Extremely Random: CvS2 Quiz Tournament!

Sweet. The front page of your website looked like one of those automatically generated pages that get posted when domains expire. When that happens it’s always expensive to buy it back from whatever company picked it up.

So when a relevant question pops up, are we allowed to mention your website again? For a while it was top secret or something …

Buk according to the book the standard grab range is 52 pixels is that wrong aswell?

POscrub rocks shine knuckle can punish it…

im pretty sure it’s measured as the distance between the edge of both characters’ collision boxes, e.g. push each other, move 52 pixels back and throw them. if the throw ranges were measured from the characters’ centers, then you’d have raiden’s throw range actually not be all that special (when it definitely is gigantic) and chang’s throw range be puny

interesting, i’ll test it later. you get an e-thumbs up

if you’re talking about max range hibiki slash, it cant. only balrog gigaton blow

  1. Which background stage supposedly “slows down” while Bison is performing his corner CC?
    This will probably never be confirmed, but it’s supposedly the windmill stage. the point of the question was to bring up the point that some people think (and still think) that there are stage differences. me? i don’t use bison so i couldn’t care less

  2. When Ino won Evo 2k4 against Daigo, what was printed on the front of his shirt?
    in all caps, “JESUS DIED FOR YOU” (and your inability to roll cancel)

  3. Which character(s) can combo off of their manual overheads? (this excludes usage of CCs, Rolento knives, etc. …and my crazy definition of manual overhead is an overhead that you can’t airblock) Please list every example you can think of.
    a lot of people seemed to have missed my criteria of overheads having to be un-airblockable, sigh

kim’s stance overhead leaves him at +5, which makes it pretty easy to link low short, stand short xx rushy super after it. this is pretty common actually

kim’s normal overhead (f+rh) can be comboed after in a few different ways, though these are all a lot less practical:
-overhead, go into stance, kara cancel jab into rushy super (really hard)
-overhead, go into stance, kara cancel jab into launcher super (stupid impossible hard)
-overhead hits counterhit, link stance jab and cancel into whatever you want

also, hibiki dp+k (which most people got), and kyo’s 2nd overhead rekka into ground pound

maj gets an e-hug for successfully finding a loophole and mentioning that ken can juggle off of his funky kick overheads

a small number of characters can theoretically do a meatiest-possible overhead, then performing a one-frame link into standing jab xx whatever, but i’m glad nobody except maj brought up that possibility (and therefore made me have to test it)

  1. Which character(s) Alpha Counters leave them at +10 frame advantage on block?
    rolento, yuri. everybody forgets yuri :<

  2. Not counting OTGs, Rolento knives, tech throw glitches or any other craziness, which character can do the most guaranteed damage off of a throw? (please also list the combo and the amount of damage)
    c-iori vs rolento: command grab, walk up a little, close jab, close fierce xx level 2 rushy super, cancel on the first hit into level 1 pillar super, j.fierce, close fierce xx fierce DP (dizzy). j.fierce, close jab, close fierce xx fierce rekkas = somewhere over 10000 damage

a-todo: command grab, CC, [s.HP, c.HP, c.HP, s.HP… until 10 hits], [s.HP xx jab wave, c.HP xx jab wave] x N, jab wave xx level 1 wave super = 10000+ damage

k-todo: command grab, walk up, close strong, low fierce xx level 3 wave super = 10000 damage

  1. Which two Japanese players did Buktooth defeat at Evo 2k6? :smiley:
    this was obviously a joke where i’m blatantly self-promoting myself like an aspiring bay area rapper, but the answer is nuki and daigo

…but seriously HOW COOL IS THAT THOUGH who else can say they eliminated both of those niggas from the same tourney right RIGHT??

  1. Which character(s) do the 2p Cross Up Glitch NOT work on normally?
    a lot more people remembered this than i thought would, the answer is hibiki

  2. Other than being susceptible to OTG grabs, what is the A-Groove-related glitch that only works with Dan?
    i was surprised how many people remembered this too. you can throw dan out of the invincible part of his CC activation unless he umm, jump installs it like GG

  3. How does one perform the ‘glitched’ Bison headstomp?
    this was an easy question, but i just want to bring up the glitched headstomp again so that maybe more people will begin using it. a number of people had sort of an idea how to do it, but answered it wrong still

the correct way to do it is to do a headstomp, pick a direction to fly off and hold it, then after bison steps on the dude and pops up to the apex of his bounce, let the stick go to neutral

  1. Which character(s) may be juggled much lower to the ground than is normally possible?

chun li, cammy, guile. cammy and guile can’t be juggled as low as chun, but there’s still a lot of stuff you can do to them that can’t be done normally

That iori combo was the one I was talking about testing… But I’m lame and never got around too it.

what’s so good about the bison glitched headstomp?

its way way way harder to punish. cause he goes flying so far away… not impossible but much harder.

Dang, the first two are hella sexy. Somebody needs to put those in a video, ASAP!

Yeah those links are HARD. If any meaty overhead combos do exist, i don’t even want credit for mentioning them. I dunno why they made CvS2 overheads so laggy. I guess the CvS2 overhead policy is “make them impossible to combo off of, but give them hellllluva range.” Almost all of them are negative on the frame advantage. And the closer you get to decent numbers, the smaller the active frame range gets, which means less room for decent meaty.

Kim’s alternate stance overhead is really good though. You definately don’t need meaty for that. I got kinda mixed up on that one, even though i’ve made combo clips using that as non-meaty.

Kyo ground pound combo was obvious. Dunno why more people didn’t mention that. Maybe TOO obvious?

