Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Funny story, lol, but my problem is after he’s jumped a sonic boom (I don’t have my charge). I suppose I could move back (or sobat back) and throw a boom after he lands…

Guile Vs Zangief… Zangief closes gap, does spinning green fist through your Sonic boom, so guile does low fwd, zangief does low RH gets knock down.

what do you do in this matchup?? if your step kicking and fwd sobat gief can jump in and get you into spd

if he gets in, yes you’re in trouble, but the odds against him getting in are WAY in guile’s favor. Keep up with sonic booms. You can do jab sonic boom -> with a specific timing that will beat both lariat and green hand. If you expect a green hand, you can swithc the to c.rh and use the knockdown to get some distance back. Really, just play a very calculated game and make zangief be the one to get creative.

If 'Gief can actually react with a Banishing Flat against your Sonic Boom, either he’s really good or you’re just predictable. I’d guess the latter.

I’ve read all of your posts and, I’m sorry, but you don’t know this matchup. If you zone with the Sonic Boom properly, Zangief rarely has a chance to get in. If he jumps one, Guile has plenty of anti-air normals that can beat cleanly or at least trade with his jumping attacks. His crouching roundhouse beats your crouching forward…but it can’t beat the Step Kick or the Sobat, so you should probably mix up your pokes. If he starts jumping, do nothing and…oh…he’s in the air…hmmm…what to do? FLASH KICK!

Mind games. Final frontier. Go there or go nowhere but into the ground head first.

Since i’m a pussy, when gief jumps a boom i just sobat out of here, it creates space and beats his stuff sometimes, or trades, in which case it dosn’t matter since it creates space too and forces him to block more booms.

Yeah guile vs gief is the matchup i always feel bad about. Unless the player is way better than me i’m not loosing that one.

Nice example of gief rape i came across:

Hmm, found a vid on youtube of Muteki Guile vs Dhalsim in old ST (what Guile thread is complete without him? :wgrin: ). It’s as you say, he pressures with booms and uses the F or B forward kick a lot. It seems the ideal distance is 3/4 screen distance just at the max range of his limbs. Here’ the vid

Can’t wait to put this into practice!

I’m sure everyone already knows this, or not. You can charge down/back and slide to down/forward throw your boom and have flash kick ready for a jump over. I just haven’t heard anyone mention this.

Does it work for guile? I do it with Balrog cos his low dash punch ends with Df but I didn’t know it was true of all charge characters.

Yeah, i’ve got a lot to learn.

Oops it may not have, i just tried and now I can’t make it work since you have to go all the way forward, but the boom recovery may be long enough to charge down, so it may not matter anyway.

Haha, that would be super broken. Yeah not flaming you but goddamn, imagine the powerhouse guile would be with this. One of the main approaches with guile is that you know once he throws a boom he has no charge. If someone jumps your boom late you CAN flashkick sometimes against chars with a slower jump, it’s tight, however.

What DOES work is doing a flashkick with db, ub, and keeping your sonicboom charged. Once in a bluemoon i flashkick over a fireball then cancel and backfist the next one. It’s more like a random trick than a reliable strat tho.

I wanna think i accidentally did something like that with someone. Maybe DeeJay since he’s the other one I used. I think during his roundhouse side kicks I charged an upkick. Sorry, I messed that up.

Edit: Some more info you either know or not know. You can Flash Kick psycho crushers on reaction at about mid range, and i’ve only done it with guile so far, but you can jab the first hit of honda’s super, i did it clean. I did it with someone else and traded. (knocking him out of super at the same time)

If you know this already, then maybe I’ll just compile a bunch of info everyone already knows just to play catch up.

and NO, you CAN’T do the sonic boom, ending in down-forward.

what you probably did was f+Punch for the boom, then slide to down-forward to begin charging for a flash kick, or throw a jab sonic boom to have sufficient charge time.

Dee Jay can’t do it, either.

It’d give them another instant Anti-Air option, even though they have strong normals for those situations.

Alright, but you didn’t have to be a fucking dick about it, and it was already answered. So your post was pointless.

One more thing regarding the Zangief matchup. What strength of sonic booms should I be throwing, and is it distance dependent? Bellow I’ve posted two videos, one of Kurahashi’s Guile taking on Pony, and one of Muteki’s Guile. They differ greatly in response to this question. You’ll notice that Kurahashi frequently uses jab sonic booms, where as Muteki almost always uses his fierce sonic boom. On the one hand, slow booms can trip up a lariat and can buy you some time to recover at a distance (Zangief must wait or walk forward to either jump, lariat, or green glove them). On the other hand, fast booms can catch opponents moving forward or starting a jump too late, or at least make them block. Most importantly, fast booms keep them from walking forward and push them back the most on block.

My conclusion: Generally, the closer they are, the more frequently you should throw fast booms, and the further you are, the more frequently you should throw slow booms. This plays to strengths of both the fast and slow booms. That is not to say you don’t mix up speeds occasionally to foil lariat attempts and what not, but in general, I think this is a good rule of thumb. Your thoughts on this? I feel its either this or fast almost always.


any srk’ers that’s good with guile mind hopping on PSN with me and giving me some pointers. Been trying to get good with him, but I’m not sure of any good tactics

I’m online I can show you some tricks.

EDIT: I can try to set up voice chat if you got it.

been having trouble getting out of ken’s knee bash loop

he jumps in with light kick and proceeds to use mediumkick to get me into a kneebash grab

if i try and take the jump light kick i get handed with a combo’d shoryuken or some other bullshit combo

is using reversal flash kick the only way to avoid such bullshit?

also, in response to python9109, how is muteki able to shoot out sonic booms with less than a 2 sec charge time? i see that guy throw out booms at less than 1.5 secs max, crazy shit

You can also reverse throw the knee bash, you actually have 1 frame advantage after his tick.

Regarding Muteki’s sonic booms, it only takes something like 55/60 of a second to charge a sonic boom. Alot of people just call it 2 seconds because they count too fast :wgrin:

thanks for the tip about the reverse throwing

i did some research and read something about ‘charge partitioning’

is that what muteki is doing?

Don’t believe anyone who tells you charge partitioning exists in ST. There is one video of Balrog doing ‘charge partitioning’ but it is actually a glitch in one of balrogs links and not really charge partitioning.