Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Ran into TO13GO13 in a player match room and recorded a bunch of videos. He is the best Guile I’ve fought on Xbox Live, currently ranked #5 on the all-time leaderboard. He is also very entertaining to watch as a spectator.

Ok, so do id do :db::df::mp::ub::k: ? I tried this but it didn’t work. IS my timing just bad?


Thanks man, his Guile is so smooth :sweat:

So you can’t cancel the mp normally? You have to cancel it like its a jab?

thx but I cant do it for the life of me lol

Been looking at the Guile vs Chun matchup more, and I’ve found that one of my biggest problems has always been stoping the head stomp. This has been discussed a couple pages back, but the easiest and most effective solution to this problem has not been mentioned yet!

The problem stems from the fact that you don’t know if chun is going to jump in with her jumping short or do her headstomp. When you go for the cr. fierce, you always run the risk of getting head stomped. Solution: flash kick her after she stomps your head! Sure, you’re taking the hit, but I’m pretty sure the flash kick does more damage and it scores you a knock down, giving you some cross up oppurtunities. In most cases, chun will end up stomping off your head and contunuing on behind you. Just wait for Guile to turn around and then rh flash kick.

In this video, chun doesn’t end up behind Guile, but the principal is the same.
[media=youtube]rM5UdPaWR9M[/media] (1:52)
Just thought this would be helpful for aspiring Guiles =)


I can get with all of the above as long as the following is true…

You didn’t Flash Kick her at maximum range before she could stick out an aerial attack.

By the way, if you happen to block her head stomp high, the best thing you can do afterward is jump up after her and air-throw her. That’s been working since World Warrior. :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s pretty much it.

Edit: quick question: I read a couple pages back you suggested fk as early as possible to avoid the headstomp, so I was wondering what if you miss the oppurtunity to fk early? Should you try the short fk as late as possible (for invincibility)?


If you can’t out-range her, out-prioritize her. No doubt. :slight_smile: World Warrior Guile vs. Chun Li all the way! :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s exactly what you do. Although, if you’re feeling confident about what she’s going to do, you can try either blocking the Head Stomp and then air-throwing her (doesn’t matter if she hits once or three times, she’s still vulnerable to be air-thrown from behind…watch out if she’s near the wall or has an aerial SBK charged) or trying to bait an early jumping kick so that you can throw her when she lands. A throw should do more damage than a Flash Kick, so there’s a bit of a risk-reward scenario there.

I have trouble with that one too, so much so that I never, ever try it in a match.

I find cr.jab, cr. lk X 2, super is much easier to get out (I never catch it after 3 cr. lk’s but I heard it works) I just start the motion the moment I hit cr.jab quick double lk (I usually piano from the second lk) and the piano gets the super to come out very, very well. So well in fact that if someone is blocking the kicks I usually have gone to far and it comes out anyways…:xeye:

Its pretty good corner chippage, I get a great deal of wins from heavy corner games with an eye on my super, waiting for that last chunk you can chip out, that way you can commit more readily knowing that either you will outright plant them for decent damage, or you will chip them nearly to death.

I love Guiles super for cross up game bailouts, against DJ, if hes busting out some nasty cross ups, you can super through his first ground hit, pow, right in the kisser, landing deep supers is nasty. (I use the old motion every time, I never bothered to really use the new motion, still need to figure out new antics with THAT)

Can you step kick > super with the new motion? (Not to combo, but as a nasty counter?)

Wait, whenever I get the air throw, its becaue I’m in front of her. How do you get it from behind?

Whether or not you air throw someone doesn’t depend on what direction they’re facing. The only thing you need to do is jump so that they’re within the invisible box for either your fierce air throw or your roundhouse air throw. It’s the same thing you do against Dictator when he doesn’t go for a Skull Diver after a blocked Head Stomp.

