Step kick would be a fine option if you didn’t run the risk of getting his shitty close roundhouse or the overhead from that close :rolleyes:.
To be honest with you, I have yet to have either of those kicks come out by accident as of yet.
Maybe im just lucky? I alternate jab and fierce booms, would that affect my spacing at all?
If I can get someone to a corner im decent at keeping up a massive barrage of stuff coming at someone, and the back roundhouse is certainly not used as much as the other options, but it seems to have worked in many cases for me. People dont expect it much, maybe im just a lucky guy?
You have to throw it out right when she is on the top of your head and were her foot is in your face. But thats good that c. feirce punch works for you for now.
Yeah, the standing boot kick works well if you time it correctly.
I have a couple of question though-
1.) I used to always use my cr. fierce as my anti air vs most characters within half screen. Never used the crescent kick (sort of close rh) much. After toying with it in training, it seemed really effective. It clean hits most characters jumping in on reaction to a sonic boom within half screen. Is this the anti air I should have been using all this time? The only time it seems like the cr. fierce would be a better option is when they jump really early or their a quick jumper (Vega, chun) and you only have time to trade with the cr. fierce.
2.) What should I use to punish people who jump sonic booms from a distance? Backfist or cr. forward? The forward is quicker to start up, but the backfist has more range, dizzy, and damage. It looks though that’d it’d be safest to make them land on a cr. forward
Low forward kick is the best option. Yeah that close rh works well as a AA to, never tried it on HD though and I am wondering if you can just throw it out with anywhere on the screen without it turning into the step kick in HD.
On the side note for guiles back fist, I think sirlin should have made it were you can charge again and use the back fist, since that back and fierce is absolutely useless and pointless. In Old ST(using old guile) I would smack Zangief players with the back fist and then I’ll throw a fierce sonic boomas the they attempt to advance toward me.
Ok, so pull it our REAL late, I shall try it out (I know some good Chun players so I should be able to get some good practice in) thx!
No problem bro, I enjoy helping people.
You do have to wait for them to be somewhat close or you’ll get a step kick. But if their within half screen, their jump will take them close enough so that you can kick them out of the sky before you can get hit.
it’s a life saver in the gief matchup and still works well as an AA against other characters.
Yeah your right I forgot about that. It works against giefs jump fierce thats all I know, so far.
I think its also a good way to stop honda’s jab headbutt through a sonic boom.
On a side note, I was trying the close st. rh against my cousin, and I realized that he could hit me with a jumping short and somehow weasle his way around my attack box with Ryu. The same probably goes for other characters and other moves. This paired with the fact that the close st. rh only works in somewhat close distances and is character specific makes me think that it is easier and safer to do the early and late cr. fierce mixup I described earlier. This also allows you to keep your fk charge and just saves you alot of trouble in the long run for pretty similar results. Maybe I’ll still throw one in now and then.
Is Guile’s strong throw his better ground throw on this version as well???
Don’t Guile’s strong and fierce throws have the same range and damage?
[media=youtube]AMEp78fZmwU&feature=related[/media] (1:00-1:06)
I realize this is super turbo, but its still relevant. Guile’s backbreaker does alot of damage. Props for Kurahashi pulling off two in a round. Some questions regarding it though:
1.) Can air throws be teched?
2.) Can this be done on most other character’s dp whiffs, given that they’re close enough? Is it realistic to do in a real match?
3.) Any tips how to pull this off?
4.) Guile’s punch air throw has always seemed easier to grap opponents above me with. Is there anything to this or is it just me? I know the backbreaker has more range…
When honda asorbs your sonic boom with a jab head butt, you can do a free jump in roundhouse + low strong+ Flash kick combo on him. I learned this while playing at the azuki boutiqe tournament.
Any character can tech the air throw, even if they don’t themselves have an air throw. And yes you can air throw other character’s dp whiffs, including Ken/Akuma’s.
Tips for pulling it off…I have none. It is too pro for me :xeye:
So time for a ridiculously noob question now just to mix things up.
Whenever I go for flashkick combos I always use the short version because it has less recovery so I can set up for my next thing quicker, and I haven’t noticed any difference in damage between strengths of flash kicks. However, looking at T. Akiba’s frame data translations, it seems that higher strength flash kicks do indeed do more damage.
So I guess my question is, have I been doing it wrong all along? Or is there no significant advantage in doing it with different strength flash kicks at all?
I usually use the forward version not because it has less recovery, but because I always start charging during the flash kick. If you use the hk in flash kick combos you land on the wrong side of your opponent sometimes, which is really frustrating because most times I lose my charge.
Ive been practicing this.
Ive been doin it consistently but I dont know how, everytime I see a whiff, I just jump in forward (dont let go the stick on it or anything), press RH and it works, I not doing anything special, it just works.
Deejay’s super can be punished on block with Guile’s super. After the second blocked hit throw out your super. Full damage.
I pulled it off in a match today and I almost crapped my pants.