Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

You forgot Boxer. It’s almost stupid how good Boxer’s super is.

Stuff about vs. Boxer

Does st. short keep Boxer out? I know most of my opportunities come from I catch Guile’s pokes or Sonic Booms with a random Low Rush. After that it’s Boxer’s game because he can do all sorts of stuff. So I imagine if you can use st. short to control space (much like using st. to stop Blanka Balls) it might help Guile out a lot.

anybody know whats guile’s most powerful combo that

  1. doesn’t require a super

  2. you don’t have to follow up a boom, example no jab sonic boom from full screen and then jump at the opponent

how about most powerful combo you can do even with the super, or following up a boom?

also what does the most damage after a sonic boom for a two hit combo, example sonic boom follow up with: hop kick, knee bazooka, back fist, sweep, etc…

probably most powerful combo without super is jump fierce > crouch strong > sonic boom > backfist / standing fierce punch

for a boom 2hit combo id say following a boom with a spinning back fist does the most damage.

Fixed. :slight_smile:

The four fierce dizzy has been the standard since World Warrior. It’s guaranteed to dizzy unless your opponent was dizzy when you started it and, of course, it’s one of the most famous Touch of Death combos in existence.

I would also suggest, as I did a few posts back, going to and looking at my HDR Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ and also going to the arcade section for SSF2T and looking at the most famous Guile resource out there…The TZW Combo FAQ.

Bonus points if you find the actual TZW Combo Video on YouTube.

Taken from my FAQ…

Most easily hit-confirmable and damaging combo into super?

Combo #23: Xup.:lk:, cr.:lk:(x2)-st.:lk: (kara cancelled into) XX Somersault Shell SC.

You can do this combo from the front with j.:hp: or j.:hk: by omitting one of the cr.:lk:s.

Most powerful combo following up a boom?

The very next one…Combo #24: Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Strong Sonic Boom, (whiffed) Bazooka Knee, crouch short (x2)-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC (corner only)

That’s probably a Zangief only combo. I really need to test that. That’s why the FAQ is being redone. :slight_smile:

i was reading your faq and i must say its well put together and obviously took a lot of time and effort. very comprehensive, with some more time and information such as match ups, frame data, and possible hit box explanations it could become a definitive guide to hd remix, this however would take tremendous time and effort but no definitive guide to street fighter was ever made in a year or so :wgrin:

  1. have you ever thought about making a video to go with it, maybe one where you go through everything with a character, show their standard punches and kicks, normals, links, combos etc… it would take a long time but it would be an awesome addition to the faq.

  2. is it possible to do multiple sonic booms in a combo without a jump in after having throwing a previous boom, for example the famous never before seen double sonic boom re-dizzy where guile has zangief in the corner and hits him with crouching jab, jab sonic boom, then standing fierce, and then fierce sonic boom (and if your in the corner you get an extra hit). i know this was possible on hyper fighting but that game engine used the cps-1 hardware, is this combo and other like it possible on HD remix.

  3. i play hd remix on ps3 and i find a lot of these combos that involve a sonic boom jump in or a sonic boom follow up almost impossible, the slow down is so great that than more than half the time i cannot get an additional move to come, even if its jabs on shorts, tried everything mashing buttons before during and after and it not my tv either because i have a good old tube. perhaps is different on XBOX?

Thanks for the compliment. Don’t forget to look in the credits to see who else on this forum contributed. They deserve props, too.

My goal was never to actually make it a definitive guide, though. I covered the scope I wanted to in that FAQ. All of the other stuff is better left to people who are expert at it. I’m decent…maybe good…at it, but I see plenty of people better at it than me…especially because they compete in tournaments regularly.

I’ve never done a combo video before and I don’t see myself doing one anytime soon. Then again…I am a D.J. with a bit of sound engineering experience, so I could learn how to hook up a video if I applied myself.

Still…I’d leave that to someone who’s expert at doing that sort of thing. NKI, Majestros, James Chen, and a few others come to mind.

Video links for each combo would be quite nice, though. :slight_smile: One day…

** Edit: It’s not like I came up with all of these combos by myself. Some of them already appear on combo videos that are already out there on YouTube. All you need to do is use the ‘Search’ function to search for them.**

Wow. Now that’s some TZW-like stuff right there! :slight_smile: I personally don’t know if that’s still possible, but I can find out for you…or you can try it and let me know. You’ll end up in the credits on my FAQ when I finish remaking it.

I’ve heard, most notably from Sirlin’s experience at EVO, that the PS3 version has some input issues, but the way to get around that slow down is to tap the button you want at least four times faster than normal. At regular speed, I usually tap the button once because my timing comes from experience, but when I’m doing slow-motion jump in combos from a meaty jab Sonic Boom, I usually tap the button around three or four times very quickly within the window that I would want the move to come out. That usually works for me. I have those meaty jab Sonic Boom in the corner combos down. In fact…if you learn them for Guile, you’ll have them for anybody with a projectile. (Check the FAQ, a lot of the projectile throwing characters have meaty jab projectile combos. Some can even follow with a jump-in combo.)

Another fun fact…that input trick works for any Capcom game that has slow motion at certain points. I love using it in their old school side-scrolling beat-'em-ups with special moves. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the noob question, just started using Guile here…
But is there some “trick” to doing Guile’s super? I’ve managed to do it maybe 3 times and all 3 times I think it was just luck lol

Although im not even good with guile, but here is one thing you need to know, Guiles jumping roundhouse probably has a longer reach than any aerial move in the game its freaking crazy. Just go into traning mode and activate hitboxes and youll see what i mean…

down back… wait… roll the stick to up/forward. press kick. :sweat: the new super motion is really easy to do.

Sorry your going to hate me, btw Im not on the redesign guile team but on the dream team for guile ?