I think I remember seeing a resource that actually tells you what every character’s throw ranges look like…even in the air. I would guess that T.Akiba would be the person that put it together, but I can’t remember where in the world I saw it. All I know is that when I was a World Warrior playing scrub, the best thing I knew how to do was air-throw when people left themselves wide open in the air. I thought it was fun…and then I finally learned combos in Hyper Fighting. :slight_smile: The world has never been the same since. :slight_smile:

O yeah, I can air throw her, I’m actually prtetty good at air throwing. Th fierce throw works when your opponent is aboe you, the back breaker works when your on the same level. I was just wondering what you menat by “she’s still vulnerable to be air thrown from nehind.” After the headstomp, I jump back and hit fierce for the throw, but, as I said, this gets you the throw from the front, where you volnerable to getting head stomped again or something.

Usually when I air throw her in that situation, I’ve blocked and I jump right when she’s passed me, so I’m grabbing her back. The only chance she has of avoiding that air throw is an aerial Spinning Bird Kick.

So, basically, when you block her headstomp, wait until you’ve turned around…until she passes you, then jump up and air throw her. For an even easier option, you can simply stay on the ground when she passes you, walk behind her and then throw her when she lands. IIRC, she travels faster in the air than Guile can when walking or jumping, so you have to get a feel for the timing.

Okay, I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while now, but I can’t seem to undertand the Guile-Boxer matchup. What do you do when balrog can head but through your booms outside of your backfist range? It seems like a popular tactic is to follow up a slow boom. You do leave yourself without a charge if he blocks though, and if he jumps over, I guess its either trade with the backfist or see if you can fierce chop him…

edit: Ok, here’s two examples of Guile vs Boxer play that are vastly different once boxer can headbut out of backfist range. what’s keeping boxer pinned in the corner for so long? What’s stopping him from jumping or headbutting through a sonic boom if Guile remain’s at full screen? Is it the threat that he might follow up a sonic boom?

[media=youtube]fgAwDqMLdA8[/media] In this vid, Kurahashi follows up booms quite frequently. If boxer blocks, he follows up with some footsies. I don’t know if its safe getting that close to him anymore, now that he can strong headbutt through and hit you if your not careful.

I just see 2 very different strategies here and was wondering how to reconcile them.

2nd edit: I’ve been looking into this more, and it seems like you’ve got a couple options when they can headbut and land outside backfist range-

1.) If you wish to gain back some ground and get out of the corner, throw a slow sonic boom and follow it up. He’ll most likely either jump it (in which case you’ll probably trade in his favor) or block (in which case you’ll have to deal with his rushes). Doesn’t look like you’ll deal much damage to Balrog this way, but at least you can get some room to work with.

2.) Throw and medium sonic boom and then either follow it up or remain charging. This is where the guessing game ensues. Because the medium sonic boom comes in at Balrog faster, he must commit to either blocking the sonic boom or headbutting earlier. If done correctly, Balrog will have to anticipate when you going to follow it up and when your not. If he jumps when you follow it up, hit him with you jumping rh or fierce. Don’t follow it up too often though, because if Balrog blocks, your out in no-man’s land without a charge.

Is this assement correct?

vs balrog

this can be a difficult match if the balrog player is really good. imo, the best thing to do is attack balrog from the farthest distance with sonic booms at varying speeds. in doing so, the balrog player must guess properly by headbutting out of it and advancing, or jumping at the right time.

if they are half screen, sonic booms and low forward can keep balrog at bay, but be cuatious of headbutts that can go thru and knock you down clean. (try to maintain a distance just outside of that fierce punch headbutt range or farther). if they headbutt, have the backfist ready, or low forward as they land.

be extra cautious if balrog is within half screen distance and has a super charged. most are waiting for that boom so they can attack with the rushpunch super. mixing up low forwards with sonic boom is good at keeping balrog out, but be careful becuase balrog’s low forward can usually beat guile’s clean. and a good balrog can follow low forward with a rushing low punch.

many balrog players will try to close the distance with a rushing uppercut (miss), into grab attempt. the best thing is just to be ready and have the low forward waiting for him.

or if you boom, balrog can headbutt through and if they are close enough, they’ll go for the grab attempt. before balrog lands, hit him with crouching strong, and if it connects follow quickly with flashkick.

do not let balrog get into his rhythm of constant pressure. the usual pattern they try is low rushing punch, standing strong, turn around punch/headbutt, low strong, repeat, etc etc. try not to let them start their pattern and make them defend vs you with your sonic boom pressure from afar.

do not be tempted to throw sonic booms after blocking low rush punch, the balrog player will usually have a headbutt or standing fierce ready to snuff you out.

