Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Hellz yeah!

Hey Eggo, in your matchup with him I noticed alot of Sobat (floaty kick) action, will that stuff arms (thought jab/flash kick was the only tool for that)? Or was he just using that for spacing?

Ok boom-heads, help me out here;

Vega, fuggin Vega…

What is my best option for his slide, can I hit him clean out with something consistently? Or is my best option a trade?

And I assume I just have to retreat to boom distance if hes poking low.

I learned a little trick from Harus vids, I use my standing short (lk) a heck of alot more, I never had the foresight of alternating from repeated to st.lp, pause to knee, all the while with a boom in the pipes (after the first lk as long as your rapid firing them, you can hold your charge, you can transition instantly to your jabs then into your mp antiair, to a boom, your knee, pretty much the whole gambit, step kick included.) I just messed up some decent Blanka players on Live, the fact that the stuffs his everything makes me happy inside.

I still use the n. jump fierce after a boom, just much less so, you have a whole lot more options after the, its all about the transition you choose, and of course, you have a boom charged and thats always a good thing.

Going neutral with Guile in the middle of his strings takes some smart stick releases, but the results are his key tools in his worst matchups. (Harder on Sim, but it messes him up to)

Wow, so my question about Vega turned into a random rant there, sorry, im a geek… :confused:

So yeah, Blanka down, Honda down, Vega…HELP!

The new rh fk was designed to beat out Vega’s slide. In my experience, this is best used when you think the slide is coming and you see movement of any kind. Not an easy counter, but it helps. Don’t spam this though, because if your don’t connect your in trouble. Remember, the slide doesn’t do any chip damage. Nothing wrong with waiting it out.

True enough, Vegas pokes are giving me issues now, I need to find the sweet spot for keeping up booms to stop the pokes without being at that nasty spacing where Vega can wall dive in for free.

You sure those anti-Blanka tactics work? :wink:

Well not against your special brand of madness Decoy :wow: (But I’ll fuggin try damnit, I miss the GGPO beat-downs…)

But against several Blanka players I have been able to stuff several slides, Balls, and rainbows all the while pouring on the boom, n.frc is nice, but if I guess wrong I eat more damage then the slide would give me, so I use that option sparingly. (I am speaking from my own personal results, I am certain Fifth n Some bud, you, nohoho, etc would bite my face, but as soon as I began trying out said tactic, my wins against several different Blanka players have gone waaaay up.)

Since your vids are tipping off the new Blanka kids on the block, how bout’ you throw me a bone, any tricks to give Blanka a hard time? (Something obscure?):nunchuck:

vs blanka

rapid standing short should stop blanka’s slide.
from a certain distance, after blocking slide, lunging roundhouse will connect at times
after blocking blanka’s super ball, rh flashkick will hit clean

the rh flashkick is actually really good at countering alot of chars after blocking certain moves or if they wiff.

try to stay at a far distance and pressure with sonic booms of varying speed. a good distance let’s you be far enough so that if he tries to avoid the boom and jumps towards you, you can pressure him with crouching forward as he lands. if spaced right, at worst he will block and the offense resets, and at best you get a clean hit from the crouching forward and still maintain the offensive. make blanka come to you and i find a turtle guile makes blanka work hard for his win. have the rapid jabs in between booms to make them think twice about random rolls.

if they are half screen, many blanka players will try to slow ball into grab bite, counter with rh flashkick since it travels a far distance, or use the sobat kick to meet them. some blanka players will try to hop to you and bite, if you are a good distance and see the hop, snuff it out with crouching jab (and if they ball instead, your crouching jab should still beat them). or if they try to jump to you, sonic kick if you had enough time to charge. if you are in the corner and they try to continually jump in to pressure you, at times you can walk underneath and throw, but the distance and situation has to be appropriate. use tick throws with sonic boom if you have blanka in the corner

blanka can be a difficult match though for guile, and it requires patience and alot of throw attempts imo.

The problem with the standing shorts after a boom is that 1.) you need distance, and 2.) you give up your flashkick. Blanka’s jumpins give Guile problems as it is, so giving up your flashkick is a bit risky. I’d only use the standing shorts if I was pretty confident Blanka was going to slide.

Edit: On another topic, I’ve still been having trouble with some reaction type things like j. back and fierce choping Bison when he head stomps and honda when he sumo slams. Most of the time I just end up guessing if they will do it or just do a regular jump in. I basically end up putting myself in the corner because I jump back every time I see verticle movement. I pay attention to my opponent’s sprite at all times now, but I’m still having problems with this. Is my reaction time going to improve with just practice or are there any more tricks out there I could use?

