Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

I’m not talking about his super, I’m talking about a regular flash kick.

I can’t do c.short x super at all. Not a single c.short.

That’s *exactly *what I’m talking about. Somersault = Flash Kick.

c.LK doesn’t cancel into specials (compared to most of Guile’s punches, which do), much less cancel from a rapid fire chain setup (none of which are cancelable). You have to kara cancel it in every situation or just use one of his cancelable normals instead.

If you listen to the second combo (three cr.shorts into rh flash kick) you can hear the kara cancel in the button taps

so for the two short combo, you have to hit the button three times even though only two actually come out. The inputs are like this: d+LK,LK,LK~u+MK

Oh okay, got it. I’ll work on that shit.

And blitzfu you mentioned the super motion, that’s why I said that. But you’re saying that I should do it with that motion. Got it.

EDIT: This is great, I had success from my first attempt. Even going into the super isn’t that bad.

Ah ok, my bad. I was thinking Somersault, but I typed the Super motion when I posted. :looney: But yeah, for the Somersault you would do, b Short, u Short after cr Short x 2.

I just watched a few Guile (Muteki) vs Vega videos from ST because I’m having trouble dealing with that bouncing off the walls rubbish. I noticed thathHe keeps Guile mostly against the wall behind him and that when ever Vega jumps on a wall, its seemed like about 80% of the time, he did j. HP. Has anything changed for HDR or should I do the same thing he’s doing?

Also, real quick for Honda, what’s the counter for the belly flop thing?

both questions for HDR since I don’t play ST. Just used ST for reference.

Is there an HDR database for vids like sfdojo?

Either Flash kick or jumping fierce should do it.

You can sometimes trade with crouching fierce, but it seems iffy.

Yea, c. hp wasn’t happening at all for me, and the flash kicks only worked if he bounced off the wall guile was facing.

Eh? Flash kick should always work. You’re talking about his :d:, :u::k: buttslam move, right? Honda doesn’t bounce off of any walls…

flash kick beats it BUT you have to time it so that you flash kick as honda is coming down, if you flash kick the belly flop/butt slam as honda is going up then it will beat flash kick, its stupid, but thats the way it is. You dont know how many times I lost out to that move trying to flash kick it on reaction…thanks to chaghatai to putting me right

another counter is jumping fierce punch cleanly beats it

or if you can time it an aeriel throw will work too

Hey you guys. I just popped in here to ask a quick question on guile’s airthrow commands in HDR. My oppinion is that they should have been nerfed a little, and you’ll probably all disagree, but i just wanted to see if i could get some objective oppinions on this:

I main bison, as many of you will know from playing me, as well as picking up guile occasionally. A big part of bison’s game to get in on guile is headstomp shenanigans. A lot of good guiles will anticipate a headstomp from full screen or so away, particularly straight after or instead doing of a sonic boom, and will jump roundhouse or jump fierce to swat my stomp out of the air. I can’t tell you the amount of times that i’ve been in this situation and instead of a jumping attack, the guile player, who will obviously be holding down+back in mid air after jumping, gets an air throw or a backbreaker by sheer accident. This is huge damage and very advantageous knockdown positioning off of a pretty lucky, unintended situation, and i just think that as sirlin was remixing the game he missed the opportunity to make the backbreaker, airthrow, and other similar moves across the board a more "deliberate choice, maybe by forcing you to only be able to hold forward or back for the throw, but making it unavailable if you’re holding a down charge for a flash kick at the same time. If you get a backbreaker, it’s by choice, not by accident. You get big damage, but you have to sacrifice another attacking option (your down charge) to go for it.

No doubt some of you will disagree with me, as nobody likes to see their character nerfed, but how many lucky air throws/neckbreakers have you got lately, not just on bison, but on the rest of the cast, and how many times have you pulled off a neckbreaker by choice instead of going for a jumping attack?

lol, I do get the aeriel back breaker randonmly sometimes, but bision seems to be the easiest character for guile to get an air throw cos bisons jmuping arc is high, long and quite slow. I think its bcos of this why bision gets air thrown so much by guile. But nerfing guile’s airthrow I cant agree with, guile been nerfed in every incarnation of Sf2 ie his crouching medium kick, which IMO keeps him firmly in the mid tier or upper mid tier at best. So the probably solution is alter bision jumping properties. BTW To go guiles back breaker I press down and kick, while airborne, which happens to charge guile too. But bisions head stomp is pretty fast and most times goes over guiles aeriel throw range, so I dont always get the throw.

Shit my bad man. I was totally thinking you were referring to Vega, even with the blatantly obvious avatar. Forgot I posted that Honda question in there.

And thanks Irrepressible, thats really helpful. I guess the air throw is while hes on the way up though because other wise i’ll be getting hit?

Any tips on Vega?

I saw videos of Mars v. Thelo, and Mars used cr. fierce (the one where Guile punches straight up vertically). It countered the buttslam every single time, though I think it might trade if Honda does the move closer. Cheers.

I wouldn’t use Guile’s cr Fierce to counter Honda’s Sumo Splash. The cr Fierce has a really bad hitbox, and the Sumo Splash on the way down has a really good hitbox. Usually cr Fierce (and pretty much any other normal) will lose to it. Only Specials with invincibility (and normals with really good hitboxes) will beat it.

As for Claw’s Dive, j Fierce is the best option.

On the topic of air throws, if you nerf Guile, then you’re gonna have to nerf everybody else with an air throw (Cammy, Ken, Claw, Chun Li, etc). Meh, it’s fine the way it is IMO.

Guiles cr.fierce beats butt slam as honda is going up, BUT the spacing has to be right, I asked gatti about that after watching the vid and thats what he told me.

ur best best is a well timed flash kick or jumping towards/away fierce or an air throw.

ahh vega is a very tough match up for guile probably second only to dhalsim. It a hard match cos vegas move out pioritise guiles and u cant rely on ur trust low forward. Turtle all the way and wait for a mistake and flash kick. dont rely on booms too much cos vega can jump over them on reaction. Jumping fierce punch if vega gets to air happy. Ur best bet is watching some top guile player on youtube vs vega

ahh vega is a very tough match up for guile probably second only to dhalsim. It a hard match cos vegas move out pioritise guiles and u cant rely on ur trust low forward. Turtle all the way and wait for a mistake and flash kick. dont rely on booms too much cos vega can jump over them on reaction. Jumping fierce punch if vega gets to air happy. Ur best bet is watching some top guile player on youtube vs vega

Thats exactly what I saw Muteki doing in ST. He was sitting against the edge of the screen turtling the whole time against Vega.

Thanks for the replies gang.

Irrepressible, Ive seen your vids and youre a great player. Do you go to EVO and do the whole tournament thing or just XBL? Your fan mail vids are hilarious.