Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

without fk charged, forward or backward jump.medium punch is very good. his blue hit box ends at his elbow, while the red one extends to the end of his hand, his head is also invulnerable, which means you may be able to hit him on reaction if he wall dives before you jump. short kick looks to be your only reliable neutral jump option. cr. fierce may hit him if he doesn’t cross you up, but he will eventually.

(edit): damn you guys exchanged quickly

awww man oops, I hope you know that crouching :mk: is guile’s best poke and you should abuse it like no tomorrow against claw when hes on the ground, it gives you a bit of breathing room and opens up options. Oh well thats all i know, someone else will have to answer any other questions you have

Thanks for all the help guys, Ive been playing guile for quite a while now. For some reason or another ive been having problems with vega, but this info should really help.

If this hasnt already been mentioned, although i dont main Guile, standing :lk: stops Blanka slide cleanly but not sure about Dhalsim’s. That means after throwing a sonic boom use standing :lk: in anticipation for a slide. Also some kara cancelling combos

Crossup :lk:, Crouching :lk:x3, cancel into flashkick (:u:+all buttons punch and kick)


Crossup :lk:, crouching :lk:x2(since super whiffs I believe if you attempt three), :d::df::r::uf:+all buttons punch and kick to kara cancel into super

I believe Sirlin got rid all of the hcb motions and other tiger knee motions to make comboing into super really difficult. I believe this is the only way to combo a normal move into Guiles super without having to use the old command(which was too difficult imo to combo into anything I actually liked the shortcuts Vanilla ST had in it better than anything else).

The first combo is better than comboing into crouching :mp: into flashkicks because you can confirm hits much easier and the option of tick throwing if your opponent blocks sounds much better to me.

This can be done(although your chances of getting the combo are much lower than using the method above) by pressing any two punch AND kick buttons simultaneously OR three kick buttons simultaneously(didnt combo often especially for this one)

btw Ive tried it so I am 100% sure this is the way to combo into flashkick or super although Guile was never a combo oriented character in this first place. Its all about the basics, matchup and normal move use knowledge that wins matches not flashy combos with Guile. His normal moves alone can win matches if applied correctly ESPECIALLY that damned crouching :mk:. I hate it so much, good priority and huge reach plus it can be comboed by doing

meaty crouching :mk:, link into crouching :mk:

I actually did this by accident its so easy to do this particular one.

Hitting all punches doesn’t help you. Only hitting jab does. Most people just hit short ~ roundhouse anyway since short and forward Flash Kicks will miss on occasion.

What do you mean? I can’t think of any motions that he took out other than Green Hand and TKs. And that was to make things easier. If anything, he added half circles (SPD and Typhoon).

Edit: I forgot to mention that Sirlin left in the old motion for Somersault Justice.

Edit edit: Wait, you mentioned that yourself. Now I’m doubly confused. @_@

Oh sorry I meant for Guile only, Ive tried some of the old motions for Guiles super and the only one that worked was the old one EXCLUSIVELY no alternate versions did and the new one.

Also I didnt know that, I always did this using all of the buttons thanks for the enlightenment RunHitParry-san:china:

I only know of db, df, db, ub or db, df, db, uf. There are more?

I only mention it because I can’t imagine getting precise timing out of palming all the buttons of my joystick.

“Short short short RENDA CANCEL!” [KKZs face buttons. Hits start select. DQs self.] :lol:

I do almost the same thing as BullDancer. I do cr Short x 2, df, d, db, b, Forward, ub, Short. I do that cuz I’m on pad and my finger positioning doesn’t allow me to kara cancel Jab or Short for that combo. The funny thing is that Forward should not be allowed to kara cancel like that. I thought that only Jabs or Shorts could be kara cancelled after a Jab/Short. I then changed my buttons and tried Strong instead of Forward into Short, and it worked too.

I haven’t tested any other strengths, and I haven’t tried it with other characters either since Guile is the only charge character whose Super combo I can do consistently, tho I don’t see why medium attacks can’t be kara cancelled with other chars like Dictator either.

Anybody else do this? Or is this old news?

DJ better then guile? Seems to be the consensus in his thread.

You tryin ta stir shit up Zoo? :badboy::rofl:

I play both, and I say they’re damn near even. Vs Ryu or Ken, I’ll take Guile and vs Claw or Dhalsim, I’ll take DJ.

for me guile has a better advantage against ryu and ken than deejay, but I agree with you on the vega/dhalsim matchup deejay has better options to compete in that match.

Yes DJ is better than Guile.

That statement over simplifies things, they are simular characters, both have their pro’s and cons, deejay has better cross ups, better ground work and a better projectile, guile has stronger defence, better AA’s (not just FK) and better counter attacks and better long range attacks.

But one thing I’d say is deejay is better against the top tier characters, the fact that his MO can hit hurricanes makes him more effective against ryu, wheres for guile, the shory hurricance over booms and into throw can be problematic

guiles spinning back fist vs ryu’s hurricane…which one wins and under what conditions?

I don’t know if Guile has better AA’s than Dee Jay. Dee Jay’s short Up-Kicks are completely invincible on the way up, and the St.Strong has massive priority. His slide is also a great AA.

perhaps, but guile can flash kick pretty much anything if timed right, plus it has the new forward motion which hit ppl outta their supers and is good to escape cross ups. Guiles crouching fierce if spaced well is excellent cos it has long frames so you can do it early or late, add to that his crouching medium punch is another great AA from a certain range, also his standing medium kick (not the sobat) is a another AA tool.

I think they are pretty even, but deejay definatly has better ground options and a better projectile, in that it can hit hurricanes and is fast. Anybody know who has the fastest projectile in HDR, I’d say its between ryu and deejay.

Sagat has the fastest travelling fireball.

yeah, totally forgot about sagat

:rofl: I hope he isn’t a good representation of how guile players think as a whole.

I always wondered how charge characters including Guile got charge moves off so quickly until today, did the whole street fighter community know about precharging and left me out?
