Here’s an addition I just submitted to the eventhubs Guile Guide. This might be able to really help some new players understand Guile’s anti-airs.
Guile’s anti-air system: As you noted in your guide, when you don’t have your flash kick charged either because you were repositioning yourself or you just threw a sonic boom, your tried and true anti air is your crouching fierce. This is correct. The cr. fierce trades with just about everything and puts some distance between you and your opponent.
But here’s the problem, it only trades, and in most cases, not in Guile’s favor. Without another anti air option, your opponent could jump in after every sonic boom and literately trade you to death. Common sense tells you that Guile must have anti airs that punish people who jump on reaction like every other projectile character does.
The solution? A couple moves that are absent from your guide. These are the standing :mp: (uppercut) and the jumping towards :hp: (fierce chop). These moves are able to punish opponents cleanly, but they can only be used if your opponent jumps your sonic booms on reaction and not anticipation.
Fierce chop- Immediately after you’ve thrown your sonic boom and you noticed your opponent has jumped on reaction, jump towards them and hit them with your Fierce chop.
Your opponent is capable of hitting you out of the air before you get your :hp: out, but it is impossible for them to do this on reaction and must be done on anticipation. For this reason, it is wise to mix this up with your cr. fierce. If they attack early, anticipating your fierce chop, and they guess wrong, you can hit them with whatever you like when they land.
The fierce chop is also the way to counter a lot of things like Bison?s head-stomp and Vega?s wall-dive.
But what if your opponent tries to hedge his bets by throwing out an attack with a long duration like a jumping short or jab? Won’t that last long enough to trade with your cr. fierce and hit you out of your Fierce chop? Fortunatly, the Fierce chop’s massive red hit box allows you to clean hit these moves from a distance outside the arc of their jump. Of course, making them land on a sweep works just as well. Its also worth noting that the jumping :hk: is not a bad option outside of your Fierce chop’s range because of its great reach. However, it is not recommended that you use this when you could hit them with the Fierce chop instead. The :hk: creates a low blue hit box, making you more susceptible to your opponents long duration attacks and whatnot.
But what stops these attacks with a long duration when they jump in from a relatively close distance, say half screen? Well, that’s where the standing strong comes in.
Standing Strong- From the right distance, the standing strong can cleanly stuff almost any of your opponents jump-ins. This is due to the great vertical distance on its red hit box. You’ll most often want to use this when they jump in somewhat close so that, regardless of their attack, you can always get a clean hit. Use the standing strong too far away though and you’ll whiff unless you can anticipate their attack perfectly. Even if you do hit, there?s a good chance it?ll be a trade.
The beauty of the strong is that you don’t have to take the risks of the Fierce chop, but you reap the rewards. The standing strong also happens to be the way you counter long duration jump-ins with lots of range like Chun Li’s jumping short. Remember though, that the fierce chop and standing strong only work if you’ve got enough time to get them out. This often requires you opponent to jump later on reaction rather than earlier on anticipation.
The last thing to discuss is what to do if you?re following a slow sonic boom and your opponent jumps. Depending on the distance and the character, the standing strong will often work well. Just be careful not to use it when they?re too close or you?ll get the standing close strong to come out. Another option is the :hp: air throw. This does some solid damage (unless it?s teched) and is easy to land. The only problem is you risk getting hit with an early attack or even getting air thrown yourself, although the likelihood of these events are low.
edit: don’t know if I made this clear, but your clean-hit anti air options from closest to furthest out go standing strong, fierce chop, sweep. Also, I’d like to clarrify that the fierce chop can clean hit long duration attacks, but the distance at which it does is so far away that your probably better off just making them land on a sweep.