Guile vs Dee Jay question- During the course of the projectile war, DJ walks up on me from full screen and slides under my sonic boom, knocking me down and then going for the corss up. The cr. :mk: can stuff the slide, but sometimes he walks up and does his cr. :mk: which beats out my cr. :mk: and still knocks me down. If I move back when I see him coming forward, I can make him block a sonic boom, which pushes him back out a good ways, but then he’s a head in the projectile war, and slides back into posistion. Because he’s ahead, it takes a few slides before I can walk up and punish his slide with the cr. :mk:. I feel as if there must be a better way to stop the walk-up-slide consistantly with out compromising space or the projectile battle. Sobat kick and step kick won’t beat out DJ’s cr. :mk: from this range, so I’m really at a loss as for what to do. The step kick can get a block, however, and push them back. It also seems to be good for catching people walking forward because of its deceptive range. You can even start walking back then pop the step kick. However, as with Guile’s other options, this can be beat. If DJ slides late (or early if he’s close), you can knocked down. The walk up slide really kills Guile’s distance game against DJ. Any suggestions?
i’m not familiar with terminology etc, whats the exact move notation/setup for the giga msx corner string for balrog?
Your not familiar with terminology and like etc… lol, okay smart guy, since I haven’t been able to find a vid with this rog corner rush down string vs guile, I just hapend to find the exact type corner lock down vs old sagat which they do on my guile. Also some times they would also throw a crouch jab and wait a sec then jab head butt which there is no reversal and if i try to flash kick between or low forward i get head butted. Here it is towards the end of the vid I believe but this is what I ment forget the hole giga thing so you understand this easier
i dont play ggpo and i just realize that GIGA MSX is a balrog player (? i assume).
in that link you sent of daigo v choi, at appx 1:19-1:26, there’s alot of pressure from balrog. this is the rushdown that i find guile has problems with dealing, and guile has to really guess properly and hopefully capitalize after and if he’s able to score a knockdown on balrog. as much as possible, when i use guile, i don’t even want balrog getting anywhere near that close becuase it doesnt give guile many options
at appx 2:05 onward, the 2 combos are pretty brutal, and i’ve actually only seen a handful of players pull that type of rushdown consistently. would you say that’s pretty standard for most balrogs on ggpo?
in general i didnt know that GIGA MSX popularize this style of balrog play (did he? or you just call it the “giga msx corner sting” because you play that guy regularly and he uses that pattern effectively?). i assumed that all/most hi level expert balrogs played in a similar manner as that
daigo pulls off the balrog rushdown too easily and without mercy
Yeah he did and with bison(dic) as well and Giga was shocked on how many players(not the same dude over and over) copied his tricks and strats and combos so well and Giga learned how to better his rog from Afro Legends and aparently they are good friends. Most rog players on ggpo have picked up. But yeah I cant get out of that situation unless they miraculously messed up and if i try to flash kick them the will use that jab head butt.
I know Guile is supposed to have a huge advantage in the match vs Fei Long, but I just don’t see how this is. I can keep chucking fierce booms at fei long all day, but he can still manage to block them and advance I put my back up against the corner. Inevitably, he gets close and works his rekkas, ticks, and his chicken wing. I use my cr. forward to hit him out of rekkas sometimes, and I mix up my booms so that I can fk and super his cw, but it just seems like its fairly evenly matched, because if I get caught with his super or some rekkas, I’m done for. There must be a better way forme to keep him out.
Edit: additonaly, it seems impossible or nearly impossbile to fk his short cw on reaction when he’s close. Should I be able to fk it on reaction from, say, cr. forward distance?
Why wouldn’t you throw JAB Sonic Booms? If Chun Li can win this match by throwing Jab Kikkokens and turtling, it should be easier for Guile.
Granted…that was advice that MiloDC gave several months ago, but I’m sure that the only way Fei Long could ever get you with a Chicken Wing is if he anticipated you throwing a Sonic Boom. Otherwise, Guile’s anti-air and Boom mixups are too much for Fei Long.
Bait cw and yes u can fk on reaction to close lk cw if ur looking for it. I just throw jab hados with ken, guiles charge means u need to look for cw and then zone the wakeup. The only fei that ever annoyed me was one who was good at jump attack into throw/bait/normal mixup.
When i played guile regularly i would just zone with jab booms. Guile beats fei just don’t fall for cw > flame
Yeah, I guess I’ve just got to be looking for the cw and paying closer attention to fei’s sprite. But why jab booms? I realize that will allow you to get you charge back quicker in between projectiles, but won’t that make it easier to short cw through them on reaction when he’s close?
What does Guile do to anybody that tries to go around a Sonic Boom after he’s already recovered from throwing it? Answer: Hit them.
If they Chicken Wing, you can hit them out of the air or hit them in recovery provided they weren’t close enough to make contact with you. It’s the same ol’ zoning tactic he’s used since World Warrior.
if fei is going through the sb with short cw then the slower travelling sb means fei must cw later and thus let you recover sooner. does that make sense?
the real deal is… don’t be predictable. mix them up and throw them from different distances/positions/situations
What do you suggest you use to stop a cw when its close enough to hit you afte rgoing throwugh a slow sb? Maybe a jumping neutral fierce, but that takes some time to get off. Nothing else works. You could move back and make them land on a sweep, but if your in the corner, your out of luck. Cr. fierce can trade, but its so rare that its not worth it.
Then again, maybe I’m over estimating how close a fei can cw a slow sb on reaction. Maybe its far enough away that you can sweep them…
Tried sobat? No disrespect but CW doesn’t have great hitboxes, I would’nt be surprised if knee bazooka beats or trades with it. MP throw to the other side of the screen is worth a gamble too. You would be surprised at the power of a jab projectile, it can really screw with a persons timing. Especially combined with guile’s recovery.
What do the fei’s do if u block it? Do they make mistakes after, CW over and over, pokes, rekkas?
If you block a cw, they get to either flame kick or throw. If you go for the flame kick and they throw, your get set on fire =). If you try to block but they go for the throw, they get a throw which I usually can tech, but they can still hit you with meaty attacks when you land if your in the corner. I’ll try out some stuff though, see what happens.
Edit: This is helpful: Backward (and neutral I think) sobat kick trades with cw very easily, provided that the cw is going to hit the front portion of your body. This is because the sobat kick moves your head and upper body hitboxes backward, so your you don’t get hit until Fei reaches the blue hitboxes on you kicking leg for the trade.