Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Anyone know any tick throws with Guile? Before I even knew what tick throws were, I started throwing a sonic boom and throwing them after they block it, and later I found out I was tick throwing.

Also, I think I’m falling into a bad habit of throwing psychic supers with Guile. I try to put my opponents in situations where they have to jump in/do vulnerable moves (psycho crusher, blanka roll) to get out of a bad situation, and I throw out the super before their jumping/psycho crusher/whatever animation comes out but they already put the input in so it’s over. I’m right about 70% of the time, but I know if I’m playing a good opponent, gambles like that won’t fly.

Does anyone know how to stop bison’s headstomp after you throw a sonic boom (no fk charge)? I know you can jump back and fierce, but I don’t think this works if your in the corner, and you give up alot of space by jumping back. Are there any other options?

With any character, you should start with following weak attacks with throws. Think about it. The idea behind tick throws is that you can’t throw your opponent while they’re in hit stun or block stun…and you’re disguising your throw so that they can’t react to it. The shorter the stun you put them in, the more likely you’ll be able to sneak the throw in.

From there, move to medium attacks that give frame advantage. With Guile, crouching strong and, sometimes, crouching forward, work well for this. Crouching strong is Guile’s best move to link attacks from, so it makes sense that you could throw well from that attack, too.

But…really…you shouldn’t always set up tick throws with the same moves. Throws are about mindgames. Get in the opponent’s head and your throw opportunities become obvious.

Read the above. Mindgames are a part of SF. When everything else is equal, sometimes all that’s left is to get in your opponent’s head. The proof of your success will be how many times you can predict your opponent will be open and hit them with it.

Oh…and you don’t have to use your super when you have it. That’s a habit I still fall into from time to time.

Have you tried any of Guile’s anti-air normal moves? He has quite a few of them. I’d try crouching fierce first…then standing far strong or even close standing fierce.

Also, jump back fierce isn’t a bad option either because you can always land and throw a jab Sonic Boom out there and close the distance again. I’m surprised you’re not trying to airthrow him, though.

how do you guys get out of fireball traps in the corner from ryu and ken? ryu and ken are usually outside of crouching forward kick range or just within range, but if i hit the forward ill trade with the fireball? do i just jump straight up? or jump at them? i’m not sure what to do in that situation.

Jump straight up, charge, land, throw sonic boom, walk (inch) forward, backfist if they threw another fireball.

Don’t jump towards them…thats what they expect.

Flash Kick them so that the edge of your foot hits them in the throwing animation…and carries you over the Hadouken. (You are at the perfect range for this at the beginning of the round.) The short version has worked like that since World Warrior. Can anyone with HDR talk about the Roundhouse Flash Kick in this situation? With the way it moves now, you should be able to hit them even more easily…theoretically speaking.

The best tick throw setup with guile is after meaty crossup lk. Do 1, 2 or 3 c.jabs (or none) and throw from there. The fact you vary the amount of jabs makes it harder to reversal out of it.

I don’t face many good bisons but i usually deal with headstomps with j.RH (which turns into airthrow at the right range). It works well for me if i hold up after the boom but yeah, good bisons are rare. Standing normal antiairs are generally a terrible idea against stomps in, like, every game.

I had a question about matchups with Zangief. When Zangief jumps a boom and he’s going to land outside of you far fierce, what should you do? In the video posted bellow, Muteki used his backfist a couple times (0:12 + 1:15) in this situation. The problem though, is that this does not trade favorably against Zangief’s forward knees. I thought maybe a cr. forward would be the way to go, but the knees also act a trip guard and clean hit the cr. forward. Clearly the backfist is the better option, but your still taking more damage. Maybe just let him land then push him back with low forward? Maybe the trade is better because Zangief needs his health more than you do to get in on you?


