempting the throw themself, but standing up to stop a tick throw is anticipation and not reaction anyways and your almost always to far away after 2 jabs to throw or be thrown.


Since cr.:mp: gives Guile the most frame advantage out of all of his normals, it’s one of his best ticking moves that also starts solid combos.

However, as you alluded to, when it comes to tick throws, it’s not just about frame advantage, it’s also about disguising your throw attempt. If you tick with the same move over and over again, if the person you’re fighting is awake, they will counter it.

By the way, cr.:lp:, cl.:lp: and cr.:lp:, cr.:mp: are nice links worth remembering should you need to throw your opponent off even further…or charge a Sonic Boom. :slight_smile:

Alright, I figured out how to use the rh fk more effectivly against Vega’s slide. Typically when Vega has you locked down in the corner, he’ll use cr. jabs and strongs until they push him out of range. At this point, he’ll frequently attempt a slide to get back in. The key to stuffing this with the rh fk is to be patient and wait. Don’t do the fk till you see him start to slide. You have longer than you think to get the rh fk out. Result: you leave the ground, vega continues sliding forward, your boot goes up his face =). Be careful though not to fall for face slides like the cr. short. Not a super easy counter, but I think its good enough. More mind games to play.

Super Turbo Guile Vids

Hope this is helpful:

It’s a page with links to matches with top Japanese Guile ST players.

Here’s an addition I just submitted to the eventhubs Guile Guide. This might be able to really help some new players understand Guile’s anti-airs.

Guile’s anti-air system: As you noted in your guide, when you don’t have your flash kick charged either because you were repositioning yourself or you just threw a sonic boom, your tried and true anti air is your crouching fierce. This is correct. The cr. fierce trades with just about everything and puts some distance between you and your opponent.

But here’s the problem, it only trades, and in most cases, not in Guile’s favor. Without another anti air option, your opponent could jump in after every sonic boom and literately trade you to death. Common sense tells you that Guile must have anti airs that punish people who jump on reaction like every other projectile character does.

The solution? A couple moves that are absent from your guide. These are the standing :mp: (uppercut) and the jumping towards :hp: (fierce chop). These moves are able to punish opponents cleanly, but they can only be used if your opponent jumps your sonic booms on reaction and not anticipation.

Fierce chop- Immediately after you’ve thrown your sonic boom and you noticed your opponent has jumped on reaction, jump towards them and hit them with your Fierce chop.

Your opponent is capable of hitting you out of the air before you get your :hp: out, but it is impossible for them to do this on reaction and must be done on anticipation. For this reason, it is wise to mix this up with your cr. fierce. If they attack early, anticipating your fierce chop, and they guess wrong, you can hit them with whatever you like when they land.
The fierce chop is also the way to counter a lot of things like Bison?s head-stomp and Vega?s wall-dive.

But what if your opponent tries to hedge his bets by throwing out an attack with a long duration like a jumping short or jab? Won’t that last long enough to trade with your cr. fierce and hit you out of your Fierce chop? Fortunatly, the Fierce chop’s massive red hit box allows you to clean hit these moves from a distance outside the arc of their jump. Of course, making them land on a sweep works just as well. Its also worth noting that the jumping :hk: is not a bad option outside of your Fierce chop’s range because of its great reach. However, it is not recommended that you use this when you could hit them with the Fierce chop instead. The :hk: creates a low blue hit box, making you more susceptible to your opponents long duration attacks and whatnot.

But what stops these attacks with a long duration when they jump in from a relatively close distance, say half screen? Well, that’s where the standing strong comes in.

Standing Strong- From the right distance, the standing strong can cleanly stuff almost any of your opponents jump-ins. This is due to the great vertical distance on its red hit box. You’ll most often want to use this when they jump in somewhat close so that, regardless of their attack, you can always get a clean hit. Use the standing strong too far away though and you’ll whiff unless you can anticipate their attack perfectly. Even if you do hit, there?s a good chance it?ll be a trade.
The beauty of the strong is that you don’t have to take the risks of the Fierce chop, but you reap the rewards. The standing strong also happens to be the way you counter long duration jump-ins with lots of range like Chun Li’s jumping short. Remember though, that the fierce chop and standing strong only work if you’ve got enough time to get them out. This often requires you opponent to jump later on reaction rather than earlier on anticipation.

The last thing to discuss is what to do if you?re following a slow sonic boom and your opponent jumps. Depending on the distance and the character, the standing strong will often work well. Just be careful not to use it when they?re too close or you?ll get the standing close strong to come out. Another option is the :hp: air throw. This does some solid damage (unless it?s teched) and is easy to land. The only problem is you risk getting hit with an early attack or even getting air thrown yourself, although the likelihood of these events are low.

edit: don’t know if I made this clear, but your clean-hit anti air options from closest to furthest out go standing strong, fierce chop, sweep. Also, I’d like to clarrify that the fierce chop can clean hit long duration attacks, but the distance at which it does is so far away that your probably better off just making them land on a sweep.

Doesn’t the back fist have a place as an anti air?