Actually C-Hibiki has a way of juggling off her overhead too, but i don’t think it qualifies as a valid answer to the question because the setups are too limited. You need corner plus opponent in the air plus exact spacing plus one-frame timing. But it looks cool.

  1. easy, easy and Haohmaru

aaaaaand Beni

lol wtf Rock has a 2 frame close forward… haha the cvs2 bible is pretty cool, if only someone could translate the stuff they have at the bottom of the pages

and how about Chun Li? corner: d/f+hk xx Kikoshou

First is that even an overhead? I don’t remember but I don’t think it is… And also it can be airblocked if you read the question he says not airblockable!!!

well, it’s an overhead. Judging by her movement, I guess it’s airblockable, sorry then

it also lets him get out of the corner much more safely than a random psycho crusher, and functions as a relatively safe attack which builds a large chunk of meter for bison. also, headstomp becoming really good in turn makes its companion move, the devil’s reverse, much better

i’m fairly sure i’ve seen kim overhead kara cancel into launcher super in a video before. i think it was in requiem?

this is not an overhead, and it’s also air-blockable

has any1 gotten it completely correct yet?

Just FYI, dash back rapes Headstomp attempts. Bison will just stomp the air infront, then land, and you can combo his kneepads off.

  1. What is the resulting frame disadvantage for Sagat if his low fierce is JDed? 3 frames

  2. Which character(s) does Cammy have a special intro with? vice

  3. Which character(s) can gain substantial frame advantage from their normal projectile, but only if the opponent is crouching? making up lies and shit

  4. What color does Japanese player Iyo choose for his Rolento? fruity magenta

  5. Which formerly-prolific CvS2 forums poster once criticized the usefulness of a move because it carried a -1 frame disadvantage? KCXJ

  6. The top 8 CvS2 players at the first SBO were Daigo, Ino, Dan, Otaku, Version, Aojiru Guile, Tokido, and one other player. Who is the missing player? Nuki

  7. Which character(s) do not require ‘assistance’ from their opponent to perform the Tech Throw Glitch? Raiden

  8. Which super(s) can always punish Hibiki’s strong slash attack on hit or block, regardless of range? Big psycho crusher, cammy super, rock super, guile super, blanka super.

  9. What is the name of Gunter’s site, which contains CvS2 information? namonaki

  10. Which character(s) have shorter throw range than the rest of the cast? hibiki, that bitch sucks

  11. Which background stage supposedly “slows down” while Bison is performing his corner CC? ice?

  12. When Ino won Evo 2k4 against Daigo, what was printed on the front of his shirt? Jesus Died for you

  13. Which character(s) can combo off of their manual overheads? (this excludes usage of CCs, Rolento knives, etc. …and my crazy definition of manual overhead is an overhead that you can’t airblock) Please list every example you can think of. hibiki’s stupid overhead move

  14. Which character(s) Alpha Counters leave them at +10 frame advantage on block? rolento/sim

  15. Not counting OTGs, Rolento knives, tech throw glitches or any other craziness, which character can do the most guaranteed damage off of a throw? (please also list the combo and the amount of damage) rock and hibiki. Rock can do 360, fireblast, stand rh cancel into lvl 2 rising storm whiff counter, sweep into lvl 1 rising storm. hibiki can do custom off that shit but i don’t think it takes off as much.

  16. Which two Japanese players did Buktooth defeat at Evo 2k6? :smiley: Nuki and Daigo

  17. Which character(s) do the 2p Cross Up Glitch NOT work on normally? rolento/dan?

  18. Other than being susceptible to OTG grabs, what is the A-Groove-related glitch that only works with Dan? dan sucks

  19. How does one perform the ‘glitched’ Bison headstomp? do that shit meaty as fuck and stupid bison doesn’t bounce up, he just lands and combos you. The other glitch is after stomp when you hold one direction and let go aka, flying crazy all over the screen

  20. Which character(s) may be juggled much lower to the ground than is normally possible? chun li and CAMMY. Cammy is one specific example (i think bison can sweep her to juggle or something) that i found with Kim one day while mashing.

  21. Which now-defunct website did Buktooth’s Frame Data Trainer guide first debut on? www.video-opera.com or that shitty combo site that tragic had that never worked.

  22. At Evo 2k2, who was Tokido’s reserve character to pull out against K-Groove players? honda

  23. Which character(s) have two-frame low jabs? chun and bison

  24. Which character(s) CANNOT be crossed up by Cammy’s jumping short kick while crouching? (excluding crazy-meaty set ups). iori/sakura

  25. Utilizing an exploit (not so much a glitch), which character(s) can theoretically ‘stick to the wall’ indefinitely? the sweet deceptive ninja

  26. How do you perform Joe’s ‘Baku-Cancel’? (knowing what a Baku-Cancel is is part of the question) combo off the 4th hit of the strong hands by tapping the buttons in whatever rythym you use.

  27. Which Southern-California former player was affectionately referred to as “P-Daddy”? Geo?

  28. Who released the first-ever full-length CvS2 combo video? What was it called? (and I have a nagging feeling I might be wrong here) Sai-rec/harvest

  29. Who does Midwest player VDO always choose as his ratio 2 character? Dude alternates between geese and raiden, i played him at ecc and he used both

  30. Which character gets up off of the ground at the slowest rate? rugal

edit: you can thank me later

haohmaru doesnt hjave a 2 frame jab… the only chars with c.jab thats 2 frames is bison, chun li, and beni. thats it.

Edit: wait! nvm, you’re right hoahmaru does have a 2 frame jab. my mistake.

i think ryu has a two frame low jab, keith on the other hand has a 20 frame low jab

ryu doesnt have a 2 frame jab. its 3.