Guile is at a disadvantage against Gief. You have to mix up your AA’s… even do a fwd kick into gief (sobat)… so while your chipping at his damage, he is just waiting to land a low rh, or jump fwd kick into into a grab. Gief wins this match 9-1 in remix. The majority may disagree… however the scrub giefs do not yet know that low rh beats guiles crouching fwd kickk so guile has no way to keep out gief besides Sonic boom and fwd sobat kicks… which leaves guile open for a knock down… and once guile gets knocked down ggpo.

akuma/gief are guiles worst matchups in remix

God fucking dammit just about everyone knows gief sweep beats, that’s why you sobat. What the fuck, haha. I’m sure there’s a lot of non scrub giefs who wish that matchup was 9-1.

ok playing a little theory fighter ( now you know not to cr. mk) so you keep him out with sonic boom fwd sobat kick… you fwd sobat kick and it whiffs zangief LOW RH guile gets knocked down.

Guile does a forward sobat and Gief does a Lariat guile gets knocked down GGPO.
Zangief wins. why? guile has no real answer to keep gief out.

This is getting stupid, i think you’re trolling but

Guile - Gief : 8-2 for guile.

7-3 and 9-1 for guile (and 3-7 and 2-8 on gief’s players side). But you probably know better than muteki el all.

But this is HD remix, right? So gief beats guile 9-1 because sweep beats guile pokes (which it also did in vanilla ST)? Right. Only way this matchup changed is that lariat travels a bit farther, and that doesn’t really help as the booms recover fast. That and guile can now antiair gief from further away thanks to RH flashkick, along with plain better super to turtle on.

Heh, believe what you want, i’m not really interested in pissing contests.

Step Kick is your friend

TVG is right, Guile has a huge advantage in this matchup. I did some testing on my own to see what your best options are at this range. I saw Kurahashi use his j. towards fierce against pony at this range in a video. After testing this, I came to the conlusion that it is exteremly succesful and clean hits Zangief no matter what he does while in the air. The only difficulty is that if they anticipate and jump right when you throw it, it can be a bitch to reacte in time. This can be fixed by throwing slow sonic booms at this range, as this will force them to wait a bit before jumping or they land on the boom, giving you more time to reacte. Also, if you do reacte to slow and whiff, you land right next to Zangief. If this isn’t your cup of tea, using the slow sonic boom, you also have time to move up a bit into standing far fierce range which is also good. If you get totally taken by suprise by his jump in, or your up enough in health that your willing to take the unfavorable trade, back fist is your best option.

Edit: Going back to Zangief’s sweep beating out crouching rh: It’s really not a problem. For starter’s, Guile’s cr. forward has significantly more range, and there is no way to sweep it on reaction, so if you want to try a psychic sweep, be my guest. Secondly, as mentioned before, sobat kick and step kick work wonders.

Ok as most people I play online seem to be shotos and I’m still learning the match-ups I had a serious wake-up call when played a good Dhalsim player for the first time. I had a few matches against him and managed to win the odd round but didn’t win a single game. The main problem is obviously his range and the fact he can knock me out the air with close j. or sh. I was mainly trying to pressure with booms and resorting to psychic flashkicks to deal with his limbs but obviously this is not a stable tactic so does anyone have any tips?

I’m not great with that matchup yet, but I’m pretty sure you engage him in a fireball war, then anticipate his next fireball and jump it, using you forward or rh (depending on how far away you are) to hit him early. This is similar to what you’d do to a shoto if they refused to move in on you.

From their, do whatever it takes to keep up pressure. Remember to use you sobat kick to safely move forward and back, clearing cr. punch. Wish I could help more.

When zangief does the jump forward knees I always use stand jab to defeat it. It cleanly hits it out of the air.

But I’m talking about when he’s out of standing fierce range, and thus out of jab range. I think j. towards fierce works well, but it is a bit risky.

K, usually when he does that I take a step back and throw a jab sonic boom and it usually makes him land on it hehe. I usually frustrate gief players with this counter when they attempt to jump knee from a distance. One time, after beating a gief player like that in the arcade he came back and said “no more Guile, then I’ll play you”.lol