Family man patriarchy remix (Guile strategy thread)


Up until the past few months or so, Street Fighter has only been a passing fancy for me, so I never really delved into the combos at all. I first played it when I was, like. . .11 or 12, I think. For some reason I couldn’t understand how to do the charge characters’ moves outside of Guile. You remember that issue of Nintendo Power, right? The one with Vega on the cover? Yeah, so this is going to take some getting used to.

So, um, one more question about the renda cancel. Do you do the motion input after the third :lk:, or during? The reason I’m asking is because I don’t want to spend hours practicing the wrong way.

Anybody can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s…

Charge :db:+:lk:-:lk:-:df::db:(neutral)+hold :lk:, :u:+release :lk: press :mk:/:hk: while holding :lk:.

You actually have three different cancellation techniques at work here. Note that all of the short kicks are being chained (noted by “-”). After the second cr.:lk:, you start the motion for the super and press and hold :lk: right when your joystick hits the neutral position. This makes use of “charge partitioning”. Right after you press :lk:, you have two ways of kara cancelling the standing short and getting the super to come out. You can either press up and release :lk: and “Negative Edge” the super or you can keep holding :lk: and press another :k: button for the super. I think the second way will be easier. (Yes, folks, I’ve never actually done this. I’m going off of what I heard works. That’s why I said I think it works.)

All that being said, personally, whenever I’m able to try to combo into this super, I’m going to try to charge partition into it off of cr.:mp:.

Why would you want to use (:db:), :df:,:db:,:uf:+:lk: when (:db:), :df:,:ub:+:lk: works just as well in combos?

Also, I just noticed something. In the combo’s description in Event Hubs, it shows what it would look like when using the new motion. It was just an example, they never said it would work.

That said, I’ve had a measure of success in practice with this: (:db:), :lk:,:lk:,:df:,:ub:+:lk:+:mk:+:hk:. All I need to work on now is the timing.

It’s funny. . . I find Guile’s super motion to be much easier than 2xqcf motions.

I came over here to ask a question about cancels into guile’s super, instead of posting in the GGs thread, where i read the quote below, and just by coincidence that’s what you all were talking about here.As far as i can see, it IS possible to COMBO the super with the new motion, but i don’t think it CANCELS in off a normal so you’ve gotta be uber quick after the normal has finished.I can only combo it off an LK so far because it’s got a nice positive frame advantage for guile, and i’ve been practising 2XcrLK xx Super (new motion) and it works, but is really tricky timing.

This seems to be all about the speed and timing that you activate the super at. If i activate the super early, to try to cancel off the 2nd LK before it’s fully finished it never seems to work, but if i delay the super so it’s a little late, and do the motion REALLY quickly, i seem to get the combo. (Isn’t there some rule where you can’t cancel a second identical chained attack like a crLK or LP without changing from crouching to standing and then cancelling?You lose the cancel property of the normal if you land it more than once in a chain).

It feels like you can’t buffer the 2nd LK into super cos you’ve lost the cancel property cos you chained from the first LK, you’ve gotta wait till the kick’s actually finished and then hit the super REALLY fast while they’re still in hitstun from the LK while you’ve got frame advantage.

The new motion works for this but if there’s a better way of getting the super to land off a crossup LK or anything more damaging can anyone enlighten me??

Oh, and:

I’ve been using this since world warrior, and the timing on it has gotten stricter and stricter with every game since then, just because it’s so devastating to use.Have you tried using J.HP for the air attack to start the combo instead? Just because the air attack has to be reeeally late for it to land and hit but not push them back too far before you get the ground hit and the cancel in. The J.HP hitbox is higher up on guile’s sprite, you have to activate it a split second later on a forward jump for it to hit.Because of this, guile will land sooner after hitting with a HP than a HK during a forward jump, and there’s less pushback to fuck up your spacing for the combo.When your looking for this one you’ve got to be right on top of him when you land or you’ll miss hits 3 and especially 4 of the combo.

Guiles c Medium Punch:

I’ve seen players use cr. medium punch for anti air and the standing medium punch to stop hurricane kicks, but I’ve never fully incorparated it into my game, how effective is the crouching medium punch against jumping attacks??? is there any distance ranges you have to consider before using it?

The cr. strong only works if your opponent screws up his timing. Stick with the standing strong instead.

