Extremely Random: CvS2 Quiz Tournament!

lol, 'preciate it.

i should probably fill this out soon.

i’ve played VDO a lot, and he scrolls random select, looks up to the sky, and slaps a button aka RANDOM SELECT for his ratio 2 between raiden/yama/geese/haohmaru/etc. if VDO picked good P-characters like cammy and kyo and played them consistently, he would destroy people. too good.

and you do the glitched bison headstomp by making contact, putting the stick to neutral, and holding the direction that you want to go a second later at the peak of his jump.


baku cancel? press jab + fierce twice, you get huge frame advangate. link low RH for the knockdown, CC, whatever.too bad it’s joe, otherwise he’d be the next A-blanka.


  1. Which character(s) do not require ‘assistance’ from their opponent to perform the Tech Throw Glitch?

Charlie and Keith

WTF? I ain’t gonna autograph no comet crunchers!

I will jizz on some meat mashers for Gene, though.

Campbell…wtf was randomly hurting that caused you to lose sleep?

Keith, you can get head from Gene anytime he’s in NorCal.

  1. any character that initiated the throw? I know vice can.

  2. Todo… Maybe Vice if you do the drag throw then sai-rec the shit out of them?

am i known to give head or some shit? i dont do that nasty ass shit. god damn


no, you’re not known for it. i haven’t been telling people.

Oh…my bad.

I didn’t know that was a secret thing…

so when do I get my prize lol

Here’s another question:

  1. What’s the lyrics to the music played on the beer stage? Click here for mp3 download page: http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/2441/26

Do you have anymore of CvS2 tracks?

I do… but you gotta answer question 31 first.

ok, as stated, test was probably a lot harder than i should’ve made it. but again, remember it was also supposed to be educational as well as umm… a dumb way to kill time

the vast majority of these answers have been archived somewhere on the internet, by me. most of these can actually be found just in my systems guide faq

little bit at a time:

  1. What is the resulting frame disadvantage for Sagat if his low fierce is JDed?
    -3. This was the first move i tested when trying to figure out the formula for JD guardstun. -3 is pretty much safe, but a k-sagat player can go for (2 frame) standing jab, link low forward and see what happens

  2. Which character(s) does Cammy have a special intro with?
    vice. vega and benimaru technically have special intros with her also, but they have the same special intro with every female character. i still awarded a point for any of these answers, though

  3. Which character(s) can gain substantial frame advantage from their normal projectile, but only if the opponent is crouching?
    i was mainly thinking kyosuke here, where he can get like +15 or something ridiculous if you’re crouching, but maj brought up a good point with the air fireballs. so the question is, is an extra +1 or 2 from crouching the air fireball enough to be considered a ‘substantial’ gain? shrug

  4. What color does Japanese player Iyo choose for his Rolento?
    purple, because that’s the color real G’s pick

  5. Which formerly-prolific CvS2 forums poster once criticized the usefulness of a move because it carried a -1 frame disadvantage?
    haha, i’ve given plenty of forum posters a hard time, but im pretty sure it’s always been in good fun. with that said, a few years back kcxj had just gotten his hands on a cvs2 book, and i guess whatever he saw inside just blew his mind. for a good long period of time it was all ‘this move is awesome look it’s +3’ etc. one time, he made a statement which i personally thought was hilarious, which was something to the effect of “chun’s standing strong isn’t even that good, it’s -1!”. i think kang was mad at me for like a year or something for making fun of him too, haha

  6. The top 8 CvS2 players at the first SBO were Daigo, Ino, Dan, Otaku, Version, Aojiru Guile, Tokido, and one other player. Who is the missing player?
    morikawa, a-hibiki bison blanka. morikawa was realllllly close to eliminating tokido from sbo1, but tokido managed to pull some really ugly bison comeback that really should never have happened

the next year for sbo morikawa got pulled out of retirement to play on iyo’s and version’s team. they got sawada’s team first round, morikawa goes back into retirement, haha

  1. Which character(s) do not require ‘assistance’ from their opponent to perform the Tech Throw Glitch?
    i haven’t messed with the tech throw glitch in a while, but as far as i know only raiden can do cool stuff without the opponent also doing reversal glitchy moves:

  2. reversal dp+k sends opponents to ‘the underworld’

  3. reversal 720+k instantly puts raiden behind the opponent at point blank range

  4. Which super(s) can always punish Hibiki’s strong slash attack on hit or block, regardless of range?

everybody got this wrong. at max range, only balrog’s gigaton blow can punish a hibiki slash. yes, this includes cammy super and rock super. whoever wrote sonic hurricane and blanka super are like, extra wrong. you can actually combo 3 shorts, jab xx slash and still be able to block the blanka super if you do it right. sonic hurricane doesn’t even reach if you do the combo normally

  1. What is the name of Gunter’s site, which contains CvS2 information?
    namonaki.com is a really under-appreciated site for cvs2 players: it’s got all the frame data laid out all pretty and easy to read, tons of pictures, lots of agroove combos for every character… in many ways it’s a better resource than the cvs2 book because of its accessability

EDIT: apparently gunter took the entire site down?

