F.A.N.G. Match-Ups Thread

I would love the gen jump arc…

Also in this game people jump A LOT. How have you guy been dealing with crossups and losing your back charge for specials?

there are a couple of points that I am a little uneasy about

Opponents who cross you up or attempt to cross you up should be AA’d. Thankfully, capcom has made his button that deal with all angles of jumps. there are circumstances that you will have to take a crossup, but holding down back will keep you charged during their offensive series.

however, In many cases(if not all), its ALRIGHT to lose charge because fang doesn’t have any good charge reversals to begin with: they’re not invulnerable, fast, nor damaging enough for any opponents normals.

but during an opponents offensive ;series, im holding down-back/back to be ready for:
-moves that I can press in between st.lk//st.lp(counter)->mediumXX bomb/lunge
-moves that are unsafe and can punish accordingly

Rashid isn’t so bad if you’re prepared. Remember that the first hit of st.MP is cancelable and an even better poke than cr.MP against standing opponents, and a steady stream of balls/clouds force him to take huge risks until he has VT. Cross ups and dive kick priority are annoying, but those issues have more to do with FANG as a character than Rashid imo.

I would like to add that the first hit of st.MK is an amazing punisher and should be your go-to option for punishing unsafe moves, not jabs.

Ken, Karin, Vega are problems for me, I’m practicing on with the cpu on 8 just to get a feel.

Vega and Chun are big problems for me, and Karin a bit of an issue too. I’m trying to figure some stuff out against Vega now, and have a pretty silly idea for her wall dive stuff.

What about Ken is giving you problems?

I played two online this morning and the first was so so, but the second kept spamming the basic bread and butter tasty combo but that’s my fault for not stuffing it once I realized what was coming. I am determined to main F.A.N.G and make him respectable. It’s this guy I seen whose play type I want to somewhat emulate. He zones but is very aggressive as well.

Ken gives me the most trouble online hands down. I think what my main problem is is I dont know a good way to start the match. If Im far away I get hadoken’ed, but up close Ken is brutal and does heavy damage combos.
Any advice from fellow Fang’s that know how to deal with Ken’s pressure would be appreciated!

I think that, as a general strategy, starting the round by walking backwards and, if the opponent doesn’t throw himself at you, putting a HK poison bomb helps a lot. From there you can try and mount a wall of poison balls and poison clouds that at leas should have the opponent occupied for a few seconds. And depending on his approach, sneaking a command dash in your wall of poison could net you interesting results, like a throw or even better, a st.HK.

That’s my problem as well (and against many other characters). And the bigger problem is, I’m still not sure what reliably stuffs Ken or other moves. Sometimes it seems a st.LP, st.LK, cr.LK or cr.MP would stop them, but other times it just causes me to take a big smack in the face or Crush Countered even more.

Karins and Nashes just walk up to my FANG with no fear of the up-close game. When I’m on the floor they just push me to the corner like I’m a training dummy. I know the idea here is to make them respect your space and fear you, but I really don’t have a good answer for up close encounters. Even EX Dash (get out of jail card) doesn’t work much now because they are wise to it, and can simply jab or throw you out of it.

There’s nothing more humiliating when a 800LP Nash or Karin isn’t even afraid of you and tosses you around like garbage. I never had this much trouble adapting or winning when I was messing around with Dan on SFIV!

@"Time Mage"
Appreciate the tip, next time I play I’ll try it out!

I think I also need to remember to play patient, and analyze more instead of just going in full force. Sometimes against characters for example like R-Mika I can just rush the shit out of them and wreck them with mix-ups, and then I go into a Ken match next with that same mindset and it fails miserably.

Competent Chun is a nightmare. The instant air legs pressure is insane. Can FANG hit her out of that on reaction at all? I was doing pre-emptive sMK to catch her on the way up but that leads me to be whiff punished hard if she decides to not go for that. Sometimes I v-reversal out but that doesn’t really solve the problem. Se walks very fast and has great buttons so she’s harder to zone than most, forget if she has super ready. I can’t find a solid way to keep her out, and getting in is difficult too.

Can c.MK reach her hurtbox during IAL?

Got stuffed when I tried to do that on reaction. May work preemptively, but still exposes you to her superior grounded pokes at the range where IAL seem to be effective. Might work if I hone my reaction times though…

you can contest with cr. hp, it trades at best. it will beat IAL clean if spaced improperly like directly in front of you. you can get out of it with the v-trigger reversal but she’s off recovery and has time to react

Played a Rashid today. Cloud worked well for me after he activated his V-Trigger. It beat his full screen kick move, and I’m guessing it beats his overhead, too.

Tips vs karin?

You can match her in footsies somewhat. She’s one of the characters you can probably jump on a bit easier. Like Laura, when she’s in your face, it really helps to know when to press s.LP to get her off of you.

When she’s in, it can be tough. Remember to use V-Reversal often in this match, or EX Slide. As soon as she cancels a normal into her V-Trigger, if you’re blocking, you can V-Reversal right there and gain that important distance. Set up a wall and run that gauge out as best you can.

She has a 3 frame jab so s.HK pressure won’t be as good. c.MK and Coward Crouch follow up are +2, so you can frame trap her pretty easily with those, and mix in throws. Her defensive options are a bit weak, like F.A.N.G,s so I think the reason most people have trouble with this match up is because they’re perhaps afraid to go in and pressure her back.

What do you people use to punish Nash’s overhead lunge move (and I think Necalli has one too). All I know is, when I block it, they end up too far away, and I momentarily freeze up, not knowing how to punish that. Their body is too far away to throw, and they seem to recover fast enough before I can stick out a normal attack. One Nash kept using it with complex combos and I couldn’t figure out how to deal with it :o

Rashid and Laura have an overhead attack but it’s not too bad since they end up close to you, and you have many ways of dealing with their whiff.

How to deal with constant cross up j.MK from Ryu/Nash/Laura? I can’t find a good AA to beat it.