Coth is right, you guys need to play some better Feis. If you think starting with Fierce Sonic Boom will stuff a Flying Kick CW (it doesn’t) or that you can walk up throw Fei after blocking any 3rd Rekka (you can’t), then if you play my Fei, you will eat a Fierce Rekka for starting with Sonic Boom and/or a Short Flying Kick to get through the Boom (and I can take my time too, no rush), or you will eat a Flame Kick for trying to walk up throw me after my safe on block 3rd Rekka. If a reversal RH Somersault can’t even punish a safe on block 3rd Rekka, then what good is a walk up throw? Good luck vs some of the killer Feis out there.:rolleyes:
Why go for a flame kick of all things, that move officially sucks and someone with decent reversal timing can go for a pianoed flashkick if you guessed wrong and Guile blocked.
Also posted something on another forum about how to beat Guile with Fei would anyone like to pick this apart and come up with a counter strategy?
**Rule #1:**Do not attempt jumping over a sonic boom from a relatively far distance, this is the easiest way to get flash kicked. Jump straight up or block.
Rule #2Use pokes such as rekka ken strings and crouching hp if you get Guile in a corner, jump at him only occasionally if you place him here.
Try a few stand short tick throws, and f+mk overheads, they work quite well too.
Counters against Guile’s Specials
Sonic Boom
Poke with Rekkas at close range(Sonic Booms come out slow get lucky and hit him mid animation)
Use Crouching hp at close range(trades in Fei’s favor, goes underneath Sonic Boom but hits as Fei rises)
Neutral Jump over it
Jump Forward
Chicken Wing over it(lk version may go through it but I find that the mk version works quite well as far as a mix up)
Flash Kick
Not very difficult to counter, itll either hit or be blocked and get countered
Rekka Kens or Flame Kick(depends on where your opponent ends up)
Guile’s Super is horrible and should only be used as an anti-air or comboed into if possible but some people never learn. In any case, if you block it, then use rekka kens.
Not too much to say, use whatever is necessary at your own discretion. It seems even or a little in Guile’s favor to me. You’ll either be at a serious disadvantage or at a serious advantage depending on whether you can get close or not.
Although something I left up was crossup, I can wreck a Guile by hopping over him at close range and going for a ToD.
guess I play the matchup different, I want fei to be up close when I play that matchup
I agree, for the most part, and if I could pull it off on online speed (i see how its speed 4 and my execution suffers more due to it), you should be able to dance with guile’s and poke its recovery with your own Much like how shotos can sweep its recovery.
Tick throw that turtle!
I beat this turd SPDN ICAZA, a huge jerk and crappy Guile player. I literally beat him by stuffing everything with cr. mp as Fei.
Easy there killer. . . That thing has a horrible blue hitbox that extends the entire length of his arm and hand on either the bottom or the top of the red hitbox. Its a great poke for its reach, but its so easy to stuff it or trade with it.
Yeah you’re right. I do get the notion that I’ve been playing against some terrible Feis. And I retract the portion about Guile having safe openers in this matchup because I got stuffed with a Fierce Rekka for both the Sonic Boom and the c.FK, so I think Guile’s best bet would be to either Do Nothing or jump backwards for the purpose of giving Guile a better upper hand by increasing distance. He could also neutral jump and FP through any Rekkas or Chicken Wings but it’s not safe because Fei may be able to just walk up and uppercut or something.
These strats sound solid for Fei, but they’re very interesting because they assume Guile is playing offensively (i.e. getting close by choice); very much out of character. This match is all about defensive booming and countering until Fei dies. If Guile is playing like Guile should be played, then the match will turn out just as Sirlin says - Fei simply won’t be able to get in to start anything.
I agree with the assessment that Fei will “either be at a serious disadvantage or at a serious advantage depending on whether you can get close or not.” However Fei’s advantage in his optimal situation isn’t nearly as big as Guile’s is in his. If Fei can’t get close, then the match is over, whereas if he can, then Guile can still do stuff like reverse and hop away. Then play keep away for the win.
Well… if he was a crappy Guile player that shit’ll work every time… along with anything else you do as Fei! Not hardly a reliable strategy though…
Guile could jump straight up anything as an opener, since that can and tends to beat CW or rekka at start. However, fei could walk foward and do
Sooner or later fei gets in, especially if he jumps on reaction to the boom within j.jab range.
I just played this guy “The Embrio,” a really good Fei Long player from Canada. He always managed to get in and for the most part he won a lot. I have to further analyze how he does it.
In other news I started a thread in the regular XBL section about setting up meeting times to play good games against good players. Check it out folks!
Yep his screename on SRK is Evo, and yes he does have a really good fei, I wonder does he use the same strats I use to beat a good guile or does he do something else.
Well from what I can remember, Embrio used a lot of well-timed special moves to get in, and he would jump in with his jab that seems to beat all Guile’s air normals. I can’t confirm that it does, but I’ll figure out what beats it and post.
Basically there was no real “getting away” from him, he put up a relentless offense. Of course my analog stick is worn out from all my booming tactics so I wasn’t playing optimally, but reversals were key components for all my wins against him.
Is this similar to what you do?
what’s up guile thread
a couple people from here have messaged me asking about the timing on guile’s combos, so I made a little video
hopefully someone else finds it useful
Axel, you’re my hero.
i dont use guile but that’s a great video. i wish everyone would do that for each character…Way to represent NW!
Does anyone have any advice on how to consistently kara cancel standing roundhouse into flash kick? I can get the height/distance boost on kara forward sobat kick into flash kick, but I’m trying to do what Muteki did against Kurahashi at SBO, and I’m not sure what I should be doing exactly in HDR. Seems easier to do in ST for me, since I don’t have to worry about overhead kick overlapping.
@ 0.49, guiles neutrul jumping fierce beat balrogs dashing punch, anybody use this technique?
Looks like Guile didnt actually beat Rogs dash punch. Rog retracted his arm right before Guile connected with the J. FP. Basically, Rog was vulnerable.
So yeah Fei’s best range is right out of Guile’s sweep range so he can use c.fierce and rekka/trade sonic booms, as you said Bull you don’t want to jump SB’s from far distance or else eat a FK or something else. I think the true master Fei’s use the neutral up jump to get positioning on Guile. Watch the japanese top Fei’s and in that match they are very very good at this and punish Guile in the ways BullDancer pointed out. Neutral jumps over SBs must be mastered to even have a shot at Guile.
I don’t think that I agree with Guile’s super being that bad anymore. It is pretty easy to do now (charge b/d into d, df, f, uf). It’s usually just one circular motion now and it is just a buffed flask kick when it lands properly. Not sure on the damage numbers, but it’s good enough to worry about jumping in on him at that point in the round.
No matter how hard I try I cannot combo off I can do the first part of the first combo, the cross up into, but I just cant get a flash kick. I tried just doing x flashkick and I cant get that shit either. Is it a dip switch setting or something because after like 50 tries, I cannot get it ONCE!
For the longest time, I had the opposite problem. I could combo cr Short into Somersault, but couldn’t combo cr Short x 2, until recently. You’re probably not kara cancelling the 3rd Short. Do cr Short x 2, then do df, d, db, b Short, ub Short. Or some variation of that. If you don’t kara cancel a normal after the 1st 2 cr Shorts, that combo is not gonna work. It’s not the same as comboing cr Strong into Somersault, as an example. Good luck.