Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)

oops, posted twice

You can try it, and it depends a large amount on how clever/tricky your opponent is, but playing guile against a good, fast bison player i would steer clear of it. If he crosses you up and you guess wrong and activate a psychic cr :hp: too early you’ll be standing facing the other way with an uppercut that takes forever to finish, and be an easy target. Too late, and you’ll take the hit, or trade and a possible combo after it. Jumping back punches work well if you’re really fast, but short of having lightning fast reflexes and spotting what side he’s gonna end up on, the only way to be safe is block everything he does in the air from the ground and watch his ground game after he lands for walk up throws etc.

Personally, as guile i play it safe and usually take the block damage, because you can usually give lots back with sonic booms anyway, and because if you give dictator a window he can really combo the shit out of you in a second for a dizzy and then for the win. Once he lands push him back with cr:mk: and the usual pokesand revert back to your usual keepaway game.Keep dictator the fuck out, and don’t fall for his tricks. Mix in random jump back punches after sonic booms to keep him on his toes, watch his super meter, and there’s really not a lot that guile’s defense can’t deal with from him.

This is a tough matchup for bison, and once you can bait and punish headstomps effectively and watch out for super-ing through sonic boom shennanigans your usual defense should be doing him a lot more damage than he’s doing you, just don’t be predictable with sonic booms, and you’ll deny him his best window to get in.

Im guessing a crouching firece would ok if your back is against the corner, that way bison cant cross you up. Does guiles cr.fp cleanly beat bisons skull dive?

Cool, thanks Mackdaddi.

Another (unrelated) question: How do you punish Ken and Ryu’s short hurricane kick over booms? They’ve got no landing frames and are ususally too fast to react to unless they drop right in front of you. I realize it’s to they’re disadvantage in many cases irf they try to get close, but sometimes it allows them to safely pass my boom and fireball me back out. I know throwing slow sonic booms can be a good tool for making them land on the boom, but that’s all I’ve got.

My problem is that theyre doing they’re short hurricane kick, which is so fast I don’t its humanly possible to backfist on reacton…

Edit: Fresh OJ, did you delete your post?

Hopkick? (mk) It’s gonna beat out anything they throw after other than a shoryu… and once they’ve started to do shoryu after just throw more booms for them to land on. Hopkick solves all problems. :cool: What a buff normal.

I’d like to play one of these shotos that does that because I’ve never played one that doesn’t just rh tatsu over the boom in an attempt to hit me. I think I’d figure out an answer but have to be presented first-hand with the problem.

Also, I think jump back hk is tight against headstomping dictators. Just don’t be too predictable or in the corner.

Yes, because I realized that I didn’t want to give away my Ken SEEKRITSZ! :slight_smile:

No…really…I didn’t know what I was talking about. That’s why I deleted it. :slight_smile:

Idk guys, seems like there must be a way to punish this, but its just so damn fast and has no landing frames… doesn’t even have to after a boom, there’s a # of times where I try to flash kick it but they’ve already landed and blocked =(

Edit: Just to clarify, this is only the short hurricane kick that’s a problem

Yep, works nicely too, as long as you predict the headstomp and jump before it makes contact with you, before it’s “steerable”. Dictator has to get very clever with headstomps once he sees that an opponent is baiting them, and it takes a lot out of his game, especially against guile because of his fast projectiles and recovery. One good thing about using heavy kick for the jump back, as well as the nice range, is if you’re holding down+back for charge after you’ve jumped (as you should be), a lot of the time you’ll get a backbreaker by accident instead of a kick if bison is close enough in the air.It feels like it’s much easier to get than an airthrow, there’s less need to be inch perfect or something with it, i dunno, i always seem to get them by accident when i meet an opponent in mid air, and i rarely even bother with going for the airthrow.It’s the bigger damage of the two as well, AFAIK.

What if the Bison player realizes your trying to bait the stomp and just jumps normally instead? Your gonna end up jumping back and fiercing immediatly and give up valuable ground. For this reason, is it a good idea to mix up whether you going to punish the headstomp or just block? If you prepared for the block and he does a normal jump instead, you can st. strong that mofo

Welcome to the wonderful, complicated world of street fighter mindgames :bgrin:

U can use back + Stand fierce punch to defeat the short kick hurricane, it hits it cleanly. Or you can use the low strong or back fist, But I like using back + st.fierce punch. Plus I dont many people even know it works against the light kick hurricane, I kind of figured it out on accident and it works, especially when they buffer off a low roundhouse into light hurricane just hit back + st.fierce

Right, I found that that works, but I can’t seem to get myself to do it in time. O well, it’ll take practice. At least the standing fierce has more than just a use against Zangief… charging backfist may have been better.

i was wondering if you were still down for some matches? i’d like to see your anti-balrog strats in action.

i still think of this as a very difficult match for guile.

I can personally tell the difference between his fast ass headstomp and his slow floaty jump. It’s not a blind jump back normal. And from the range I’m imagining, a j.hp backwards would not leave you in range for him to do anything off a normal jump.

agreed, balrog, for me, is the toughest matchup along with dhalsim

Everyone on GGPO now has that Giga Msx corner string with Balrog down and there is like no counter or reversal for it once your in the corner. I am just shocked on how every rog player on GGPO has got that zero opening corner trap down + on GGPO theres like no pauses between his low rushes. Now thats retarted.

Huh, I wish I could do that. Usually if I wait long enough to see whether he’s doing a jump or headstomp, its too late for me to stop the headstomp. Just another thing I got get down I guess.

Yeah sure. Finished building my stick a couple weeks ago =). Havn’t had much of a chance to test my balrog strat so’d I’d like to give it a shot.

My gamertag is PFW91 on XBL, is yours shockwave?

i’ll have to jump on my boy’s xbl. are you on 2nite? when are u usually on so i can catch u etc.

Using bison, once i see that someon’s cottoned on to my headstomps, i mix in some up+forward LP devil’s reverse fakies, if you can tell the difference between one of THOSE and a headstomp i want reflexes as fast as yours.It looks IDENTICAL till bison pulls out the reversal punch and gets out of the way and it’s REALLY fast.Great for baiting flashkicks, watch out.

Right, no more giving away bison secrets or i’ll be banned from the Dictator thread…:rofl: