Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

If you improved overhead to hit blanka, it would probably hit slides, and use to have a much longer hitbox, but they reduced it from CE for a reason.

Sonic booms don’t need to hit tatsus. Ryu/ken are already at a disadvantage, so tatsu going over booms doesn’t win the fight for them.

Absolutely not! That’s one thing that actually makes those fights winnable for Ryu/Ken.

I seriously think the Rolling Sobat (st.:mk:) should have this property. His feet are off the ground, but he’s hitting low.

WINNER! WINNER! CHICKEN DINNER!!! That’s called “making something work the way it was intended”. Making the hitbox on his overhead reach lower so that it hits a crouching Blanka would probably also make it hit slides, by the way, but you would have to anticipate them since all of them have slower startup than Guile’s overhead, so I think that would be kinda fair. It certainly would help him in his fights against Blanka and Dhalsim (edit: and Claw! HELLO, McFly!!!). I think the Dee Jay matchup would remain unchanged…I think.

Yay, Irrepressible! You made a good suggestion! Excellent! :slight_smile:

I made that suggestion too. :sad:

Yeah…but you didn’t have a streak of making bad suggestions. :slight_smile: Sorry. No offense meant. :slight_smile:

I completely disagree that Guile has an advantage over Ryu or Ken. If anything, Ryu has the advantage, especially when he gets his Super. 6-4 Ryu. Ken goes even IMO. DJ is more of a threat than Guile thanks to his superior crossups.

And Ken’s Tatsu cannot be punished if the last kick hits, doesn’t matter if it’s Short, Forward or RH.

I propose Ken’s Hurricane Kick causes an actual hurricane to appear and blow the opponent off screen - insta

But really, my Guile gameplan doesn’t include the tatsu so I wouldn’t mind the change. I mean (I’m pretty sure this is a noob statement) Guile and DeeJay are similar in character design and tatsu doesn’t go through DeeJay’s fb so why would it really make a difference?

Makes a huge difference, actually. The Tatsu forces Guile to hesitate when he throws close booms, but at the same time it is VERY punishable. Ken’s Tatsu is especially punishable because it has recovery frames, so Guile will often cr. fierce or throw Ken. As for Dee-Jay, well, I believe he is one of Ken’s worst matchups? He’s got a better cross-up and ground game than Guile, but his AA is worse and he feels much less agile to me. I believe his MO also recovers slower than the boom.

Conclusion: eliminating the passing property of the Tatsu would give Guile too much of an advantage.

Not if the last hit connects, and esp not if the tip of the foot hits. If you play Kens of DGV and John Choi’s calibre, you will see them do this all the time vs Guile. And playing Choi’s Guile with my Ken taught me to use the ranges of my Tatsus properly so that Guile can’t cr.Fierce, cr.Strong, or throw.

Dumbass Guile needs his CE/HyperFighting low forward range back so he can keep offensive characters from getting in on the ground. Sobat is not for zoning or keep away (its an offensive move). guile is meant to be defensive as originally he was in SF2-SF2HF before the game developer freakn raped him in Super and ST.

Guile used to be strong enough where he didn’t need the sobat or step kick. I would rather have a bigger hitbox on his low forward then st guile’s crap.

Sirlin you disappoint me for not listening to my brother battosai nor brian when we requested that he give him that better normal.

No offence dude, but thats most stupid comment I’ve read on any street fighter forum. Your actually saying that ryu/kens hurricane shannigans over booms is the ONLY thing that makes that matchup winnable for ryu/ken!! Do you even play HDR. Ryu has several advantages over guile (1) faster projectile which guile cant match since he’s a charger, so at some point he has to jump or block or counter the fireball which leaves him vulnerable (2) ryu can zone guile pretty well for certain amount of time (3) ryu super limits guiles options (4) hurricane > throw (over boom)guile dosnt really have an effective counter for this (5) crossup hurricance cleanly beats flash kick, which is guiles primary anti air

I seriously think the Rolling Sobat (st.:mk:) should have this property. His feet are off the ground, but he’s hitting low.

all of my suggestions were good, cos my point was address what guile needs to hold his own against top tier characters at high level play. I remember you saying that you dont play HDR, which would explain why you type the things that you have typed

totally agree!

seriously man, I strongly disagree, ryu/ken are not at an disadvantage against guile, fair enough ken is pretty even, but ryu is definatly advantageous over guile. As a guile player you will throw alot of booms and how your opponant reacts to those booms determins what followup you will chose, ken and ryu’s close up hurricane (especially ryu’s) can take those options away from guile. Also as a guile player, you become quite good at predicting fireball ball patterns and timing ur jumps as you cant out fireball ryu, but ryu’s fake fireball nullifies this completly.

seriously, anybody who says ken and especially ryu are at a disadvantage against guile knows nothing about the matchup.

deejay fares better against ryu bcos his MO hits hurricances, his MO speed is quite fast and he has a good cross up.