Anyone have a way of dealing with dic’s scissor kick, I swear that thing gives him like +10 frames. I can sometimes throw him afterward, but its like he gets a free throw if you block it.

vs honda.

if honda does headbutt super, rh flashkick will hit after blocking.
flashkick can also interrupt in between the headbutt super, but the timing seems tighter than st and it can be difficult to do in online match if lag is present.

rapid crouching jabs will beat sumo slap.

when throwing sonic booms at a distance and honda tries to airplane dive splash out of it, you can meet him in the air with jumping fierce, and as you land either mixup upside down kick or crouching forward. crouching forward is usually the safest attack especially if they are charging for the headbutt as they are landing after the chop.

if they are half screen, and you are throwing sonic booms, sometimes honda will try to jab headbutt through them. their headbutt will snuff the sonic boom, but immediately upside down kick or sobat kick (depending on distance) then follow with crouching forward. if you are playing offline and hear them mashing out sumo slaps after the headbutt is snuffed, have the crouching rapid jabs ready.

vs dictator

at the beginning of a round, many bison players will do standing roundhouse because many guile players usually do sonic boom. you’ll always eat the rh or at best trade damage but you lose more life than bison will in that trade. best option is to block and create some good distance to start your offense. if you know they plan to throw out the rh in anticiaption of a sonic boom, do flashkick instead but this is risky if they block.

after scissor kick, the timing to counter throw him is very tight. your option is either to mash throw them or sonic kick. if you commit to a sonic kick and they block it, then you are susceptible to big punishment from bison.

the best thing to do is to keep bison at a distance and pressure with sonic boom. if they head stomp, have the jump away chop ready. if they do jumping rh, depending on distance, have the crouching fierce ready to anti air.

most good bison players will not throw out the torpedo wrecklessly. but if they do the torpedo, assuming you block it and are forced in the corner, mash throw becuase they are also most likely trying to mash their throw.

if they torpedo with fierce and it totally goes through you as you block. rh flashkick will catch them as he exits

i know im partially in the wrong thread but i decided to come to the place with the largest concetration of guile players…So yea i was just wondering, for all the srk guiles, what do you hate most about playing Bison and what is your gameplay when going into a match?? What situations are ideal for Guile? And what do you want to avoid doing against Bison?? Thanks ahead of time to anyone that responds

-Aspiring “Dictator”

P.S. Eggo and Audio (and anyone else really) i was just wondering if i could add you all to my list so i can get some rounds in against proper Guiles

Well, I certainly try to keep heavy pressure on Bison players, Guile can stuff Bison in the air quite well, So I like baiting Bison to jump or Head stomp. I will break out lots of throw shenanigans as well, everything to push Bison to his corner.

And on the Bison side, smart use of devils reverse and uber hit stun onslaughts, I always hate being baited into something by a decent Bison because they will make you pay for it.

And sure thing man, my Guile is only decent, not pro or nothing, but I am always down for matches.:wgrin:

PS: Forget everything I just told you before we play!:wink:

Is it just me, or is Guile one of the most underused characters in the game? It seems like he gets played as much as the bottem tier characters, even though he’s considered mid to high tier by most people. As I continue to become a better Guile player, I’m realizing more than ever what a strong and complete character Guile is. I would have to attribute the lack of online Guile’s to misconceptions and misunderstandings about how to play Guile. Anyone else notice this?


Guile to dominate Evo!

Seriously, im hoping to see Guile in the final 10.

I don’t have nearly as many mirror matches as I used to.

BTW, how do you get to AA, I can’t get that damn thing to beat out anything.

The standing strong (or mp) can be somewhat difficult to use at first because of the space and timing requirements, but once you get it down, its an invaluable tool. Against most characters, the standing strong works at somewhere around half screen. If your too close, Guile will do hook instead of the upercut. If your too far away, you won’t be able to hit your opponent until they can also hit you. If your slightly out the standing strong’s effective range, you can always take a step to reposition yourself and get it off in time. Make sure your paying good attention to you opponent so you can get to where you need to be and standing strong him as soon as his hitboxes are within range. If your more than a step outside the standing strong range, start moving back when you see your opponent jump and make him land on a sweep. Using these two anti air methods, you should be able to clean hit your opponent whenerver he jumps on reaction to a sonic boom. The crouching fierce should be used when they jump on anticipation but not early enough to hit you before you can get it off. You should always look at the crouching fierce as, “hey, its better than blocking.”

It is absolutly neccesary for you to get the standing strong and sweep down. Too many Guile’s rely on their crouching fierce as their no charge anti air, but you’ll lose the trade just about every time. What’s there to stop your opponent from jumping every sonic boom on reaction and trading you to death?

do any of you play on ps3? if so, what is your psn name. i would like to see some good players (guile or other etc).

Meh, I prefer to block or take the hit and reversal Somersault, but that’s me.

All the good PSN players can be found here.

If their reaction jump is tight, you might not have time for the sac-fk. Doesn’t work if you start moving either. On a side note…

Question: does anyone now how to combo the cr. strong into the super? Do you have to use the old motion? I can chain0cancel jabs and short into super, but I don’t know how to do this.

The glitch with guile means that if you are holding/negative edging a punch in anyway, the new motion doesn’t work, but the old motion will.

So you have to completely be past the released punch effect for the new super motion to work in that situation.