I’d say: (1st No=guile)
Cammy: 7-3
Zangief: 7-3
Fei: 6-4
Hawk: 7-3
Honda: 6-4
Ken: 6-4
Dee Jay: 6-4
Dictator: 5-5
Sagat: 7-3
Chun: 5-5
Ryu: 5-5
Dhalsim: 5-5
Boxer: 5-5
Blanka: 3-7
Claw: 3-7
I’d say: (1st No=guile)
Cammy: 7-3
Zangief: 7-3
Fei: 6-4
Hawk: 7-3
Honda: 6-4
Ken: 6-4
Dee Jay: 6-4
Dictator: 5-5
Sagat: 7-3
Chun: 5-5
Ryu: 5-5
Dhalsim: 5-5
Boxer: 5-5
Blanka: 3-7
Claw: 3-7
I’d say its in guiles favour, the slide can be hit or traded with, you just have to time it right, and DJ can be zoned quite nicely. DJ’s super is very easy to beat with a flash kick or a boom. DJs main advantage in this match up is his superior cross ups, but he needs to get in to deliver it.
In air to air exchanges guile wins most of the time even when jumping backwards with jumping fierce punch.
So, is it just me or does Jump fierce, Stand fierce xx Boom, Backhand just plain not work against certain characters?
Usually works best on bigger characters when you have backepd up in a corner. Saw a guy do a nice combo yesterday it was: jumping fierce > crouching medium punch > SB > standing fierce = 4hit combo + rage quit
very nice to watch and the rage quit was funny
I don’t think we need to give guile anything to contend with slides. If you’re gonna do that then you might as well give shotos something to use for claw’s st.mk, make honda’s hp torpedo go through fireballs etc.
You’re asking for guile to go even or have an advantage in all his matchups? I believe ryu is the only char in the game like that, but he still loses to claw. Guile is fine the way he his.
Although if I changed anything is would be giving him some extra hitting pixels on overhead so he could actually mixup blanka.
Paul Eath won the Gamespot tournament with Guile, taking down the likes of John Choi’s Ryu and Graham Wolfe’s Claw (Graham wasn’t confident that his Boxer could take him so he counter-picked). Go to Gamespot and look up the video. I’m sure they still have it.
Granted, that was when the game was newer, but it happened. Please stop trying to say that Guile should be better and simply apply some of the things that other Guile players have been recommending. He has more potential than you think he does.
Now that you stated the specific problem, here comes a good suggestion…
Make Guile’s Rolling Sobat (st.:mk:) register as Guile being in the air. That would counter most of the slides out there easily. The downside to this suggestion, though, is that it would make Guile even more turtlish, so to counter-balance that, I’d give the Rolling Sobat a little more recovery…much like the Bazooka Knee (:l:/:r:+:lk:). But…yeah…you’d still trade with the last set of hitting frames from Dee Jay’s slide. So…to counter Dee Jay’s slide…standing short should hit it.
Oh…and let’s not forget that you could always stuff his slide attempts preemptively.
And it would make him too good. Guile’s super is fine.
False. Standing short hits Blanka’s slide. As for Claw, do the same thing Paul Eath was doing to Graham Wolfe’s Claw in the Gamespot Finals…
He can’t slide through that.
Thank you…now, for your punishment, you are hereby resticted to playing rushdown Guile only. NO BLOCKING!
This is all nth hand knowledge but I was told that that tournament had input lag like whoa and they had to used the sticks that GS provided for them. I don’t want to take anything away from Paul Earth, but if that’s true, then I would take the tournament results with a grain of salt.
That said I still think Guile is fine. If your opponent keeps sliding, can you jump over and do a cross up short combo? I know that’s how DJ can deal with Blanka’s slides.
In the corner, it works just fine. Out in the open is where you might have problems. Switch to ending that combo with cr.:mk: or the Stepping Kick (:l:/:r:+:hk:). Cr.:mk: is more likely to hit.
You…need…to read…MY FAQ!!!
Go to GameFAQs.com and look at my HDR Crossup, Link, and Combo FAQ. While you’re at it, also go to the best source of Guile combos out there…the TZW Combo FAQ! If you’re amazed at the standing move into Flash Kick combos…you haven’t seen anything yet. Get a pillow for your chin so you don’t break it when it hits the floor and don’t forget towels for the excess drool.
Guile’s jump is a bit higher than Dee Jay’s though…so I wouldn’t rely on that for a strategy as you’d probably get anti-aired. Plus…hey mon…we’re talking about Dee Jay’s j.:mk:…one of the best crossups in the game! Guile j.:lk: isn’t on the same tier. If only Guile’s j.:mk: crossed up like it did back in the day. I’d take that, honestly.
[media=youtube]__XIEnXdOVM[/media] this is quite nice as well though.
As a Ken main who was a Hurricane Kicking fanatic in every game leading up to ST, now that I have a Hurricane Kick in HDR that’s moves forward even faster…ummm…*why would I use a :lk: Hurricane Kick to go over Sonic Booms if I’m in range for it to hit? If I’m going to Hurricane Kick over a Sonic Boom to hit Guile, it’s :hk: Hurricane Kick all day! If the last kick hits, I will blow your mind with all of the possibilities of what I can do next. If you ever played a really good Ken in SF3:NG, you know what I’m talking about. 5-5 is a good assessment of that matchup.