I read something about if you try to combo in a super flash kick with the new motion, you will get a regular flash kick. You have to use the old motion. Check Guile’s page on

Yes…hi there.****

Just a few posts up from your post and on the same page, no less. :slight_smile:

The only thing i remember about guiles super comboability was that the new motion has a glitch where if a punch button is held or released at the moment of activation, it wont allow the super to come out. I dont know if this was fixed post patch.
In reference to ur post oj it sounds like it can b comboed yet rarely. whats the hubub about tho, just use the new motion 4 aa and the old for combos. on another note if ur charging db and u get crossed up just put in f,uf+k for the perfect crossup defense.

So I’ve had so much trouble comboing into his super but this has helped me a lot. I can do that jab combo now but I still cant do the cross up combo that is the first post in this thread. The one with the c. lk to s. lk to super. Can somone help me out?

Its been an old school tactic since CE, it works against ken and ryu when the opponent trys to jump fierce you or if they try to cross u up when ur standing hit down and strong. When the jump fierce you, take a step forward then hit c.strong.

cool…thanks for that. Another thing that been causing some hastle is fei long players using repeating chicken wings, cos you have to block high you lose your charge, if you are unable to flash kick it then whats the next best option?

If you’re in the corner, the options are limited. I usually use jump back with early Forward to hit Fei if he does a Forward or RH Flying Kick. If Fei is spamming Short Flying Kicks tho, I don’t think j.b.Forward will stop it (maybe j.b.Fierce might work better, haven’t tried that). In that case, I take the hit to keep my down charge and Somersault the next Flying Kick.

If you’re not in the corner, j.b.Forward or Sobat backwards (b.Forward) x 2 will avoid the Flying Kick followed by Sonic Boom or cr.Forward to hit Fei as he lands.

What’s the best way to fight Dee Jay? I’ve been studing the matchup, and it looks like Guile should try to keep DJ just outside of DJ’s jumping rh range. Dj then needs to slide forward to get back into rh range. But in sliding foward, DJ exposes himself to getting hit by Guile’s cr. forward if he follows a boom after neturalizing projectiles. Additionally, Guile can still hit DJ with his jumping rh. Once the fight gets within DJ’s rh range, you have to play guessing games as normal, deciding whether to wait for the jumpin or fireball.

What do you guys think? Agree, disagree?

edit: I’m starting to think the ideal range might be just where DJ’s jumping rh can hit you. That way, you just have to move back a tad before making him land on a sweep. If your any further, its tougher to punish DJ’s slide, and you have to keep giving up alot of space.

After playing the match against DJ more, I belive that you should be far enough away that only the tail end of DJ’s j. rh can hit you. That way, DJ has to wait until he’s late in his jump or he won’t have covered enough horizontal range to hit you. This waiting time combined with Guile’s fast projectile recovery makes it impossible for DJ to hit Guile out of his sonic boom, even if he jumps on anticipation. All you have to do is step back and sweep him if he jumps. For this reason, it is uncommen that DJ will jump from that far away. Consequently, the sliding game (as mentioned above) ensues.

Here’s an additional nugget of info that I find to be quite helpful: From as far as your starting posistions at the beginning of the round, you can jump DJ’s projectile on anticipation and land the following combo-

jumping :hk: + standing :hp: + fierce sonic boom

This is a guaranteed dizzy, allowing you to follow up with one of two combo’s depending if he’s in the corner or not-

corner: jumping :hk: + standing :hp: + fierce sonic boom + backfist

not in corner: jumping :hk: + crouching :mp: xx flash kick

of course there are other combos and variations of these combos, but these seem to be the most reliable and most damaging. Landing the dizzy combo and then one of these is almost a TOD on DJ.

I realize that jumping in on DJ is a bit risky because you could get upkick juggled and then crossed up, but the rewards of a succesful jump in are pretty sweet. Perhaps a more realistic use of this combo is against Dhalsim, as he is the only other projectile character that you can do the initial dizzy combo against if they’re not in the corner.

Looks like I’m the only one who posts here anymore, but its okay, 'cause I like talking to myself =)

I was wondering what’s the best thing to do if you think Bison is going for his body splash after a headstomp? The jumping fierce chop seems like a good counter. I realize it probably depends on whether he crosses you up or not, but should you jumping fierce away or towards Bison after blocking his head stomp? Sac flash kick is also always an option I suppose…


I have a “you didn’t know this” kind of look on my face because I thought this would be obvious…

Crouching fierce. Goes straight up and the only way it’ll miss Dictator’s Skull Diver is if he steers away from you to bait it.

In general, to me, the Skull Diver is just another jumping attack. It just happens to be extra-controllable. In any case, my answer to it is to watch it carefully and then respond with the appropriate anti-air attack.