  1. Which character(s) have shorter throw range than the rest of the cast?
    this is a fun one. these characters have shorter than the standard 52-pixel throwing range (they’re probably all 44 pixels):


the cvs2 book is straight up wrong on all of these characters except hibiki and yun. these were all tested with the “get point blank, make then block a jab, then try to throw them in the opposite direction” test. none of these characters can do it

more later.

Personally i think my answer deserves partial credit on this one.

Dude it’s gotta be more than that. As an extreme case, consider Sagat. The height difference between him standing and him crouching is huge. It’s gotta take at least 5 frames longer for an air fireball to reach crouching Sagat than standing Sagat. Of course you can use horizontal spacing to make sure that the fireball hits at the last possible moment even against standing Sagat, but then again horizontal spacing ruins the Kyosuke example too. If you do it from far enough, it won’t make a difference if the opponent is standing or crouching.

You’re probably right. Otherwise we’d see more characters using it in random Japanese match videos aside from Raiden. For some reason i thought of Vice but all of hers probably require assistance. On the other hand, there’s probably some random character nobody plays who has another one, like King or Dan or something.

If you’re gonna talk shit about Sonic Hurricane, you may as well give people some false info too. Just to increase your chances of winning matches. Tell people that like, Guile’s lvl1 Total Wipeout can always punish Hibiki slash combos, but only in tournaments.

Looks like he forgot to pay his domain registration fee. I don’t think it’s ever coming back. Made me sad too.

Isn’t that based on some ambiguous definition like “from one character’s center to the other’s center”? Seems like most of the characters on that list are fat. Balrog used to be a fat character in the CPS1 SF2 games but then they gave him kind of a fucked up hitbox, making him more difficult to hit than it looks. Maybe his “center” is positioned further back on his sprite.


Umm, seems like you took Buk’s response a little on the personal side?
I mean, there is supposed to be some useless trivia/funny facts that kinda totally defy common sense in here right? I mean, Rock’s Shine Knuckle NOT being able to punish the slash, comes as a complete surprise to me really. I mean come on, everyone knows that super you use to nab silly people throwing fireballs from across the screen right? It’s fast, goes across the screen in a flash, how could it fail? I mean if Shine Knuckle doesn’t work, the is it such a bad thing that Sonic Hurricane doesn’t work? Without a doubt, both Sonic Hurricane and super Blanka ball come to mind immediately in any fast supers contest. Trivia knowledge here is just how far back is Hibiki when she does that slash anyway? And if you don’t play Hibiki (and I doubt you’ve played CvS2 for a long time Maj?), how would know the pushback on her combo is that good?

As for the other stuff: I think you’re thinking too deep, and too good at finding loopholes :D. I mean, think about how the question was written. Kyosuke doesn’t get much play, due to his reputation for being the worst character in the game? (hey, at least with King, you can roll and throw!) So… how about asking a question about his fireballs properties? That nice split projectile landing late => “oooh, exploitable”. What’s the easiest way to make it land late? Crouching. Ah, and when you write the question, you don’t wanna give away the character too easy right? I mean, any addendum you slap on will probably make it painfully obvious that’s it Kyosuke right? To be honest, I can’t think of a simple way to ask the question, without having some loophole in it. You definitely don’t want to allow anything that lets you say throw a slow power wave, and run/jump across screens to get “frame advantage” or anything silly. And you dont’ wanna spend 5 years wording up a question either right?

As for me, I answered the WRONG question. See initially, I was like, oh, he said strong slash, because everyone knows Bison scissor kicks can punish the jab one right? So, off I go training mode. And the first time I did the dummy recording, I mashed out the shorts, jab, strong slash. Then I remembered, Ah yes, if you link the shorts, and don’t chain them, you get more pushback! So I gave myself a mental pat on the back, rerecorded Hibiki doing the combo, then started testing. Sadly though, I forgot the question wasn’t about seeing what can hit back Hibiki’s B&B when done perfectly. It was asking for MAX range slash. I’m betting a lot of trivia testers would’ve just gone for the cr. short x3 combo to try and hit back the slash, because how else do you set up a max range slash? See, if you wanted to get the right answer to this question, you’d have to do something like set the dummy to run you into the corner (so it’s now a fixed distance), step back, and by trial and error find the max range of the slash, and try to hit THAT back.

For the record, Dhalsim’s fierce can hit back cr. shortx3 even when done perfectly, but fails against max range strong slash, because it’s OUT OF RANGE. Buk, you sneaky bum, my attempt to find a loophole has failed :frowning:

Have the opopnent tech vice’s throw, then reversal nailbomb. It makes a teleport happen on ps2 at least.

No, not at all. In my initial response i said that Sonic Hurricane isn’t a good counter to Hibiki’s slash. That stuff about Total Wipeout was a joke. No drama between Buk and me, ever. I’m not taking this seriously at all. Just bouncing ideas back and forth. To me, it’s like, why bother posting if i don’t have something original to say? Besides, i think i covered all the possibilities in my previous posts. I said i thought it was a great quiz, i said i was just answering off the top of my head, and i said that i didn’t really want to win. So i’m surprised that it’s not obvious that i’m just kidding around.

Fun thread! A lot of CVS lore is long buried, so it’s fun to see a bunch of it compiled in one place. The throw range trivia was very interesting. Is there anything else in the data book that’s way off?

The answer to all of the above is:


I did? News to me…