I’m no guile player by any means but I’ve got lucky using it a few times at a far distance. It seems like if ever a scrub sees a Guile walking forward they just can’t resist the urge to jump.

Hey guys, after working on this thing for at least a month, I think I may finally have a finished FAQ. But, I need your help in checking my work.

Check out these combos. I know some of them may not be all that practical, but what I really need to know is whether or not they work. Use the following key as you read.

, = Link Combo

  • = Chain Combo or Rapid-Fire Chain
    XX = 2-in-1 or Special/Super Move Cancellation
    NE = Negative Edge
    MP = Motion Partitioning
    CP = Charge Partitioning
    KC = Kara (Empty) Cancellation
    RC = Renda (Rapid-Fire Chain) Cancellation
    SC = Super Combo
    TT = Tick Throw
    @ = Dizzy Combo
    R@ = Re-dizzy Combo
    ToD = Touch of Death Combo

Basic Combos:

  1. Crouch jab (x2), Throw (TT)
  2. Crouch short (x3)
  3. Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse
  4. Crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom

Intermediate Combos:
5. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Backfist
6. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom, crouch forward
7. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Bazooka Knee
8. Jump fierce, close jab-crouch jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Sobat Kick
9. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Short Flash Kick
10. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Roundhouse Flash Kick
11. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Roundhouse Flash Kick
12. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, Throw (TT)

Advanced Combos:
13. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, crouch roundhouse
14. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, Bazooka Knee
15. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom
16. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Backfist
17. Crouch strong, Somersault Strike SC
18. Jump fierce, close jab (x3) XX Fierce Sonic Boom, (whiffed) Bazooka Knee, crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Short Flash Kick (corner only)
19. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Strong Sonic Boom, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom, crouch forward (corner only)
20. Jump roundhouse, crouch short-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC
21. Cross-up short, crouch short (x2)-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC
22. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Strong Sonic Boom, (whiffed) Bazooka Knee, crouch short (x2)-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC (corner only)

I kind of stopped playin hdr in favor of iv. . .

I don’t know if it was actually known, but when zoning gief, backfist beats lariat, it could be luck, but it always beat him clean for me. Man I miss HDR guile.

I have to apologize to everybody; while the anti-air system described in my previous post is somewhat effective, its not the way your supposed to anti-air. The following system is what you’ll see pros use when people jump there sonic booms on reaction because it is fool proof.

Standing strong- Used when you opponent jumps from about half screen or so (depending on the character). This clean hits whatever jump in they throw at you.

Crouching forward- Used from about 3/4 screen or so (depending on the character). This clean hits everything but trip guards.

So far, this is the same thing I reccomended in my last post. But the question is, what do you do in between 1/2 and 3/4 screen? This is where I previously recommended the fierce chop. However, I have found it is much more effective and less risky to simply move to whichever distance you are closer to, either 1/2 or 3/4 screen. This takes such a small amount of time that you should be able to clean hit your opponent with the anti-airs listed above.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not an expert with Guile, but a turtling / very patient Guile should be able to hold their own against your typical Blanka player. One method I’ve found to be helpful against Blanka’s slide is when in close and Blanka does the slide under SB then attempts to walk up for the bite, you obviously don’t have time to charge for FK and you can try to reverse the bite with a throw, but instead try jumping and coming down with a strong punch which opens for a combo.

Never let Blanka cross Guile up! It’s hard to evade the cross-up bite. Perhaps a short FK is your best option. Use your sweeps / low jab kicks to evade Blanka’s crouching close game.

It basically just comes to do playing 90% defense against Blanka’s 90% offense to keep the match close.


Jumping after Blanka slides is going to result in either Blanka jumping straight up with fierce or waiting until you come down and knocking you down with a Vertical Blanka Ball. Remember that the Blanka Slide is done with :df:+:hp:, which means that the Vertical Ball is charged.

As for avoiding cross-ups, the best option would be to step forward, let him land behind you, and then throw him. This isn’t easy to do, however, because of the hitbox on his jumping :lk:, which is his easiest to land cross-up. A :lk: Flash Kick will work if but usually only if you’re anticipating Blanka’s jump. Remember…his jump is one of the fastest in the game. Reacting to it with a Flash Kick is going to be hard if he’s mixing it up with what will be his main gameplan: to bite you.

I may be able to out-turtle my brother’s Blanka with Guile (and, mind you, he likes to bite a lot), but I seriously doubt it’s that easy against a tourney-level Blanka.

Videos of haru tejyo playing Guile

Great vids eggo. On the topic of Blanka, I feel as if there has to be a better option then just walk under him. As OJ said, its really tough. Nothing frustrates me more than a blanka who spams j. short. Do you think using the knee bazooka to get behind him might work? I realize that that you increase you verticle hitboxes for a second, but the horizontal speed boost you get is nice. Would neutral forward kick work? Again, that might be hard to react to.

That Haru tejyo is amazing with Guile, he know exactly what to do in every situation and I can really learn a lot by wathing how this Japanese player plays.