Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

It’s a good thing I talked to NKI before I embarked on transforming my SSF2 Link Combo FAQ into my totally revamped Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQs for VST and HDR.

As a highly analytical person myself, I’ll give you the missing link to what you’re asking about…hit pause duration. Remember that the game pauses for 14 frames when a hit is detected, according to NKI. In addition to that, you also have to consider the “slowdown” effect that happens when a projectile hits. Take both of those factors into consideration and you’ll have a better idea of how those combos work from a technical standpoint.

Now…as far as the practical aspect of these combos…lemme help you out: You’re over-analyzing it. :slight_smile: The best way to do these combos is to get a feel for them. Seriously. Unless you can count frames while you’re playing, you’re much better off learning the timing of these combos. I can do some of them, but not all of them, but if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s link moves together. You have to be able to get to the place where you are executing moves as soon as Guile recovers from his previous moves. That means getting so familiar with the startup, hitting, and recovering of the moves, that you know when to start inputting the next move.

As a starting point, when I first read the TZW Vol. 7 Combo FAQ on, the first combos I tried were the ones involving using the Bazooka Knee to move forward while charging a Sonic Boom. IMHO, those are actually the easiest and most practical ones to do. (Remember, the command for the Bazooka Knee is :l:+:mk:, so you’re still charging the Sonic Boom while you’re moving forward in the move. This move is very helpful in being able to be aggressive without losing access to your special moves.) If you can learn to do those combos, you can learn how to do similar things with the rest of the cast. Those point-blank Sonic Boom combos are harder simply because you’re usually a lot closer to your opponent when the projectile hits, so you actually have less frame advantage to work with.

But, with all of that said, the bottom line is…keep practicing. You can do it if you keep trying. The best way to do it is to watch someone else do it and then copy exactly what they’re doing…right down to the timing of their moves. Once you can get that down, then you can play around with different timing and see what works best for you.

For even more inspiration beyond the TZW Vol. 7 Combo FAQ on, find the VIDEO! Talk about your jaw dropping so hard to the floor that it breaks! Oh…and I have a few of those jaw-droppers in my FAQs, too. :slight_smile:

Happy comboing! :slight_smile:

This is easily the most powerful yet easy to execute combo in my repertoire! Yes, it is still possible to do in VST and HDR. However, on a non-dizzy opponent, you’ll usually only be able to do four of the five hits before they fall over dizzy. I think it’s easiest to set up the entire combo if the dizzy combo you do dizzies at about cr.:mk: range. So, basically, something like j.:hp:/:hk:, (insert a just strong enough interruptible ground normal here that will ensure that the cr.:mk: or st.:hk: dizzies) XX :mp:/:hp: Sonic Boom, cr.:mk:/st.:hk: will leave you at or just inside the perfect range to charge and throw that meaty :lp: Sonic Boom so that it will set up the following j.:hp:, cl.:hp: XX :hp: Sonic Boom, Backfist (f+:hp:) or Stepping Kick (st.:hk:).

Ooohhhhh yeesssssss…that combo is no joke! Land four of those hits on a non-dizzy opponent and it’s GGPO! If you dizzy with only three of those hits at the beginning of the match, connecting with all five hits at that point may leave your opponent with a sliver of health left. In that case…well…you’re going to have to get combo-matic with it and do one of Guile’s longer combos. End it with the Somersault Strike SC for insurance. :slight_smile:

Maybe 7 or 8/10? I can do it pretty consistently, though…and that’s on a pad. When I can actually set up my space to use a joystick, my execution probably jumps up to 9 or even 9.5/10.

I’m not a robot, but I’m decent enough.

That’s the key…MEATY Jab Sonic Boom. When I practice the combo, I usually set it up off of hitting my opponent with the second kick of Guile’s cr.:hk: at max range while they’re in the corner. Works sweet like butter every time!

Come to think of it, everyone that has a projectile in this game has a combo that involves a meaty weak projectile. Nobody’s left out. Want proof? You know where to go! My FAQ! :smiley:

In the earlier post in response to frame data, you listed knee bazooka as back+mk doh!

Also, I take it that when the game “slows down” its stops skipping frames, and that’s why knee bazooka combos like that work?

Damn! That is sick dude. Yea i was messing around with trying to combo jap sb into into rh Fk or sb into lk, lk, standing lk, into FK(muteki style even though these combo wont dizzy like the one FreshOJ mentioned lol). It seems like when your opponent is in the corner dizzy, the ideas are endless(i would love to add super flash kick after meaty jab boom :wow:). Me, personally, would probably choose the stepping kick incase they are still alive so you can maintain your charge for another boom for chip. Godbless

I’ve seen that combo being done. How do you do a st. fierce when you have to charge D-B for the flash kick? I’ve always wondered this.

You only need to charge :d: for Flashkick.

:db: is only required for super.

There is a bit of leniency between the motion and the button press when it comes to special moves.

So you do.

Charge :d:

Do st.:hp:

And directly after go into :u::hk: the game gives you a brief window after the motion for leniency which is what allows you to stand up first.


I would like to take this moment to share a bit of information.

Carry on. :smile:

:rofl: That made my day. Thanks.

I need some tips on fighting against good vegas. any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Oh the horror!

I know

This is cross-up info that will be included in the next update of my FAQ. Kinda trivial for Guile, but it includes stuff you may not know. :slight_smile: Read and see.


Jump short: (Standing/Crouching) Works on everyone.

Jump forward: (Standing) Misses Fei Long; Can?t connect deep enough to followup on Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Boxer, and Claw; Works on everyone else (but very hard to connect on Guile, Zangief, Dhalsim, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, and Sagat (worked once out of 30 tries!); (Crouching) Works on everyone. (Sagat is so extremely difficult to cross up with this move in any situation that I had to note it here.)

Most reliable cross-up: Jumping short (Edit…Duh!) :slight_smile:


don’t be predictable with projectiles if he has charge. Don’t spam his pokes because vega can out reach them, don’t be afraid to give up your flash kick charge to distance yourself properly. Vega can do something in reaction to just about anything you do. You must play the patient opportunist. Experiment on counterhits to his pokes that aren’t boom or FK. Look to knee or b.RH to get close on move recoveries and threaten throws. Vega ‘can’ be pressured once you can finally get in, but that’s the hard part. Don’t leave space for him to wall dive while you are moving in, cause he’ll be looking for it.

thanks for the reply, does guile have any counter pokes when vega does his wall dive?

Meh see what you can learn from these two Vanilla ST matchvids, Claw is a rarely played character so they videos of any sort are rare and far too few which sucks


The first is a victory, and the second is a loss but since these are tourney vids from the best of the best players, optimal strategies are being used in both.

When you dont have the charge for a flashkick you can use crouching :hp: as an anti-air, practice it until it becomes natural for you, works against other characters too. I dont main with Guile so im not accustomed to doing this since im not generally aware of his charge times or his options. Best attack to knock that Spanish Fly the fuck out of the air with is jumping :hp:, and sometimes a jumping :hk: or :mk: when jumping :hp: doesnt not reach. Good luck man youre gonna need it against a good vega.

Edit: Also do not neutral jump when using jumping hp or you will get a totally different attack that aims down, not in front of guile.

this should help me out a lot, thank you sir : )