Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

Backing yourself into the corner can be bad, but it makes walldives less useful overall for vega, you stil have to deal with and slide though.

For slide, is early best? That’s what I was doing and it seemed fine.

Is that a joke in your sig about doing SRK’s on P2 side?

Fucking site is janky as shit right now.

Actually, no, I’ve been playing for a year and a half, and still can’t do them properly. Although yes its technically a joke. is good until he hits you with

lol thanks, I have a uber defensive guile which I get a lot of critism for (as seen in the rage mail vids), but the defensive style works for me

I just play on xbl and havnt dont any trnys yet, I live in the Uk so going to EVO to get my ass kicked would be a bit much lol. I would need to have a guile close to marsgatti quality to stand a decent chance, But I will go the next UK hdr trny in sept/oct and see how it goes.

Yeah vs Honda’s head but since I am stuck playing vanilla ST on GGPO, I use either Jump towards fierce, jump back ferice, RH FK that way I dont have to wait for him to drop down and just fk imedately with RH while hes in the air.

P.S. I hate Vega really dumb character in ST besides rog who is broken in vanilla, If Guile had that better low forward kick it would be a much easier match otherwise its like 8-2 in Claws favor imo.

Taking away the potency of guiles low forward really weakened the chracter, he would be IMO top of the top tier if he had his CE low forward in HDR

Taking away the potency of guiles low forward really weakened the chracter, he would be IMO top of the top tier if he had his CE low forward in HDR

Yeah, I noticed when I played agianst Janus Gemini’s Chun there was a lot of start up on my low forward and she just walked right passed it and
threw me. Then we played AE and he noticed that he could not get in passed my low forward kick on my CE Guile.
Daigo’s CE guile vs Buktooth chun: [media=youtube]iliOgF4Jffs[/media] Also I any peeps want to counter argue about how you want to think “well guile doesnt need it and he has a back and sobot” Hate to break it to u but there is a lot of start up on that plus all ryu has to do is throw a red fire ball right in your face when u do that, inaddition to that by doing backwards sobats you are only making the ryu players or rog players an easier job to push u into the CORNER which is were you dont want to be with Guile my friends as I learned from playing agianst ST Playah’s ryu in ST. If he had that low forward he could also walk up and literally poke people out of there fireball attempts due to the change in hit boxes.

To be fair in HF and CE Guile had one tactic that worked against ALL characters, which was kind of silly. Yes they nerfed him after Super SF2 but:

a) he’s still good - just look at Marsgatti. Dude still, gives me nightmares i dont think ive ever felt as helpless in a match and thats including vs afrolegends, thelo, jiggly’s Hawk etc.
b) having to adapt your game isnt too bad (hell i play Dictator - i have to play a different game against nearly every character to overcome not having a strong reversal)
c) a few of the OG guile mains i know are just too damn stubborn and stick to CE tatics - they wont accept that the pressure game of boom/cr.Fwd/tick throw is no longer foolproof :stuck_out_tongue:

Well theres a time to be offensive but there is also a time to be defensive to what guile used to be known for, and unfortunately his defense got raped in since super thats why he losses to Rog, Chun, Vega, and ryu at high level play in vanilla ST.

my thoughts exactly. Guiles low forward is such an essential part of his game, just like booms and flash kicks. To me his low foward is his 3rd special move. Guile is still deadly, but he cant hold his own at top levels against balrog, sim and ryu, cos in the case of rog and vega, then can simply smash through his defence. Guile really has no answer to vegas slide apart from the lucky trade. U cant keep vega out with booms for too long long cos he fast enough to jump over them on reaction

The fact that guiles low forward now has such a slow startup and low piority means that characters like chun li, ken can simply ignore that move, walk right up and throw guile. I could live with the low piority if it had a quicker startup or vice versa, but nerfing the startup and the piority was just a too much IMO

I cant see the justification for nerfing guiles low forward when u have rediculas move likes balrogs normal low punches (check out the red hit box, its massive), ryu’s fake fireball (did he really need that?) or the fact that vega can slide and poke guile to death and theres not much guile can do cos his moves have less piority to such an extrent that a trade is considered lucky.

Crouching Forward

It’s really easy for people to say that Guile hasn’t been nerfed that bad when they don’t really play him. The character has been weakened in every SF2 game since World Warrior. The last true Guile was in Hyper Fighting and when I play him in Super, I feel like I’m using a handicapped version.

Someone call the Waaaahhhhhambulance!

Exactly, thank you

Not saying he hasnt been nerfed - he has clearly been nerfed in every version since WW.

why? because he wasnt a well nuanced character. He wasnt broken, he was just boring. Same shit every round.

You think they nerfed him by accident?

I doubt thats why they nerfed him, infact in Super he had no new moves but he had a raped flash kick range and low forward start up and stayed that way in ST. Guile was an exculsive defensive character to begin with wasnt about 5 hit combos rush down ala mars gatti( which I did beat by being very defensive with my Guile). Just look at back in 2004, HSF2 AE a lot new school cvs2 and 3rd strike players picked up the game cause they thought they can just blindly rush down the those games, but they came to find out that they could not get in on a good CE guile player like they could on ST guile inwhich rog and chun can get in on ST guile easily with bs. They were bitching about CE Guile to no end cause they couldnt get there rush down on him. Lets look at another example, Kurahashi or Muteki could not win a tourney with Guile single handedly until AE with CE Guile in a major tourney. So in ST both of those guys would lose to rog, chun, and vega(especally by vega) or ryu with in the tourney at high level play. So Kurahashi had to switch to Ryu doesnt use guile anymore since after he won with CE guile at SBO. and Muteki had to swith to chun.
It doesnt get anybetter than Muteki and Kurahashi with guile but even they cant hang long enough to win 1st place with out either teaming up with a player who uses rog or chun or they just plain have to change their characters. **[FONT=“Arial Black”] As Thomas Osaki said in the Super SF2 guide “Since super, Guile is one of the weakest characters of the game, so in order to win I have to use more characters, I use Old Guile, Old Ryu and new ryu, old Sim, bison.” 2nd quote from Thomas Osaki " No one could beat my Guile(SF2 CE and HF Sunnyvale Golfland), the only way if you were to beat me, you had to take my controls away from me" 1994 Game Pro Super Street Fighter 2 guide. **[/FONT]

Catch my drift?

Not counting the game breaking glitches (magic handcuffs and standing jab redizzies), WW Guile isn’t that good. I’d say CE/HF Guile was a pretty big improvement over WW.

Even without the glitches, I put Guile right up there with Dhalsim in WW. There was a reason why you went to your local arcade/liquor store and saw someone on the machine all day using Guile. You’re right though in a sense that CE Guile was a more polished character but you can say that for the entire cast in that game. I remember some guys wouldn’t even put a quarter up until the person using Guile lost…lol

I hear you got a pretty good Balrog. Add me and let’s get some games in on HDR.

You need to get an Xbox so I can see what that Guile of yours can do. The same invitation goes out to Mr. Impressible…add me so we can get some games in.

I just checked T.akibas data, and apparently the only difference is 2 recovery frames? I think its in yalls heads. I know the hitbox was tweaked too. The move is not that bad.