One thing I think guile could use is a better normal anti air in the standing MP, even though Sirlin and Choi said guile doesn’t need another anti air. I would change his standing MP so that it always does the upper cut not matter what distance, I would also trade a close up MP upper cut that whiffs at point blank range (a la boxer) then have that annoying downward punch come out. I think this is completely reasonable and not to much to ask as it doesnt really tip matches to much if at all.

but of course to have the ultimate guile I would have…

Bazooka knee - hit box is altered so that his whole leg can hit from the knee down to the foot and down to the ground, as it currently is, only the knee cap can hit. Hit box alteration would also make it hit slides. Also bazooka knee has a slight push back so that a blocked bazooka knee doesn’t get you killed. now here’s an alteration that would make his bazooka knee pretty much broken, both back and down/back and down forward and forward would activate his knee bazooka allowing you to advance forward while charging for either a flash kick, sonic boom or super (yes let the drool start flowing). this however means that your down/back low kicks are no longer there so some combos such as his cross up Lk, Lk standing Lk, super are no longer possible

Sonic boom - can now be activated with down/forward or forward instead of just forward leaving you charged for a flash kick right after (imagine sonic boom connect hit stun then flash kick).

Super - has old motion, new motion, and new new motion that is the new motion reversed (charge downward, then down, down/back, back, up/back, up) with sonic boom now being completed with down/forward you can do sonic boom connect hit stun then super. not to mention you’ll be moving around like crazy with down/back knee bazooka to get in ultimate range.

HK - neutral HK no longer gives you his hop kick but his old HK roundhouse, hop kick is still there but you need to press back and HK to activate it.

Hop kick - maybe give it the same properties as the new knee bazooka with it being activated with back, down/back, down/forward. but you would loose down/back HK for a sweep (maybe not that big of a deal, maybe not)

Double sweep - double sweep hits for two hits like in MvC2 also hitboxes are like those of WW guile’s crouching MK. Also guile is only vulnerable when his legs are out but in between sweeps he can be thrown or hit

Crouching HP puts jumping opponents that are cleanly hit in a juggleable state so that cleanly hitting a jumping opponent will allow you to throw out a sonic boom (assuming you are charged) and make them land on it and get hit every time as opposed to those who forget to block when they land. Also you can do crouching HP * cleanly hit* the opponent and then do a flash kick before they land. This would be like Charlie in the alpha series

upside down kick - old speed is back, and is still an overhead, still activated at any time with forward HK, also when off the ground cannot be tripped, hit low, or thrown

standing MP - as mentioned above, upper cut at any distance

crouching MP - old crouching MP from CE, HF

back fist - hits medium to large crouching opponents

crouching MK - WW edition crouching kick with its insane hitbox and footsie capabilities

of course these improvements would make guile broken and would never be implemented by a sane and logical programmer/designer (save your mugen games and hacks for la la land).

on the other hand i really do like the idea of his knee bazooka being activated by either back or down/back as to advance him while being charged for all his moves. i am in favor of guile never receiving any new movesever let me reiterate I AM IN FAVOR OF GUILE NEVER RECEIVING ANY NEW MOVES. This means that in order to keep him competitive his normals and two specials would need to be upgraded and perfected as the games and characters evolve.

BTW FreshOJ give me some credit here that I didnt make him totally totally broken and give sonic boom the ability to hit hurricane kicks and the ability to be thrown low like tiger shots with kick instead of punch, flash kick like in MvC2 that shoots two waves of projectiles (the answer to Akumas air fireball) by pressing punch instead of kick also it can be done in the air with no charge, knee bazooka that functions like Hondas jab head butt so that it destroys projectiles, a hop kick that leaves his extended leg completely invincible, a back fist that leaves the extended arm completely invincible, a super that has all the current super properties but also shoots out waves of energy like in MvC2 and last but not least a command grab to make jab sonic booms even more annoying, hell lets give him some sort of command grab where he grabs up and then performs a back breaker if he grabs you, that should take care of that damn Vega wall dive.




Christ dude, why not just give him an unblockable full screen instant death gun move? Same result really.

I get the feeling you want HDR to play like Marvel.

And since we’re sharing wish lists, I’d like to give Boxer his longer throw range back, a safer headbutt, a straight rush that hits crouchers, Potemkin Buster, meterless Aegis Reflector, Genei-Jin, Hail Storm, Ultima Weapon, the big pill that lets Pac-Man eat ghosts, and more fight money.

Edit: I forgot Q taunt. That’s really important.

guile just needs the ability to call in a helicopter gunship ala COD4 to help him in his bad matchups, of course you can only call it in after doing 7 sonic booms without being hit.

I just noticed this, I thought ken was safe after the last hit of his tatsu. Is he only safe after the hk tatsu’s last hit?

I do agree that guile’s at advantage in the matchup, but I don’t think it solely has to do with the tatsus. I believe it has to do more with guile’s options at backfist range.

In a word…no. That’s why you have to learn the spacing differences between cr. :hp: and st. :mp: and use them properly. Guile’s defense does not need improvement.

I’m glad that was only a wish list. I thought you were serious for a second there. Otherwise, you’d be fired, too.

The only suggestion that was worth mentioning, IMHO, was giving him his old st.:hk: back. Otherwise, use the Sobat Kick to hit slides and leave everything else alone.

Well as a guile player, I think guile does need some slight improvements if he as a character is going to be able to hold his own at high level competative play against the top tier characters, the thing is with guile tho, is that he is already a strong character and any improvements would have to be well thought through as it could make him too good, the improvemnts I would give him would be

  1. sonic booms hit hurricanes, that would stop ryu’s hurricane >> throw shannigans
  2. give the crouching medium kick slightly improvent piority so it trades with slides
  3. over head hits blanka

No way, that would be too good.