As for Dee Jay, I can get with you on his superior ground game, but trying to use the Machine Gun Upper to absorb a Sonic Boom to fire back a Max Out will leave you wide open to a cr.:mk: or a Backfist (:r:+:hp:) stuffing your Max Out attempt at the least and a jumping combo if you get predictable at the most (and Guile has a lengthy combo video devoted to him, so you can see how that might end your round quickly). 5.5-4.5 sounds more like it.
Now that’s what I call a good suggestion.
By the way, if the overhead was improved to hit a crouching Blanka, it would probably end up hitting slides, too.
Can’t you just cr fierce a hurricane?
If you’re not in the air or not reeling in hit stun from getting hit by it, sure.
I’ve actually noticed that its best for ken to use the weakest version of his hurricane that will hit against Guile so that the last kick hits so you can’t punish with the cr. fierce.
As for Guile matchups, the only matchups that are 6-4 or worse for him are Dhalsim (6-4) Vega (6.5-3.5) and Blanka (7-3). I Believe everything else is about even or in his favor.
As for DJ, I have a rather intresting way of fighting him that I think proves to be quite effective. I try to stay far enough away that if he jumps in, i can make him land on a cr. forward, but close enough that I can anticipate his maxout and jump in on him with my jumping rh. If he tries sliding to get close, I’ll mix up whether I follow up my strong sonic booms and cr. forward him out of the slide. Of course, some of these options will put you close to Dee Jay, but at least you get some guaranteed damage in the process. In close, I’ve noticed how effective the sobat kick and the overhead can be, because they can both go over the cr. strong. But yeah, best to keep your distance.
ah you forgot to add Rog vs Guile as one of Guiles worst matchups. Face against Afro or KP youll know why its frustrating for guile
I’ve played Afro’s rog, and got crushed, but I’ve learned some important tricks in the matchup since then. Still though, wouldn’t say my performance is representative of top guile play. I think rog has a slight edge in that matchup, but its not worse than 5.5-4.5 rog imo.
I know this sound crazy, but I believe Guile has one of the best supers in the game. My reasoning:
1.) Guile builds meter very quickly.
2.) Functions well as an anti air; granted the range is limited, but it still stuffs jumpins from half screen or maybe a bit beyond, depending on the character.
3.) Can be uses to knockdown pokes/go through projectiles. Not terribly useful but its there
4.) Here’s the big one: easy to combo into super with. Ken and Guile are the only two characters I can think of that routinely hit confirm into super. This gives guile one of the best crossup games around.
Balrog is not actually that bad for guile, the key is not to use the crouching medium kick, use differnt speed booms instead when he’s close. keep doing that and balrog will jump, so you can flash kick it.
If balrog tries rushing you down, spam booms of different speeds OR use sobat kick against his dashing punches. I used to find this matchup difficult, but if you play ur cards right guile has a big advantage, but the key is not to rely on low forward, throw a boom instead And the main thing…watch out for the super, back fist bufallo head butt.
Also if u sweep rog, make him eat a boom as he gets up, but DONT follow it up, wait for the buffallo head butt and punish it, if he doisnt do the buffalo, throw another boom and repeat. Alternativly, make him eat a boom, wait a few moments and then throw low forward or low fierce kick > boom > repeat
I’ve adopted this new approach to the balrog matchup and so far its doing me quite qell against some strong rog players.
The only downside is you have play this technique pefectly, if he breaks ur cycle then ur toast!
@python…I use exactly the same technique for deejay, except that when Im ahead on health I’ll retreat and wait for the jump or super and flash kick it.
I guess im refering to old ST Rog on GGPO before he was tone down on hd. I dont play HD remix cause i dont have a new gen system.
The problems ive had vs rogs that play like afro (there many US players on ggpo that play like afro and use the same trick lock down strings )are
1.If I try to throw 2 booms , rog will block one and then low rush me out of the next boom.
2. from a distance if you try to counter his low rush with low forward he will throw a jab low rush and hit my low forward.
3.There super gets filled up within like 4 seconds while doing turn punch then fierce head butt and or low rush then head butt broken!.
4.Guile low forward gets easliy jab head butted if you attempt to hit him at times.
5.If im cornerd they will normally do a sequance of fierce head butt (which there is no reversal for either that one or the jab one after he throws a duck jab then waits mila second then jab head butts and you will get hit if you try to reverse anything) and then grab you, as soon as thats finshed the will upper knock down dash to get closer before you get up and then quickly rog will throw rapid jabs in to a rush and or they some how get to the other side and do that super trick in the corner etc, by then its over…game over.
6. Flash kick seems useless until he jumps which most likely they wont.
I am talking old ST here before people start riping me.
7. ST emulated on GGPO seems too fast, speed of 1 is like speed of 4 or 5 online the rom must be corrupt even with good net code. I’ll play HD over in a tourney its hella slower and better.
This match is more like 7-3 in rogs favor due to the way that people use rog today in the US rather then before tamashima
8.Also there are no pauses between his low rushes rather then offline there are pauses which afro addmited he wasnt use to in a tournament
Infact to get a feel of what i am talking about it is best that you guys try playing against rogs on GGPO who play very similar to Afro aka tamashia like rog(KP, Savalas, Janus Gemini, , Roy biesil, and others)
oh wait did i forget to mention how much bs it is when rog super can hit a mile away while throwing anything out!
I hear yah, but I’d rather have the psychological advantage that comes with ryu’s and balrog’s super. A super sonic boom with give guile that same factor