By the way, if he just Head Stomps and then bounces off of you, that’s a free air throw every time, so any Dictator that knows his character will go into the Skull Diver after a Head Stomp.

By the way…don’t you get enough time to charge a Flash Kick and hit him in some situations?

Are you suggesting using the crouching fierce late to trade?

Also, you can’t get an automatic air throw, provided that the Bison holds either left or right, sending him flying away before you can throw him.

Edit: Also tried out the :db: :d: :df: :mp: :ub: :mp: :k: super combo today, and I found I can get it almost every time. Previously, I had been hitting strong twice, but as long as you move the stick fast enough from :df: tp :ub:, the negative edge gives you the input I guess and you get the combo. This is a great combo, because you can attempt it whenever you have the oppurtunity to do a cr :mp: xx fk. If you don’t get the combo, chances are you’ll get the :mp: and fk to combo anyways.

I can probably offer a point of view on this as i main dictator and guile is one of my alternates, so i know this matchup fairly well.

The skull diver is actually pretty un-controllable once you hit the button to activate it.Like OJ pointed out, once it’s been activated, it’s like just another jumping punch, and it stays out longer depending on what button you hit, but you can’t alter the trajectory of it at all once the button’s been pressed.Once you see the punch, counterattack whatever way you think you should.It’s the part between the “stomp” and the “skull diver” (the punch) that you have to watch out for, that’s the extra-controllable bit where dic can fly around the place at will, and set up lots of tricky shit.As a dictator player i can literally end up anywhere i want on the screen with that, on EITHER side of my opponent, and i can mix up a ton of different options, fakies, crossups, zigzags, throw setups, etc. Guile is definitely a scarier character to pull shit like that off on, because he has so many good anti air options, but if i mix it up and he makes a mistake he’s just as likely to take a hit or trade.

Hi blocking the stomp, foregoing your down charge in the process, and then jump back fierce, strong, or jab is pretty annoying for guile to use against a good dictator, because if dic crosses up you’ll hit him unless he brings out skull diver instantly after crossup anticipating your jump, if he stays on the side he started from you’ll jump clear of him, and if he zigzags or drops straight down for a throw you’re not there anymore.It’s still risky though because there are literally so many options with the skull diver.The LP one is lethal because i can mash LP and hold towards on the D-pad to crossup and immediately bring out a skull diver that will stay active in the air all the way until i land on the ground, and a jumping back guile will just jump right into it.

You can just block whatever dic does if you want, and play it safe and not try to counter, but if i see an opponent blocking everything i do after a stomp i’m just gonna land and throw him instead. To me it’s like a hi/low mixup but instead it’s whether he’s gonna cross you up or not.If you guess wrong you’re probably gonna get hit.

As a guile player in this matchup, keepout games and baiting the headstomp is a big part of my game.The only window bison has to get an air attack in on a good shutout guile is the split second while he hasn’t got a down charge for a flash kick after he throws a boom.All the best guile vs dic matches i play will have loads of sonic boom jump back baiting in them.

Not so, when i bounce off you i can fly away anywhere i like before you’re even out of blockstun if i want, and forego the chance to stay close and mix you up, but if the stomp hits or is blocked and i don’t steer somewhat or use a SD i’m a sitting duck hanging there in the air.There are tons of options for bison in this scenario though, and any bison player worth his salt may or may not use a skull diver, but will never just bounce off you and do nothing, it’s asking to get hit/thrown.

The only way you can do this reliably is if you are willing to take the hit on the headstomp to keep your down charge, cause no bison player is going to hang around in the air above guile long enough to let him get flashkick charge after he hi-block’s the stomp, and it’s risky for guile to take the hit and keep the down charge for a couple of reasons.
First of all if you take the hit on the stomp theres little or no net damage gain to land the flashkick, and a lot more risk or potential to be dizzied if you take a hit or trade with the skull diver.The risk isn’t really worth the reward.You can also fuck up and go the wrong way with the flashkick depending on how bison crosses you up, just like using an early flashkick as a crossup escape vs shotos or whoever.
Secondly, as a bison player if i manage to hit with a headstomp on a crouching guile, i’m going to be happy with my damage and get the hell away from him again while he’s in hitstun rather than risk taking the flashkick i know he still has charged up.Once he figures out what side i’ve gone to, with his new increased range HK Flash he can tag me easily unless i’m outta there ASAFP.

Thanks, that was a really good breakdown. So would you cr. :hp: a skull diver?