For deejay v guile, I’d say guile has a small but considerable advantage, guile can zone deejay, hitting deejays super with a flash kick is childs play, low forward and a combination a different speed booms can is an effects counter for deejay slide

I have yet lately to see a good guile clash with a good ryu/ken.

Still though, saying ryu has an advantage isn’t surprising anyways, since he has an advantage/even against most of the cast, as well as saying his super gives guile trouble, as that is also true across alot of the cast.

Only the overly offensive Guiles and DeeJays give me trouble. For the turtles, flat out h.fb spam forces them to either block, get hit, empty jump or jump in. Ken only has to worry about the jump in and h. DP makes quick work of that nonsense. Furthermore, if they do manage a jump in, Ken can take advantage of his fast walking speed and walk up throw pretty much for free (works especially well against DeeJay’s slide).

For offensive Guiles/DeeJays, I wait until they get too frisky with their fbs and cross up air tatsu into sweep knockdown (offensive players are usually in range for a Juice Kick) and some cross up B.S. of my own (i.e. I knee bash… A LOT).

Do you use the safe jump against guile online? If you do, does Ken ever magically teleport behind guile? It happens to me on PSN, but it never occurs offline.

I have a nasty habit of mistiming safe jumps. I would say “The Chun-Li effect” happens to my pretty much 100% of the time I try to safe jump against Guile; I’ve only tried to safe jump Guile online so I don’t know about offline but I’ll check.

I ask, because he doesn’t jump over guile offline, but it occurs online and lag doesn’t explain that if you are holding jump when the knee bash ends.

Please look at the words that I put stars around and tell me if those words are the same. IG, this isn’t the first time that you’ve misread what someone said.

I’ve played enough Street Fighter to know that being able to Hurricane Kick over Sonic Booms is not the only thing that Ryu and Ken can do to win against Guile. Usually, it’s not even something I rely on. Even so, it is something that Guile needs to be aware of so that he can’t just spam booms in his sleep without reprisal…and I think that’s a good thing. As I’ve said in the past, most of your suggestions would make Guile even more low-risk than he is…and it would hurt the fun factor of his design, IMHO. I’m all about balancing risk and reward overall. That, IMHO, is how you get down the road of improving a character design. I could understand your suggestions if Guile were as horrible as Cammy was in Vanilla ST, but given that he was a fairly solid character in VST and is even better in HDR, I think that giving him back his old st.:hk: and making the Sobat Kick avoid sweeps and slides while hitting them (much like SFA Ryu’s f+:mk: Hopping Spin Kick) are the only things that would actually help him without unbalancing him in relation to the rest of the cast.

Guile is already a high risk character, most of his moves can be punished if not timed precisly and thats why guile players are probably have the highest degree of timing and accuracy of all character players. I really dont think you know that character that well bcos since CE guile has gone way down in the potency table, I really dont think you’ll see many guiles winning major competitions in HDR against seasoned ryu and balrog players. Fact is guile needs help if he’s gonna stand a chance at high level play against top tier characters, in his current state he wont be winning any major tourneys and I’m sure many other players who specialise wih guile will agree with me. You say you dont play HDR so how can you comment on the game if you dont have personal experience?

Furthermore, guile isnt that much better, he still sucks against vega, balrog, dhalsim and blanka…he just dosnt suck as much, but his improvements in those matchups has only increased by about 10% IMO. His low forward is laughable and that is his main poke weapon, how many guiles players long for the return of the hyper fighting low forward.

It seems as if you just rubbish anybody who says HDR guile needs improving yet you dont even play HDR…so how can you critisize? My suggestions for guile would not be game breaking they would simply move guile up a tier and allow him to hold his own against the big boys. Seriously man, I dont think you know what your talking about in regards to HDR guile…no offence. Yes guile is a strong character, but he’s not as strong as balrog or ryu. balrog IMO is still way over powered, the hit boxes on some of his punches are rediculusly big

take deejay for example, his MO is faster than guiles SB and has a bigger hit box, what were the justifications for making deejays MO so good and why cant those same justifications be applied to guiles SB?

whats the justifications for makings guile normals so weak, the startup time on low forward is light years too long and its range and piority is laughable