Can mixing up your sonic boom speedsa really mess up Balrog’s timing (or at least make him wait so long for the projectile that if he headbutts through, you can get out another boom before he does anything)? With Balrog’s increased jab headbut range and his strong headbut now going through projectiles, it doesn’t seem like its too difficult for him to make it through. Are you suggesting never following up a boom to stuff a headbut attempt? Remember, if he does make it safely though a boom a bit early, he can hit you with a rush before you get out your next boom.

Edit: This is the kind of play I think is most effective (pretty sure its Muteki in both vids):


Notice the guessing game; Guile throws a medium sonic boom and either follows it up or he doesn’t. The projectile comes in fast enough that Balrog has to guess when it’s safe to headbut through. If Guile guess inccorectly by walking forward, he doesn’t lose much.

in the heat of a match, the timing can be critical.
check out the 2nd vid you posted a link of. at appx 0:42-0:45, because of the sonic boom pressure, the balrog player’s timing is off in avoiding the boom, and his buffalo headbutt doesnt pass over in time. in 0:46-0:48, balrog also tries to jump, but is hit. (incidentally, i find balrog has an even harder task of passing thru deejay’s maxout booms, when deejay does it effectively from a distance).

in the worst case scenario, balrog will escape the sonic boom and buffalo headbutt thru, but it’s up to the balrog player to make sure he doesn’t mess up. there is no consequence for guile if balrog is able to dodge or avoid the booms, and balrog still has to close the distance.

i haven’t tried it myself as of late, and i was going by ST properties. are you positive that strong buffalo headbutt can safely pass thru projectiles 100% of the time now? from my experience, balrog will usually go for short buffalo headbutt or fierce buffalo headbutt to avoid the projectile (in ST, it didn’t seem possible to go thru projectiles with strong buffalo headbutt, or if it was, it was very strict with the timing). most balrog players will do the short/fierce headbutt instead of an outright jump for the simple fact that it charges meter, and most players are hesitant to attack while he is headbutting (usually waiting for balrog to land before proceeding with some type of offense, and any trade is usually in balrogs favor vs the buffalo headbutt).

say you follow up a boom, the risk is high that if balrog headbutts thru, you will usually lose in some type of trade etc, unless you stop far enough for the backfist to connect or the crouching forward connects as balrog is landing. if you did get hit, the knockdown works in balrogs favor because he has initiative in his offense. plain and simple, you can’t afford to make many mistakes vs a character like balrog

in the 2nd vid you posted a link of, the guile player almost never follows up his boom, and is content to sit back at a certain distance. only at 2 instances does he go for a jumping roundhouse after a boom (at appx 0:55, and 1:18, but guile is at a strong advantage by those points, with balrog low on life).

at appx 1:10 of the same vid, guile follows his boom but stops far enough that if balrog headbutt etc, the backfist is likely to connect for guile.

if he safely makes it thru the boom, you are better off doing a different attack instead of another boom (backfist, crouching forward, sobat kick etc). if he is close and balrog passes thru the boom, as i mentioned crouching strong is a good attack. this is demonstrated in the 2nd video as well (1:03-1:07, either balrog is expecting a boom or some type of attack… he then goes for the headbutt, but guile catches him with crouching strong, into boom (boom is blocked tho). incidentally, crouching strong into sonic kick will connect, but is riskier if guile does the kick slow where balrog can block).

I sometimes have problems with balrog players when they do that dashing uppercut and then immediatly grab me into a head butt, I can most of the time keep balrog players away, when they slip through I get caught with that routine no matter how fast I react I get grabbed 75% of the time…Any tips?